Dear Families,

Welcome to the new 2009-2010 school year. This will be an exciting year for your first grader with lots of new friends and faces and some familiar friends and faces. This year we will have many positive changes and educational experiences. I look forward to fun and productive learning adventures with your child. I would like to let you know a few things about what I expect and believe.

►First grade is challenging and fun with big changes and new experiences!

► First grade is also a big building block in your child’s education. They will have more responsibilities and expectations put on them.

►I believe in positive reinforcement through praise, special attention, and goodies.

►I believe that through teamwork your child will have a successful year with lots of fun, learning, and growth. Parents are the key to their child’s learning success.

I look forward to having your child in my class and a productive, exciting year of learning.


Mrs. Cripe

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at:

Pine Ridge Elementary (352-242-2223) or e-mail at ().

►Our class website can be viewed at:

Then go to the STAFF tab.

►If you would like for me to e-mail you about class stuff just e-mail me at (it’s on the website)

►I use the student agenda for most of my communications. Most communications can be written right in the agenda. (ex ~ changed going home procedures & responses to my notes)

►Please, remember that special office notes (like absentee excuses) need to be on a separate sheet of paper.

►If you would like to reach me by phone you may contact the school (352-242-2223) before and after teaching hours (8:00-8:20 & 3:00-3:30). It is very hard to reach me by phone at any other time.

Behavior is vital to the success of a class so I have developed a classroom discipline plan that helps to give every student guidance in making good choices about her or his behavior. This provides an opportunity to learn in a positive classroom environment. Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for her or his growth, and I know that together we will make a positive outcome in this process. The plan below outlines our classroom rules, positive rewards and consequences for appropriate and inappropriate behavior.

Class Rules:

1. Listen carefully.

2. Follow directions.

3. Work quietly.

4. Respect self and others. (Be kind with words and actions.)

5. Respect school and personal property.

6. Complete work and stay on task.


We have a tropical theme this year so students will lose or gain jars of shells according to their behavior. Each day your child will start with 3 jars of shells.

►For each rule that is broken the child will lose a jar of shells.

If they lose all of their jars they will be sent to the office and you will be contacted.

►For positive, unexpected positive behaviors students can earn shells . Anything over 3 jars is a really good day. These will not be easy to earn.

Severe Clause: If for some reason a child harms self, others, or property the student will visit the principal, she/he will be counseled, and the parent(s) will be contacted.

Positive Rewards might be: earning extra shell jars , going to the treasure box, extra free time, a pleasant letter or call home, and always positive praise.

The first couple of months are usually the hardest and most trying times as this is the time when children will naturally test their limits. It is very important that the discipline plan be taken seriously by students, parents and myself if we are going to have a great year.

I will initial your child’s agenda everyday indicating how their behavior was for that day. I will stamp how many jars of shells your child has for that day (3 jars and over are good days) and any notes I may need you to see. I use agendas as my main source of communication so please check sign agendas daily.

We need and love our volunteers. If you would like to volunteer for our class just let me know when you would like to come in and how I can reach you. You can let me know through an e-mail, a note, or we can discuss it in person.

Volunteers make a huge difference.

Listed below are the supplies that your child will need to bring to class for the beginning of school.

1 — backpack without wheels

1 — pack cap erasers

2— black composition books

1 — 9"x11" clipboard

3 — boxes of 24 crayons

2— 4oz bottles of glue

2 plastic folders ~ green,& yellow (4)

8 — glue sticks (Elmer’s preferred)

3— dozen sharp pencils

1 — pair of 5" scissors (sharp point)

1 — large zippered pencil pouch. I would rather not have pencil boxes.


Wish List:

Colored copy paper

White card stock paper

Gallon size Ziploc bags

Quart size Ziploc bags

Dry erase markers

Extra student supplies (pencils, crayons, glue …)

Baby wipes unscented

Tissue unscented

11x14 manila envelopes

I appreciate all donations.