AP Biology


Semester 1 Exam Review Guide

Chapters included: 1-6, 17-20, 33-34, 45-49

NOTE: I wrote this assignment to help you. It is not a “due” item. It will not be graded or handed in. It is meant to help you focus your efforts. We will have ONE DAY IN CLASS TO WORK ON THIS. In the meantime, you should work on this on your own time so that you can best use our one review day in class to collaborate with colleagues and get assistance from me.

Part 1: Discuss the relationship between each pair of terms. Be as thorough as you can. Compare? Contrast? One a component of the other? Numbers in parentheses indicate the chapter where you are likely to find more information.

Metabolism, energy (6)

Cellulose, chitin (3)

Plasmolysis, flaccid (5)

Polar covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds (2)

High specific heat, surface tension (2)

Allosteric, cooperativity (6)

Cholesterol, sex hormones (3)

Oligotrophic, nutrients (49)

Rain shadow, desert (49)

Marine snow, upwelling (49)

Net Primary Productivity, photosynthesis (48)

Facilitated diffusion, osmosis (5)

Cytosol, mitochondrial matrix (4)

Alpha helices, hydrogen bonds (3)

Flagella, cilia (4)

Inbreeding, bottleneck (17)

Anabolism, dehydration synthesis (6)

Hydrolysis, polymerization (6)

Pinocytosis, phagocytosis (5)

Glycerol, fatty acids (3)

Fossil record, macroevolution (19)

Homologous Structures, analogous structures (19)

Convergence, Divergence (19)

Neutral mutations, Molecular clock (19)

Comparative biochemistry, comparative embryology (19)

Mutation, evolution (17)

Scientific theory, hypothesis (1)

Variables, constants (1)

Fitness, natural selection (17)

Radioisotopes, tracers (2)

Lysosomes, centrioles (4)

Integral, peripheral (4)

Directional, Stabilizing selection (17)

Microevolution, Macroevolution (17)

Neutral mutation, lethal mutation, natural selection (17)

Adaptive radiation, mass extinction (19)

Biological species concept, speciation (18)

Anagenesis, Cladogenesis (19)

Microtubules, microfilaments (4)

Heat, denaturation (3)

Central vacuole, cell wall (4)

Symbiosis, mutualism (47)

Thermophiles, methanogens (1)

Photoautotrophs, chemoheterotrophs (48)

K-selected populations, r-selected populations (45)

Allopatric, sympatric (speciation) (18)

Prezygotic, postzygotic mechanisms of speciation (18)

Natural Selection, Sexual Selection, Artificial Selection (17)

Nitrogen base, phosphate group (3)

Temporal isolation, gametic isolation (18)

Gradualism, punctuated equilibrium (19)

Gene flow, genetic drift (18)

Bottleneck, Founder effect (18)

Hormones, target cells (33)

Mycorrhizae, lichens (47)

Archaebacteria, Eubacteria (1)

Prokaryote, Eukaryote (1)

Theory of Endosymbiosis, phagocytosis (4, 20)

Theory of Endosymbiosis, mitochondria, chloroplast (4, 20)

K-T Asteroid Impact theory, adaptive radiation (20)

Population, Community, Ecosystem (45,47,48)

Population density, population distribution (45)

Zero population growth, Age structure diagram (45)

Exponential growth, biotic potential (45)

Density Dependent controls, Density Independent controls (45)

Limiting factor, biotic potential, logistic growth (45)

Carrying capacity, logistic growth (45)

Type 1, Type 3 Survivorship curve (45)

Genes, Behavior, natural selection (46)

Instictive behavior, learned behavior (46)

Fixed action pattern, sign stimuli (46)

Imprinting, Associative learning (46)

Classical Conditioning, Operant conditioning (46)

Insight learning, habituation (46)

Selfish behavior, altruistic behavior (46)

Phermone, hormone (46)

Sexual selection, behavior (like courtship display) (46)

Osmosis, Water potential (5)

Aquaporins, water (5)

Buffers, pH (2)

Peptide linkage (3), glycosidic linkage (3)

Glycogen, glycerol, glucose (3)

Ion, ionic bond (2)

Greenhouse effect, carbon (49)

Hydrocarbon, lipids (3)

Monomer, monosaccharide (3)

Coenzymes, enzymes (3,6)

RNA, ribosomes (3, 4)

Nucleotide, ATP (3)

Cytosol, cytoplasm (4)

Chromatin, chromosomes (4)

ER, Golgi (4)

Ribosomes, DNA (4)

Chloroplasts, Mitochondria (4)

Motor proteins, cytoskeleton (4)

Hydrostatic pressure, central vacuole (5)

Biotic potential, exponential growth curve (45)

Entropy, metabolism (6)

Catalysis, enzymes (6)

Phosphorylation, ATP (6)

Metabolic pathway, enzyme (6)

Catalysis, activation energy (6)

Substrate, active site (6)

Catastrophism, uniformity (17)

Part 2: Objectives and questions.

o  Name and describe the characteristics of the 3 Domains and 6 Kingdoms. (1)

o  Know the levels of structural organization of an organism. (1)

o  Know the 6 characteristics of life. (1)

o  Define metabolism and homeostasis and give examples (1)

o  Distinguish between different levels of biological organization—organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere (1, 45-49)

o  How is life classified? (1)

o  How does life exhibit unity and diversity all at the same time? (1)

o  Know the definitions of matter, energy, elements, and atoms. (2)

o  Know the states of matter. (2)

o  Know the 6 elements that make up 99% of the human body. (2)

o  Know the basic structure of an atom (i.e. protons, neutrons, electrons & where they reside; charges). (2)

o  Define and describe atomic number and atomic mass. (2)

o  Know how to identify a specific atom (or element). (2)

o  Distinguish between isotopes and ions. (2)

o  Explain how scientists use isotopes and radioisotopes as tracers (2)

o  Describe the difference between an anion and a cation. (2)

o  Describe the difference between a chemically inert and a chemically reactive element? (2)

o  Distinguish between a molecule and a compound. (2)

o  Describe differences among these types of bonds: ionic, covalent, and hydrogen. (2)

o  Know the characteristics of water that make it important to life. (2)

o  Know the definition of an acid, a base, and a salt. (2)

o  Know what pH measures and explain how the pH scale works (2)

o  Define an organic compound. (3)

o  Name 6 functional groups and what chemical properties they impart to the molecule that possesses them. (3)

o  Know the four major classes of organic compounds. (3)

o  Differentiate between a mono-, di- and polysaccharide (3)

o  Describe the structure and function of carbohydrates. Give examples. (3)

o  Be able to identify and tell the general functions to 3 types of lipids. (3)

o  Identify some general functions of proteins. (3)

o  Identify the building blocks of proteins. (3)

o  Describe the structural hierarchy of proteins and explain why the structure is so important. (3)

o  Be able to identify the structural components of a nucleotide. (3)

o  Be able to name the 5 important nucleotides. (3)

o  Be able to briefly explain why Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is an important nucleotide. (3)

o  Describe the relationship of nucleotides to nucleic acids. (3)

o  Be able to differentiate between the 2 important nucleic acids (3)

o  Identify and describe chemical reactions involved in synthesis and lysis of each of the macromolecules (3)

o  How does the structure of each macromolecule determine it’s function

o  Distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. (4)

o  Tell the differences between generalized plant and animal cells. (4)

o  Identify the 3 components that all cells have (4)

o  Why don’t cells grow to be very large? (4)

o  Explain why the plasma membrane forms a bilayer. (4, 5)

o  Name 3 different types of microscopes and explain how they view the microscopic world differently. (4)

o  Be able to describe the structure and function of the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, cytoskeleton, vesicles, centrioles, flagella, and cilia. (4)

o  Explain how cell organelles work together in a coordinated manner. (4)

o  Describe the various components of the cytoskeleton. (4)

o  Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane. (5)

o  Describe the types of proteins that exist in and on the bilayer and their functions. (5)

o  Be able to describe the basic processes of passive and active membrane

o  transport. (diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis ( differ between isotonic,

o  hypotonic, hypertonic solutions and understand their effects on cell

o  volume), active transport (pumping ), endocytosis [phagocytosis,

o  pinocytosis], exocytosis. ) (5)

o  Expalin why diffusion rates vary. (5)

o  Define water potential and tell why it is considered in plant cells only. (5)

o  Be able to predict direction movement of water due to water potential or osmotic differences. (5)

o  Describe the difference between a synthetic (anabolic) and a decomposition (catabolic) reaction. (6)

o  Distinguish between an exergonic and endergonic reaction. (6)

o  Explain how the induced fit model contributes to enzyme function. (6)

o  Draw and explain energy diagrams (free energy change) (6)

o  Describe how the ATP/ADP cycle works. How is it related to the 1st/2nd laws of thermodynamics (6)

o  Explain HOW enzymes can lower activation energy of chemical reactions (6)

o  Explain how enzyme activity is controlled (allosteric inhibition/activation). (6)

o  Explain how factors like pH, salts, temp, substate concentration, enzyme concentration affect enzyme activity and rate of reaction. (6)

o  Explain how Darwin’s ideas changed the prevalent view of change over time. (17) What and who influenced him? (17)

o  Know how to solve various problems associated with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. (17)

o  List the five factors, and state an example of each, that affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and understand how each can produce evolutionary changes in a population experiencing any one of the five. (17)

o  Explain how antibiotic resistance and pesticide resistance are examples of directional selection. (17)

o  Compare and contrast the founder effect and the bottleneck effect. (17)

o  Distinguish between gene flow and genetic drift (17)

o  Understand the term fitness and all of the considerations that are involved with the concept of fitness. (17)

o  Compare and contrast natural selection and sexual selection. (17)

o  Comprehend what is meant by “the heterozygote advantage,” and explain an example.(17)

o  Describe and be able to graph the examples of the three kinds of selection. (17)

o  Define and differentiate between sympatric and allopatric speciation. (18)

o  Know what is meant by the Biological Species Concept. (18)

o  Differentiate between prezygotic and postzygotic isolating mechanisms. (18)

o  Distinguish between the three types of postzygotic isolating mechanisms. (18)

o  List the six predominant prezygotic isolating mechanisms and give examples of each. (18)

o  Describe of evolutionary information the fossil record provides and how we know that it is reliable. (19)

o  Explain why beak size in Darwin’s finches provides a classic example of evolution by natural selection. (19)

o  Explain how industrial melanism can shift phenotypes within a population as a result of natural selection. (19)

o  Recognize how artificial selection by humans results in evolutionary change. (19)

o  Understand why studies of biogeography, homology (comparative morphology), development (comparative embryology), and vestigial structures provide important information supporting evolution. (19)

o  Explain how the molecular record provides evidence for evolution. (19)

o  Describe and give examples of convergent evolution and analogous structures. (19)

o  Describe the conditions on early earth before and during the evolution of life. (20)

o  -early atmosphere, -energy sources

o  Develop an appreciation for the importance of the Cambrian explosion and mass extinction events as they have led to species diversity. (20)

o  Describe how extinctions during the Cretaceous led to increased opportunities for mammal diversity. (20)

o  Differentiate between gradualism and punctuated equilibria. (20)

o  Understand what constitutes a population. (45)

o  Differentiate among random, uniform, and clumped spacings of populations. (45)

o  Define demography and describe factors that can affect population growth rates. (45)

o  Draw the three types of survivorship curves, explain, and give examples of each. (45)

o  Understand why and how reproductive success is maximized by organisms using different reproductive strategies. (45)

o  Distinguish between of the exponential and logistic growth models and explain the significance to a population’s growth when it experiences either one. (45)

o  Define carrying capacity and understand how it can affect population size. (45)

o  Compare density-dependent and density independent growth regulating effects and give examples of each.

o  Understand the reasons for predator-prey cycles and give examples. (45)

o  Differentiate between r-selected and K-selected life history adaptations. (45)

o  Explain how humans sidestep natural controls on human population growth. (45)

o  Know how to read an age structure diagram and what it implies for future stability or change (45)

o  Understand the evolutionary importance of animal behavior. (46)

o  Distinguish between proximate and ultimate causation and give examples of each. (46)

o  Differentiate among instincts, non-associative learned and associative learned behaviors. (46)

o  Differentiate between insight learning, classical, and operant conditioning. (46)

o  Define imprinting and sensitive phase to explain how behaviors develop. (46)

o  Explain how information is communicated among group members of non-human and humans. Give some examples to illustrate. (46)

o  Define migration and explain why and how migration patterns change over time. (46)

o  Discuss the concept of the stimulus/response chain as it relates to courtship behaviors. Explain why these behaviors are species specific. Give examples. (46)

o  Define behavioral ecology. Understand its association with adaptive significance and fitness. (46)

o  Explain the need for territoriality in animals and the economic risks associated with such behavior. (46)

o  Explain how sexual selection and secondary sexual characteristics affect reproductive competition. (46)

o  Explain how inclusive fitness is related kin selection and under what circumstances it can lead to altruistic behavior. (46)

o  Cite advantages and disadvantages of living in social groups. (46)

o  Know the different types of communication displays—tactile, courtship, threat, (46)

o  Explain the adaptive benefit of illegitimate signalers and illegitimate receivers. (46)

o  Explain the adaptive benefit of signalers and signal receivers. (46)

o  Explain the cost and benefits of parenting (46)

o  Describe the concept of a biological community and be able to cite examples. (47)

o  Explain how an organism’s fundamantal niche differs from its realized niche and the importance of both fit into the organism’s habitat. (47)

o  Describe the effects of interspecific competition and how it can leads to competitive exclusion or species adaptation. (47)

o  Understand how predation affects prey population and ultimately evolution. (47)

o  Understand the principle of competitive exclusion and how there can be niche overlap where both species coexist. (47)

o  Understand the process of co-evolution and its advantages to both participants. (47)

o  Describe how an introduced species or elimination of a predator can perturb predator-prey cycles.(47)