Chair Report of 2014
Faculty Rating of Administrators
We have sent out a campus wide email message requesting faculty response to the Faculty Rating of Administrators Survey with detailed instructions. The following is the full text of the email is appended. We are still waiting for the statistics of the survey.
Dr. Ling Jun Wang, Professor of Physics
Chair, FRA Committee
Dear Colleague:
The deadline for completing the Faculty Rating of Administrators Survey is Sunday, March 24th.
As a fellow faculty member, I know how crazy this time of year is, but our input in this process is very important.
The Faculty Rating of Administrators is very impotent for the smooth operation of our institution. It helps the problems being solved in the most efficient way, avoiding unnecessary misunderstanding and miscommunication between the faculties and the administrators, providing the best and the most direct reference and guidance to the administrators in their administration. There is no other alternative to this mechanism for objective evaluation of the administrators. Last year the return rate for this survey was only 29.7%. We can do better and I know you will. It is very important that we, as a university community, work to increase this return rate. The surveys would not take you more than 5 minutes to complete. We urge you to take the time to provide input and to be part of this very important process.
The survey is on a Likert scale and each section will contain 7-8 questions.
Your input in this process is very important. The committee and Dr. Ainsworth wish to assure you that the data generated by this process is important in the overall evaluation of all UTC administrators. Each set of data is reviewed by that person's immediate supervisor, and although the exact process may differ according to individuals/colleges, it is considered to be a critical component of the evaluation system. Administrators in interim positions and those retiring are subject to the same review.
The system will not identify you and administrators will not be able to access individual responses. There is the opportunity to write comments. Please do not identify yourself in your written comments.
If you run into any problems while completing the surveys please contact April Matthews, or you may call the Office of Planning, Evaluation & Institutional Research at 425-4007.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Ling-Jun Wang
Professor of Physics
Chair, Faculty Rating of Administration Committee
Introduction message:
Dear Colleague:
The deadline for completing the Faculty Rating of Administrators Survey is Sunday, March 24th.
This organization will give you the opportunity to rate your specific administrators. For example, all Full Time Faculty will rate their Chair, Dean, Provost and Chancellor. It should not take more than five minutes to complete, and as in the old paper format, there is an opportunity to write comments.
The comments are for administrators, and will not be shared, but Summary Reports will be made available at the end of this administration. Please note that additional comments will be kept confidential; administrators will not be able to access any individual responses.
Your input in this process is very important. The committee and Dr. Ainsworth wish to assure you that the data generated by this process is important in the overall evaluation of all UTC administrators. Each set of data is reviewed by that person's immediate supervisor, and although the exact process may differ according to individuals/colleges, it is considered to be a critical component of the evaluation system. Administrators in interim positions and those retiring are subject to the same review.
The system will not identify you and administrators will not be able to access individual responses. There is the opportunity to write comments. Please do not identify yourself in your written comments.
If you run into any problems while completing the surveys please contact April Matthews, or you may call the Office of Planning, Evaluation & Institutional Research at 425-4007.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Ling-Jun Wang
Professor of Physics
Chair, Faculty Rating of Administration Committee