Practice No.
402 / Version 3 / Page 1 of 2 / Last up-dated
March 2011
Reference: 10/06 / HCC AS 40/03
HCC AS 10/06 306 / NMC Code of Professional conduct
GSCC Code of Practice for Social Care Workers

First Aid is the initial management of any injury or illness. This summarises the arrangements and measures for the management of First Aid in a residential home or day service.

Definition of First Aid

First aid is the initial management of any injury or illness. It does not include the giving of tablets or medicines to treat illness, andIt does not seek to do any more than minimise the consequences of injury and illness until professional medical assistance arrives.

The County Council policy requires management to provide first aid arrangements for any person who might be visiting or residing in any HCC premises, in addition to HCC employees. The emphasis should be upon a robust system for summoning appropriate sources of help and attending to the immediate needs of the casualty.

First Aid in Care homes for Older People

(HCC Residential care for adults will also comply with this standard)

National Minimum Standards require:-

‘that the registered manager must ensure safe working practices including the knowledge of how to deal with accidents and health emergencies; provision of a first aid box and a qualified first aider at all times; and recording of all cases.’It is therefore policy within the homes that :-

  • A Qualified First Aider is present on each duty. Residential Homes will need to have all their duty management team trained as qualified First Aiders
  • All staff will receive first aid/ emergency aid training
  • A training record must be kept by managers of all first aid training that staffreceive
  • The training will be recorded on the training tracker system
  • In the event of a resident or staff member sustaining a minor injury as a result ofan accident on HCC premises, qualified First Aid treatment should be given
  • All incidents where First Aid is required must be recorded on the incident reporting system.

First Aid in Community Response Care

National Minimum Standards require:-

‘Care workers must be given information on emergencyprocedures including the discovery of a death’. These staff do not need to be qualified First Aiders. It is therefore policy that :-

  • Advice to care workers should include when and how to contact their work base in an emergency and in what circumstances they should contact the emergency services
  • Guidance must be provided to staff about what constitutes an emergency
  • All incidents where First Aid is required must be recorded on the incident reporting system.

Day Care

There are no stated minimum standards for day care services, but policy requires a qualified first aider should be present at all times, together with a first aid box and that all incidents where First Aid is required must be recorded on the incident reporting system. Day Centres will need to have sufficient qualified First Aiders to meet their individual demands.

First Aid Kits

It is the responsibility of the employer to provide, or ensure that there is provided, adequate equipment to provide first aid to their staff (and other persons if desired) if they become ill or are injured at work. This includes in motor vehicles provided for the running of the service.

The contents of these kits will be checked on a monthly basis by the manager or

designated person and all contents must be replenished, as used, when ‘out of date’ or as necessary. The checks must be recorded, signed and dated by the person conducting the check.

Reporting and Recording

All incidents where first aid is required or given must be reported and recorded on the incident reporting system (see guideline 306)

Moderate or Serious injuries

If immediate First Aid does not resolve the problem the person concerned MUST be referred to the emergency services as a matter of urgency, by dialling 999.

First Aid to staff

Under the Health And Safety at Work Act S.7, all staff have a general duty to take care of their own health, safety and welfare and that of other people who may be affected by their actions. All staff will be treated according to policy and with their consent, should First Aid be needed.

First Aid to Visitors

Staff members who treat visitors must first obtain their consent and are reminded that they are professionally accountable for their own actions, and are not acting for or on behalf of HCC. Staff must remember to act within their knowledge and skills and to request professional assistance as soon as it is apparent this is required.