First Regression Equation

Variables Entered/Removedb /
Model / Variables Entered / Variables Removed / Method /
1 / Clinical judgment of depression / . / Enter /
a. All requested variables entered.
b. Dependent Variable: Number of relapses
Model Summary /
Model / R / R Square / Adjusted R Square / Std. Error of the Estimate /
1 / .085a / .007 / -.001 / 4.103 /
a. Predictors: (Constant), Clinical judgment of depression
Model / Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. /
1 / Regression / 14.497 / 1 / 14.497 / .861 / .355a /
Residual / 1986.803 / 118 / 16.837 /
Total / 2001.300 / 119 /
a. Predictors: (Constant), Clinical judgment of depression
b. Dependent Variable: Number of relapses
Coefficientsa /
Model / Unstandardized Coefficients / Standardized Coefficients / t / Sig. /
B / Std. Error / Beta /
1 / (Constant) / 3.964 / 1.332 / 2.975 / .004 /
Clinical judgment of depression / .013 / .014 / .085 / .928 / .355 /
a. Dependent Variable: Number of relapses

Second Regression Equation

Variables Entered/Removedb /
Model / Variables Entered / Variables Removed / Method /
1 / Propensity for substance abuse, Perception of social support / . / Enter /
a. All requested variables entered.
b. Dependent Variable: Clinical judgment of depression
Model Summary /
Model / R / R Square / Adjusted R Square / Std. Error of the Estimate /
1 / .309a / .096 / .080 / 25.287 /
a. Predictors: (Constant), Propensity for substance abuse, Perception of social support
Model / Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. /
1 / Regression / 7903.602 / 2 / 3951.801 / 6.180 / .003a /
Residual / 74810.989 / 117 / 639.410 /
Total / 82714.592 / 119 /
a. Predictors: (Constant), Propensity for substance abuse, Perception of social support
b. Dependent Variable: Clinical judgment of depression
Coefficientsa /
Model / Unstandardized Coefficients / Standardized Coefficients / t / Sig. /
B / Std. Error / Beta /
1 / (Constant) / 122.028 / 18.119 / 6.735 / .000 /
Perception of social support / .534 / .906 / .052 / .589 / .557 /
Propensity for substance abuse / -3.111 / .887 / -.310 / -3.508 / .001 /
a. Dependent Variable: Clinical judgment of depression

Third Regression Equation

Variables Entered/Removedb /
Model / Variables Entered / Variables Removed / Method /
1 / Amount of daily stress, Perception of social support / . / Enter /
a. All requested variables entered.
b. Dependent Variable: Propensity for substance abuse
Model Summary /
Model / R / R Square / Adjusted R Square / Std. Error of the Estimate /
1 / .303a / .092 / .076 / 2.525 /
a. Predictors: (Constant), Amount of daily stress, Perception of social support
Model / Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. /
1 / Regression / 75.424 / 2 / 37.712 / 5.914 / .004a /
Residual / 746.043 / 117 / 6.376 /
Total / 821.467 / 119 /
a. Predictors: (Constant), Amount of daily stress, Perception of social support
b. Dependent Variable: Propensity for substance abuse
Coefficientsa /
Model / Unstandardized Coefficients / Standardized Coefficients / t / Sig. /
B / Std. Error / Beta /
1 / (Constant) / 11.698 / 1.494 / 7.830 / .000 /
Perception of social support / -.001 / .096 / -.001 / -.008 / .993 /
Amount of daily stress / .314 / .097 / .303 / 3.242 / .002 /
a. Dependent Variable: Propensity for substance abuse

Fourth Regression Equation

Variables Entered/Removedb /
Model / Variables Entered / Variables Removed / Method /
1 / Amount of daily stress / . / Enter /
a. All requested variables entered.
b. Dependent Variable: Perception of social support
Model Summary /
Model / R / R Square / Adjusted R Square / Std. Error of the Estimate /
1 / .336a / .113 / .105 / 2.431 /
a. Predictors: (Constant), Amount of daily stress
Model / Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig. /
1 / Regression / 88.750 / 1 / 88.750 / 15.012 / .000a /
Residual / 697.616 / 118 / 5.912 /
Total / 786.367 / 119 /
a. Predictors: (Constant), Amount of daily stress
b. Dependent Variable: Perception of social support
Coefficientsa /
Model / Unstandardized Coefficients / Standardized Coefficients / t / Sig. /
B / Std. Error / Beta /
1 / (Constant) / 14.705 / .487 / 30.214 / .000 /
Amount of daily stress / .341 / .088 / .336 / 3.875 / .000 /
a. Dependent Variable: Perception of social support