Firestone High School
333 Rampart Ave
Akron, Ohio 44224
330-873-3315 (Akron area)
From the North
I-77 South to Exit 138/Ghent Rd. Turn left/south onto Ghent Rd. from offramp.
Turn left onto W. Market near Summit Mall when Ghent Rd. ends.
Go 2.2 miles and turn left on N. Pershing Ave.
Right on Shatto and then Left on Rampart.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Weigh ins 1:00 pm
Wrestling begins 3:00 pm
Gates will open at 2:15 pm
Two championship rounds
Two consolation rounds
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Weigh-ins start at 8:00 am
Wrestling starts at9:30 am
Two championship rounds
Four consolation rounds
Parade of Champions at 5:45 p.m.
Wrestling begins at 6:00 p.m.
Wrestle for first through sixth places
Broadcast Schedule:
Watch the finals in the Akron, Canton, Youngstown and Mansfield areas.
Available on Demand on Channel 1111 and on Time Warner Cable channel 23. Broadcast dates and times to be announced.
A service of