First Baptist Preschool, LLC
I am enrolling my child, ______, in the 2018-19 Preschool or Young 5’s program at First Baptist Preschool, LLC. I fully understand the schools’ policy regarding registration and tuition and am aware that no refunds are given. I agree to pay the yearly tuition amount in full before school starts or on a monthly payment plan (see below). Tuition payments are due on the first day of attendance in each month. I understand and agree that if said tuition is not received by the 10th day of the month, my child may not be able to attend preschool until the outstanding tuition balance is paid in full. I understand that I am responsible for paying the full amount of tuition regardless of how many hours or days my child actually attends; including days the school is closed. I agree to fulfill all requirements of enrollment, including but not limited to, returning completed paperwork before or on the first day of attendance at First Baptist Preschool, LLC. I understand that my child will not be able to attend school until all requirements are met. I hereby agree to comply with all policies and procedures of First Baptist Preschool, LLC.
I have chosen the following program for my child and agree to pay the checked payment option:
____Two AM Days (Three Year Old Program ONLY)$180 per monthOR $1620per year
____Two Full Days (Three Year Old Program ONLY)$260per month OR $2340per year
____Four AM Days (Preschool or Young 5’s)$340per month OR $3060per year
____Four Full Days (Preschool or Young 5’s)$520per month OR $4680per year
____4 AM + 2 Full Days (Preschool or Young 5’s)$440 per month OR $3960 per year
Each Extra Full Day$15 per day
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date______
*First Baptist Preschool, LLC rents space from the First Baptist Church and is not affiliated in any way with the First Baptist Church. First Baptist Preschool, LLC is not a religious based preschool. First Baptist Preschool, LLC offers a quality preschool experience for children between the ages of 3 and 5 years old regardless of race, religion, or color.
FBP Enrollment Packet
Revised 1/2018