First Aid - Frequently Asked Questions (and the answers!)

Emergency – First Aid needed

·  I need a First Aider, what do I do?


·  What first aid training is available at the University?

·  How do I book onto a first aid course?

·  My first aid certificate is about to expire, do I need to undertake the refresher before expiry?

·  Who organises the first aid training and who delivers it?

·  I've done the first aid training and passed but haven't yet received my certificate, can I give first aid at work?

·  Will I get a reminder when my first aid refresher training is due?

·  I did first aid training through a different provider before I started work at the University, the certificate is still valid, can I be a University first aider?


·  Am I insured to give first aid at work?

·  My first aid certificate has expired; can I still be a first aider at work?


·  How much do I get paid for being a first aider?


·  How many first aiders should there be in my area of work?

·  Who are the first aiders in my School/Department?

·  What is the first aid provision out of normal working hours (evenings, weekends)?


·  If an ambulance is needed, what should I do?


·  I'm organising an event with lots of people attending, am I OK to rely on local first aiders and Security?


·  I gave first aid at an incident, who should I report it to?

·  I feel worried or anxious after providing first aid who can I talk to?

·  I attended a student for an ‘ill health non accident’. They did not need First Aid or to go to A&E but I am still concerned about them. What should I do?


·  As a First Aider do I get my own First Aid kit or where on campus will I find a kit?

·  Some items in my kit are out of date what do I do to replace them?


·  Where are our AEDs situated and who can use one?


I need a First Aider, what do I do?

Our procedure is to contact Security

·  Dial Ext 6444

·  Or use one of the building Emergency Refuge call points

·  Or go to the Security Lodge


Security are always the first point of call. They provide a 24/7 service but if they are dealing with another incident or need another First Aider to assist in a callout, they will contact Main Reception who will contact one of our Staff First Aiders.

What first aid training is available at the University?

York St John University First Aiders are individuals who have completed a 3 day First Aid at Work (‘FAW’) training course – which certificates them for three years. They will also be required to complete additional training as recommended by our first aid training contractor and as approved by the Health & Safety Advisor.

Certain staff (and students) may complete a one day Emergency First Aid at Work (‘EFAW’) to enable them to act as a first responder. Whilst this training is encouraged and approved, under our First Aid Code of Practice the University expects that an individual trained to FAW level would be called wherever practicable to respond to a first aid incident.

The university is mostly a low risk environment and our actual attendances arising from accidents and incidents are low. Senior Managers are responsible for ensuring that requests for additional training have been considered through a review of the hazards arising from the location and activities undertaken as part of their School/Directorate risk assessments[1]. As a result, and as a result requests for additional training must be supported by management before approval by the Health & Safety Advisor.

How do I book onto a first aid course?

If approved as above, please then contact Staff Development who can coordinate the training on your behalf.

My first aid certificate is about to expire, do I need to undertake the refresher before expiry?

You have up to 28 days after the date of your certificate’s expiry to undertaken the refresher,

otherwise you must re-take the full 3-day course.

Who organises the first aid training and who delivers it?

Staff Development organise the first aid training and First Rescue are our preferred trainers – although we will use St John Ambulance as an alternative if dates for example are more suitable). Where numbers of trainees allow, we will hold courses on campus.

I’ve done the first aid training and passed but haven’t received my first aid certificate; can I give first aid at work?

Yes you can. Certificates usually take a few days to be returned but Staff Development have the record of your training attended and will send out the certificate on receipt.

Will I get a reminder when my first aid refresher training is due?

Yes. Staff Development maintain the training records and will contact you a couple of months before certification ends in order to schedule your requalification training.

I did first aid training through a different provider before I started work at the University, the certificate is still valid, can I be a University first aider?

Yes this of course makes sense. Please however inform your Line Manager so that they are aware of this and approve you being called to attend incidents. If they approve please send across your valid certification to Staff Development who will add you to the staff First Aider list.

Am I insured to give first aid at work?

All of our First Aiders who are within certificate are covered under the University’s Public Liability Insurance, when responding as trained to do so. This would include lunch times and out of normal office hours if this was in the course of university activities e.g. approved events/ teaching or work activities.

First Aiders would not be covered by our insurance whilst commuting, whilst on holidays or when not at work as they would be acting in a private capacity.

Do I get paid for being a first aider?

The University provides a Christmas thankyou token of appreciation (currently £15) to all of our FAW first aiders.

How many first aiders should there be in Schools/Departments?

The University is a safe place to work, study and visit and most of our activities and locations are low risk. Our central campus is also very compact so a first aider can get across the site very quickly. We do not want too many first aiders as they may then be called rarely and so do not have the chance to practice their skills – equally we need sufficient to meet the needs required. This affects the number of first aiders required and Senior Managers are responsible for ensuring that there is appropriate cover for their team (and their students) on site and in managed off site activities.

Guidance on ‘First Aid provision for organized trips’ as well as a First Aider risk assessment template to help calculate additional first aider needs (if any), is available from the Staff Health & Safety web pages. Management should contact the Health & Safety Advisor if they still need to discuss first aider cover and training needs.

Who are the first aiders in my School/Department?

A list of staff first aiders should be available on your nearest H&S Noticeboard. If in doubt speak to your Line Manager.

What is the first aid provision out of normal working hours (evenings, weekends)?

This cover is well provided by our onsite Security Team all of whom are first aid trained. They will also call for an ambulance in case of emergency and threat to life.

If an ambulance is needed, what should I do?

If you believe an ambulance is really necessary Security MUST be informed so that one of their Officers can assist and the team can direct the paramedics when they arrive on our site.

Please remember that the ambulance services are under a lot of pressure and advise that 999 should only be called in case of real emergency and threat to life. Please follow Yorkshire Ambulance Service Advice

Sometimes whilst the paramedics are not needed, it might still be best to get someone to Accident & Emergency for them to be checked over. In this case the First Aider should inform Main Reception to ask them to call for taxi from Getaway Cars, (the Security Team can also do this). The University has an agreement with this taxi firm for such calls and the taxi charges will subsequently be made to the Health & Safety budget.

I'm organising an event with lots of people attending, am I OK to rely on local first aiders and Security?

Large University events such as Graduation, Open and Visit Days arranged by the University will have a risk assessment which considers first aid requirements and the same will need to apply for something being arranged by your School or Department. Your risk assessment will need to consider the numbers of people involved, whether there are known additional risks such as schoolchildren or other vulnerable persons, whether the event is onsite, off site and within or outside working hours. For smaller on site events, often the local staff first aid provision will be sufficient but you may also want to liaise with the External Relations and Marketing Teams or the Health & Safety Advisor as part of the event planning.

I gave First Aid at an incident, who should I report it to?

As a first aider, you want to ensure there is a record of the incident and that you attended to provide first aid. All accidents and incidents – whether or not first aid is actually provided or not, can be easily reported using the University Accident & Incident online report form. Sometimes we get duplicate reports from others who were present at the incident but that’s not a problem, better too many than not at all.

I feel worried or anxious after providing first aid who can I talk to?

Although you may be calm and in control when responding to an incident you might feel anxious or a bit stressed after the event. As a First Aider your needs must also be met particularly if dealing with a serious incident. If this is the case please consider talking to your Line Manager or a supportive colleague and consider other options for help that are available. You can use the 24/7 ‘Care First’ Employee Assistance Programme that all staff have access to on 0808 168 2143.

I attended a student for an ‘ill health non accident’. They did not need First Aid or to go to A&E but I am still concerned about them. What should I do?

Typically around a third of all First Aider call outs are to respond to some form of student ‘medical condition’ rather than the consequences of an accident or injury. These might be anything from a headache or temperature to calls arising from known conditions such as diabetes or asthma. We also have calls arising from stress and panic attacks – particularly at exam times and instances where there may be questions about the individuals welfare (have they been eating properly, or taking their medication etc.).

Your role as First Aider is to respond and arrange for appropriate help. If in attending to and talking to a student you have done all that you are trained to do but are still worried about theirbehavior, emotional stateor health, please encourage them to contact a member of theWellbeing Teamfor confidential advice and guidance. If they are unwilling to do this you can flag any observations on your online Accident/Incident report and the Health & Safety Advisor can advise the Wellbeing team of the individual and your concerns and they will contact the student and invite them to one of their daily drop in sessions.

As a First Aider do I get my own First Aid kit or where on campus will I find a kit?

All trained First Aiders can have their own kit if they wish. Otherwise First Aid Kits are located within some specific teams but also held at

·  Holgate main Reception

·  Foss Sports Hall reception

·  De Grey reception

·  Security Office.

·  Haxby Road Reception

Our normal ‘green box kits’ are the Small boxes (previously ‘10 person’ kits) stocked with items to the British Standard 8599. A contents list to check stock is attached.

Some items in my kit are out of date what do I do to replace them?

Most first aid supplies are dated with a month/year Expiry Date e.g. EXP 09/16. Although if sealed they are still sterile and safe to use in emergency but it is recommended that kits are regularly checked, out of date items removed and the kit restocked. Supplies are located in the St Anthony’s House store (ask at Reception there) and any out of date items can be left for recycling. These are donated to Jacob’s Well Charity .

Where are our AEDs situated and who can use one?

We have three Phillips Heartstart AEDs located at

·  Security Lodge

·  Foss Reception

·  Haxby Road Reception.

AED’s are designed to be used by anyone but all our First Aiders have been trained in use of AED and CPR as part of their qualification. The Health & Safety Advisor organizes AED/CPR refresher training but anyone can practice their knowledge and response times by using the Lifesaver online module. Have a go and please pass on to family & friends. CPR and the use of an AED is a life skill for us all!!