Rother District Council Agenda Item: 6.3
Report to-Improvement & Resources Overview Scrutiny Committee
Date-14 June 2010
Report of the-Chief Executive
Subject-Place Survey Action Plan Progress Report
Recommendation: It be RESOLVED that the progress report for the Place Survey Action Plan be noted.
Head of Service: Brenda Mason
1. At its meeting in September 2009 the Improvement Resources Overview Scrutiny Committee approved a draft action plan for the key findings of the Place Survey 2008 and recommended the plan to Cabinet. It was agreed at the time that the Committee would monitor progress and that is the purpose of this report. Cabinet considered and agreed the action plan on 2 November 2009.
Priorities from the 2008 Place Survey
2.The following areas were the highest scoring priorities:
- Local public services acting on the concerns of residents;
- Overall satisfaction with the way that Rother District Council runs things and whether the Council provides value for money;
- Waste and recycling: satisfaction;
- Theatres and concert halls: satisfaction; and
- Sport and leisure facilities provided by the Councilboth level of satisfaction and attendance or visits.
3.In addition, Memberstook into account the topareas that needed improving:
- Road and pavement repairs and traffic congestion;
- Activities for teenagers;
- Affordable housing; and
- Public transport.
The Action Plan
4.The action plan is attached as Appendix A to this report and progress reports are included for each action. It should be noted that the action plan must be substantially completed by September 2010 in order to have any influence on the results of the next Place Survey. The 2010 Place Survey will be sent out to residents between September and December 2010.
5.The main achievement of the action plan is a significant improvement in opportunities for physical activity. Improved local play areas and new multi-use games areaswill be delivered across the district.
6.The provision of play areas meets our objective for enhancing the feeling of safety because it provides places for young people to meet safely. The better quality of play areas meets our objectives of enhancing community pride and the quality of the environment. “Activities for teenagers” was the most popularly selected area for improvement by residents (when asked for the top five things that needed improving in their area). The improvements bring more activities for younger and older teenagers with play equipment and recreation areas suitable for their age group and, in addition, will address residents’ satisfaction levels with sport and leisure facilities provided by the Council.
7.We can conclude that substantial parts of the action plan have been delivered or are on target for full delivery by September 2010.
Derek Stevens
Chief Executive
Risk Assessment Statement
There is a strategic reputational risk that the Council fails to learn from the survey and act on its findings. The purpose of this report is to mitigate those risks.
IR100614 – Place Survey
Appendix A
Action / Progress Report / Responsible Service / Final Deadline or Due DateLocal public services act on the
concerns of residents
1 a)Continue the work of the Member Development Task Group,
b) Investigating the improved use of scrutiny and participation processes, focussing on value for money issues. / On target: The Member Development Task Group (MDTG)has encouraged Members to attend external scrutiny committees of other local authorities who perform well at Scrutiny. Councillor Davies has attended an external scrutiny meeting at MaidstoneBC and has reported to both the MDTG and the Scrutiny of Scrutiny Steering Group. The Member Development Task Group recognises the importance of training elected Members in the scrutiny role and during the last financial year the Member Training Budget funded 2 Members to attend a residential scrutiny training event at WarwickBusinessSchool which has been subject to evaluation.
The Scrutiny of Scrutiny Steering Group has so far met on 3 occasions and has been set up to review the scrutiny function at Rother and report back to its parent Committee in due course. It is due to meet next on 24 May and to consider various options for change suggested by Members. / Corporate Services / September 2010
2) Consolidate work of the Citizens Panel and further enhance customer research activity, including consultation. / On target: The Rother Citizens Panel has been consulted on the Council’s budget; the draft Regeneration Strategy; and also a survey on perceptions of the Council and contacting the Council for services. Panel members living in Bexhill were sent the consultation survey for the Bexhill Local Action Plan and information on public meetings. A recruitment exercise planned in 2010 should keep the membership in line with local demographics for age, gender, ethnicity and disability and where they live. This makesany research using the Panel more accurate and representative of all local residents’ views. / Policy & Performance / September 2010
3) Communications: using the website and Rother Views to communicate our response to citizens’ concerns. / On target: Rother Views: Since September 2009 the Council has issued two further copies of Rother Views which informed local residents about new and planned play areas; Bexhill Museum; sport and recreation opportunities; the Community Grant fund; waste and recycling;Next Wave; our response to the recession (including Trailblazer); free swimming for over 60s; events and cultural activities (including the De La Warr Pavilion); affordable housing;how to get on-line access to the Council; the local strategic partnership; and claiming benefits. Copies are available on our website. The website is being re-designed and updated in order to make it more accessible and easier to use to find information and services. / Policy & Performance, Technology / September 2010
4) Explore with our partners joint approaches to resident engagement / On target: Working in partnership has provided a joint training programme to develop best practice in consultation and community engagement, reducing our costs and also providing opportunities to network. Sussex public organisations are considering more ways to share resources. / Policy & Performance / September 2010
Overall Satisfaction with the Council and Value for Money
1) A training programme on media training and communications skills. / Completed: Members and officers have received media training and communication skills. / Corporate Services,
Policy & Performance / April 2010
2) Value for Money Strategy: deliver our action plan. / The Value for Money strategy’s action plan continues to be delivered. / Finance / September 2010
3) Communicate value for money measures, savings and efficiencies such as through partnership working. / On target: The Council Tax leaflet 2010, sent to payers in February, included statements on savings and efficiencies. A new design, well received, made the way that the Council is funded and Council tax data much clearer and easier to read. / Finance, Policy & Performance / September 2010
Waste and Recycling: satisfaction
1) Communication programme - recycling rates, the benefits and promoting how and where to recycle. / On target: Waste and recycling information has been promoted in Rother Views, the Council’s website, media
releases and direct mailing to households. This included a
calendar for collection days. / Amenities / September 2010
Theatres and Concert Halls: Satisfaction
1) Run the 2009 De La Warr Pavilion Residents Satisfaction Survey and discuss the findings and the detailed Place Survey findings with the Pavilion Trust. / Completed: The survey was sent to 3000 randomly selected Council tax payers in November 2009. The resulting final report has been discussed with representatives of the Pavilion Trust and will be reported to the Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee in June. / Amenities:
Leisure/Arts / March 2010
2) Increase the quality of the concert hall offer in Rother through the Communities Grants Scheme when supporting the provision of village halls. Consider an analysis of the theatre and concert hall provision available to local communities. / No progress: there is no progress to report in this area. No opportunities have arisen in the Communities Grant Scheme to improve theatre and concert hall provision in village halls.The grant scheme prioritises identified needs in local action plans. / Amenities/Policy & Performance / September 2010
4) An evaluation on whether to add cultural aspects to the Core Strategy for Bexhill and Rye. / On target: The Core Strategy is to be presented to Cabinet in September 2010 and it will include cultural aspects. / Planning policy / September 2010
Sport and Leisure Facilities: Satisfaction and Attendance and Activities for Teenagers
1) Improving play facilities as planned for 2009 and 2010. / On target: Since September 2009 the following play areas have been improved:
- Toddler and young children play area refurbished in Pebsham to complement facilities provided for teenagers.
- Sidley recreation ground, with extensive consultation working with two local primary schools with inter-active curriculum-linked sessions in schools, public open events, displays and on-site, peer consultation and postal survey consultation. (Official opening 29 May).
- Additions to Battle recreation ground and further planned improvements in partnership with Battle Town Council, etc.
2) Kick-about areas - Priority Project EP06 / On target: In 2009 one kick about area was purchased and a further area has been ordered with completion in 2010. / Amenities: Parks / September 2010
3) Provide Multi-use Games Areas. Corporate Priority Programme project EP33 – the actions planned for 2009 and 2010 / On target
- One ‘MUGA’ will be at RyeCollege, planning permission granted in January 2010. The tender went out in March. A management and community use agreement will be signed by partners. This facility will be built by September.
- The partners for the MUGA at Battle Recreation Group are Battle Local Action Plan and Battle Town Council. The funding is £10,000 from Battle Town Council and the remainder from Rother District Council, Battle Partnership and Battle Local Action Plan fundraising.Amounts are yet to be confirmed and so are the development dates.
- Our partners for the third Multi-Use Games Area, the Adizone, are Adidas, The Great Outdoor Gym Company, East Sussex County Council, Department for Children, Schools & Families, Partnership for Schools and the Youth Sport Trust. The funding is £75,000 from the DCSF (Government department) and£89,500 from Rother District Council. It will be constructed in EgertonPark, Bexhill, by July 2010 withexercise equipment and recreation areas that can be used by young people and adults of all ages.
Amenities: Parks / September 2010
4) EP16 Support to Youth Activity / On Hold: This project is on hold pending the outcome of the Youth Strategy. / Amenities: Leisure / September 2010
5) EP41 Bexhill Leisure and Community Development, a combined new leisure facility in Bexhill – the actions planned for 2009 and 2010 / On target: The completion of the Rother Leisure Facilities Strategy was in August 2009 and initial site surveys were done by June 2009. The Spatial Master Plan for the Downs site was jointly commissioned by East Sussex County Council & Rother District Council in March 2010. It will be completed by November 2010. The Feasibility Study Stage One will be completed by July 2010. The Feasibility Study Stage Two is to be commissioned by November 2010. / Amenities: Leisure / September 2010
6) EP42 Egerton Park improved facilities – the actions planned for 2009 and 2010 / On target:
The Interreg funding decision was deferred and we were invited to re-submit our bid in December 2009. Play-zone design and procurement, without Interreg will be by the end of October 2010 and with Interreg funding by the end of January 2011.
We’ve planned a programme of works in line with the key areas for improvement in the park including improved access, play-zone, kiosk and lake edges.Additional works completed: 1st phases of 4 year planting renewal programme; extension of the boundary railings; re-painting existing railings; works by the Environment Agency to the seawater storage chamber to address flooding issues; works to improve drainage of rainwater to alleviate problem of standing water on main lawn and paths at times of high rainfall. A premises licence has been obtained. See also the Adizone information above.
The next step is to obtain a planning application decision for enhanced access to the park near to the Children’s Centre, if successful, then construction will be starting in July 2010. / Amenities: Parks / September 2010
7) Continue with EP43 Bexhill Seafront Improvements – Next Wave in 2009 and 2010. / On target: Since September 2009:
- A detailed design has been undertaken for Package ‘A’ (Landscape Works) and Package 'B' (Colonnade, Rowing Club, Metropole Lawn and remaining landscape works) and is underway for Package C.
- English Landscapes are retained as the landscape contractor and have started on site (May 2010). The remaining packages are out to tender.
- Planning permission has been granted for the Rowing Club and the Colonnade.
- The completion of Package ‘A’ (landscape works) will be by October 2010.
- The installation of new shelters will be completed by October 2010.
- The start of Package ‘B’ works (including the new rowing club building, work to the colonnade and the metropole lawn) will be carried out from October 2010.
- In addition, we will capitalise on this investment with a communication and marketing package by September 2010.
- The start of Package C works (including Marina Court Avenue) will be from October 2010.
8) Pebsham Countryside Park EP40 - provide the actions planned for 2009 and 2010 / On target: The Park was promoted at the Town Hall Open Day in October 2009.Design work is under way for the Pebsham Circuit footpath. The submission of a planning application for Pebsham Countryside Park Circuit will be done by autumn 2010.There was a presentation of PebshamCountrysidePark case study findings at seminar in Tunbridge Wells in September 2009 and a photographic exhibition, following on from PebshamCountrysidePark photographic competition, was toured in May 2010.
It is planned to appoint a Community Development Officer in conjunction with Sussex Wildlife Trust by June 2010.There are plans for a public meeting by autumn 2010 to encourage local consultation and involvement.Consideration of the proposals for recreational development of southern part of ActivityPark issues will be done by autumn 2010. / Planning / September 2010
9) Youth Strategy Working group –progress on recommendations / On target: Since September 2009 the Council has been working towards a new Youth Strategy and is currently at the consultation stage. / Policy & Performance / September 2010
The Open Space, Sport and Recreation study’s recommendations for equipment for teenagers.
- New provision in Robertsbridge a priority for the Council,
- New facility in the Westfield area in East Rother.
- New sites in east Bexhill,Little Common, Collington and Gillham Woods.
- A new facility as part of the housing/open space developments in south Battle.
- A new facility as part of new developments south of Rye, in addition to expanding and broadening the range of facilities at current sites.
- Plan for additional health, recreation and community facilities through the LDF.
Robertsbridge play area has been improved.
Westfield play area was improved in 2009.
Pebsham recreation ground was improved in 2009 and the play area in 2010.
Battle Town Council in partnership with RotherDC has new additions to its recreation ground including a car park.
On target:There is open space provision within new development off the Udimore Road, Rye (south of Rye).
On target: the Core Strategy will include a specific section on “community, health and recreation”. The Core Strategy goes to Cabinet in September. / Planning: Policy
Amenities / September 2010
Affordable Housing
1) Major pieces of background evidence gathered:
- Strategic HousingLandAvailability Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Affordable Housing Viability Assessment – working with developers to assess the viability of affordable housing options and on-site delivery.
SHLAA published in March 2010. It gives a detailed examination of almost 500 potential sites to accommodate new housing. SHMA also recently completed, jointly with Hastings Borough Council. The SHMA is a detailed study of the housing market, trends and requirements to 2026.
Affordable Housing Viability Assessment has been commissioned and will be completed to inform the Core Strategy. / Planning: Policy / September 2010
2) Continue with our Corporate Priority Programme projects for affordable housing:
- EP14 Rural Exception Site Development progress on actions planned for 2009 and 2010
- EP50 Affordable Housing: Plans for 2010/11 – progress on actions set out for 2009 and 2010.
EP 14 Rural Exception Sites Housing. Since September 2009
- Parish Housing Needs surveys for Burwash, Northiam & Hurst Green and Pett, Peasmarsh and Rye Foreign.
- Five Parish Site Assessment Reports completed for Brede (second report), Crowhurst, Ewhurst, Westfield and Burwash.
- Fourteen more suitable sites identified for rural exception sites in Brede, Burwash, Ewhurst and Westfield.
- Revised the communication plan for exception site development. By June 2010 a dedicated rural affordable housing web-site including news, photos, press releases, past developments and an opportunity for residents to ‘talk’ to the project teams for their area and an updated pamphlet on rural affordable housing will be available by June 2010.A rural Rother affordable housing video by August 2010 for use at public events to highlight the issues and facts for Rother’s rural communities around affordable housing provision. This exercise is being undertaken in partnership with Lewes and Wealden District Councils.
- A key worker housing policy has been drafted for formal adoption and a wheelchair design brief for developers ha been completed.
- The 2010 Strategic Housing Market Assessment will be carried out by February 2011.
- We have delivered an empty homes pilot scheme to provide options for a strategy document focusing on working in partnership to bring empty homes back into use as affordable housing.
- We will increase the delivery of affordable housing for the financial year 2010/11, in comparison to the results for the last two years (2009/10 and 2008/9).
Road and Pavement Repairs and Traffic Congestion
1) Working with EastSussexCounty Council on Local Area Transport Strategies (LATS). / On target: Traffic modelling has been jointly commissioned by RDC, HBC and ESCC for Bexhill and Hastings. It gives the level of impact of development. Results will inform both the Core Strategy and the Hastings and Bexhill Local Area Transport Strategy. / Planning: Policy / September 2010
2) The Local Development Framework to promote development locations accessible by public transport. / On target: The transport and access chapter of the Core Strategy will emphasize this. / Planning: Policy / September 2010
3) All potential development sites to have their walking distance to bus and rail routes assessed and incorporated as a factor in decision making. / On target: Access to services by public transport was specifically considered in assessing sites in the SHLAA. / Planning: Policy / September 2010
4) Land reserved for new stations at Glyne Gap and Wilting. / Investigations are on-going. / Planning: Policy / September 2010
5) RDC will bring to East Sussex County Council’s attention the results for Rother and seek to enter into a dialogue on how these areas can be improved. / On target: EastSussexCounty Council had full access to all the results of the Place Survey. The Place Survey results across East Sussex are publicly available on the East Sussex in Figures website. / September 2010