1.  These Fire Orders provide instructions for the response to, and prevention of, a fire emergency at the Camden Facility (CAMFAC).

2.  These Fire Orders should be read in conjunction with CAMFAC Emergency Response Procedures (ERP).

3.  This instruction is issued under the authority of the CAMFAC Manager and CO 303SQN(AAFC).


4.  Smoke detectors connected to a Fire Service monitored Fire Alarm and Emergency Warning and Intercommunication System (EWIS) are installed in Building 008 only.

5.  A fire alarm is indicated by the continuous sounding of local fire alarm - BEEP-BEEP tone.

6.  Action on sounding of alarm. When a fire alarm is sounded, personnel are to evacuate the building immediately.

7.  Action on discovering fires. The following action is to be taken:

a)  raise the alarm by shouting FIRE—FIRE—FIRE if necessary until it is certain that everyone in the area is alerted,

b)  contact emergency services by telephoning “000”

c)  evacuate on direction of the Area Warden,

d)  fight the fire, if safe to do so, as directed by the Warden;

e)  note that doors are to be shut if possible to contain the fire on discovery, and during evacuation; and

f)  the safety of personnel is to take precedence over fire-containment action.

Note: The likelihood of danger to personnel whether from flame, smoke or toxic fume inhalation, the building or area is to be evacuated immediately.

8.  Reporting fire. The discovery of an outbreak of fire is to be reported by:

a)  breaking the glass of the nearest manual call point (fire alarm box), a hard object should be used to break the glass;

b)  the member initiating the alarm should await the arrival of the fire crew and then direct the crew to the location of the fire;

c)  telephoning Fire Station 000;

d)  informing Fire Station of:

(1)  the location of the fire i.e. building number and function;

(2)  some indication of the extent and composition e.g. small fire in waste paper basket, fire in bedroom, flames around electrical board;

(3)  whether any occupants of the building or area endangered are unaccounted for; and

(4)  name, rank, service and position.

9.  Action by DETCDR or OIC. If available, the facility manager is to proceed immediately to the scene and assist the DETCDR to:

e)  ensure that the fire has been reported;

f)  ensure that personnel have not been left in the area or placed in personal danger;

g)  clear the area of all personnel not engaged in firefighting or related activities; and

h)  the officer or OIC of the building or area is to render every assistance to the Fire Crew, including specialist advice and local knowledge information.

10.  In the event of a fire, the DETCDR or staff member is to ensure that fire fighting personnel have access to all parts of the facility.

11.  In the event of any Fire / Smoke being observed in any building or any Fire Alarm activation at CAMFAC, ALL ADFC Staff, Cadets and Visitors shall immediately:

·  Cease all activities;

·  Close all doors and windows and Evacuate all buildings using the nearest Emergency Exit; and

·  Proceed directly to the designated Emergency Assembly Area (EAA).

(Refer to Figure 1 - CAMFAC Emergency Assembly Area Map)

NOTE: The swift and safe evacuation of all personnel shall take precedence over any attempt to extinguish a fire.

12.  In the event of a Fire Alarm activation, ADFC Personnel are not to attempt to isolate the Fire Alarm / EWIS prior to the arrival of Emergency Fire Services.

13.  The Activity Officer in Charge (OIC) shall immediately collect the following items and proceed directly to the EAA:

·  The Activity Folder, containing:

-  Activity Nominal Roll (ADFC Staff and Cadets)

-  Activity (TR66) Parental Consent Forms and Action Management Plans

-  Visitor Register

-  Emergency Evacuation Observation Checklist

-  Activity OIC Checklist (AAFC)

·  A mobile telephone

14.  The Activity First Aid Officer (FAO) shall immediately collect a portable First Aid Kit and proceed directly to the EAA.

15.  On arrival at the EAA, all ADFC Personnel and Visitors shall form into three (3) ranks.

16.  The Activity FAO shall assess all ADFC Personnel and Visitors and provide treatment for any reported injuries.

17.  The Activity OIC shall conduct a Roll Call to ensure all ADFC Personnel and Visitors are accounted for.

18.  All ADFC Personnel and Visitors are to respond appropriately to only their own name during the Roll Call.

19.  Where the Roll Call has identified that any person has not been accounted for and is not at the EAA, ADFC Staff Members shall ascertain the last known location of the accounted for person(s).

20.  A search for person(s) may be authorised by the Activity OIC and be undertaken by only ADFC Staff Members, and only if safe to do so.

21.  The Activity OIC shall call “000” (or “112” from a mobile telephone) to report the emergency.

NOTE: In the event of a Fire Alarm activation, regardless of the presence of a Fire Service monitored Fire Alarm, Emergency Fire Services must always be notified by telephone.

22.  When calling “000”, request: Fire Brigade

State the nature of the Emergency

Address: Australian Defence Force Cadets Facility

Camden Airport

Aerodrome Road

Corner of Macquarie Grove Road


23.  No person shall be permitted to re-enter any building until authorised to do so by the Commander of the responding Emergency Fire Service.

24.  All ADFC Personnel and Visitors are to remain at the EAA until instructed to leave the EAA by the Activity OIC.

25.  The Activity OIC shall record all details of the evacuation on the Emergency Evacuation Observation Checklist.

26.  If not in attendance at the Activity, the Activity OIC shall also notify the applicable ADFC Unit CO/OC and CAMFAC Manager of the incident.

27.  As applicable, the Activity OIC shall complete an AC563 Defence OHS Incident Report IAW ADFC Policy and within specified timeframes.

Page 11 Current – 12 Feb 12



Fire training

2.  All Unit personnel and civilian personnel employed at the Camden facility are to be briefed on evacuation procedures, location of fire fighting equipment and muster points on arrival to the facility

Fire risk

3.  Fire prevention is the most important aspect of any fire organization. Most fires will be prevented if all personnel assist in observing the regulations dealing with fire precautions, and eliminating all factors liable to cause an outbreak of fire. Good housekeeping, cleanliness and tidiness inside and outside of buildings will help prevent most fires.

Identifying the fire risk

4.  The utmost importance is the attention to be given to fire prevention by:

a)  the strict observation of all instructions, instructions and standards; and

b)  the elimination of all ignition sources.

5.  Fire hazard prevention is divided into three areas:

a)  Identification,

b)  Evaluation, and

c)  control.


6.  Fire hazards are usually identified by personnel who are employed in that environment and secondly by qualified inspecting specialist members. Many hazards are not easy to identify and may manifest themselves when equipment becomes worn or defective, or personnel become complacent. Therefore, the identification process is a continuing one.

7.  Evaluation. Having identified a hazard, or potential hazard, specialist advice should be sought to ensure that correct remedial action is taken.

8.  Control. If a satisfactory solution is found, the hazard can be removed or isolated.

9.  Responsibility. Section Commanders are responsible for fire safety within their own areas of responsibility.

Water reticulation

10.  The facility manager is to ensure that a plan of the facility Fire Services water reticulation system is maintained and kept current.

Naked flame

11.  DETCDR’s are to survey their areas or responsibility, and where it is found that a hazard exists, that area is to be designated a no naked flame area, and suitable no naked flame signs are to be prominently displayed. Naked flame is not permitted:

a)  within 15 meters of:

(1)  refuelling equipment,

(2)  refuelling operations,

(3)  storage installations containing flammable liquids, and

(4)  parked aircraft,

b)  within eight meters of:

(1)  spray painting operations;

(2)  any process involving the use of highly volatile flammable liquids, gasses, or other hazardous substances; and

(3)  bulk flammable liquid stores;

c)  in bed by any personnel in living-in accommodation.

Electricity—precautions and safeguards

12.  The following electrical precautions and safeguards are to be applied at CAMDEN FACILITY:

a)  wiring shall be installed IAW Australian Standard AS 3000, only by a qualified electrician licensed by the NSW Department of Fair Trading, and as authorised by CSIG SW/S region;

b)  not more than one double adapter or power board shall be connected to a power outlet;

c)  double adaptors may be used in offices;

d)  double adaptors are not permitted to be used outside;

e)  power boards shall be fitted with 10 amp overload protection;

If power boards are used with extension leads, they shall

(1)  comply to Australian Standards AS 3105,

(2)  be fitted with a residual current device rated at not more than 30 mA, and

(3)  have not more than four individually switched sockets with double pole switches;

f)  flexible cables used as extension cords shall comply with Australian Standard AS 3199 and shall not exceed 15 meters in length, and can only be used under the following provisions:

(1)  cables shall not pass through doorways, windows, walls or partitions;

(2)  cables shall not be placed under floor coverings or subjected to pedestrian traffic;

(3)  cables shall not be used in wet places or places subject to damage by liquid;

(4)  plugs and sockets used on extension cords shall be either non-rewirable (moulded), or a transparent type;

(5)  cables shall be uncoiled and fully extended before use;

(6)  flexible cables shall not have a socket with a smaller size than the plug fitted (i.e., different amperage plugs on each end), unless a suitable overload device is provided;

(7)  suspended power outlets shall be connected by permanent connection as close as possible to the suspension point, and the flexible cable shall be supported by an approved suspension system;

g)  self contained vessels such as urns, kettles and saucepans used for heating liquids, are to be fitted with a thermostatic cut-off so that in the event of over-heating (boiling dry), the supply of electric power will be automatically shut off;

h)  when electric blankets are used, the following precautions are to be observed:

(1)  blankets, when in use, are not to be creased or folded on themselves because of the danger of creating a hot spot;

(2)  when not in use, blankets are not to be crushed or folded in such a way as to contribute to damage of the electrical elements;

(3)  users are to closely follow the manufacturers instructions issued with the blankets, particularly in regards to laundering;

i)  the following precautions apply to portable electric radiators and fan heaters:

(1)  they are not to be placed near any combustible material,

(2)  they are not to left where they can be accidentally knocked over,

(3)  they are not to be left unattended when turned on,

(4)  items such as clothing and towels are not be draped over the radiators or heaters,

(5)  they are not to be placed under desks or tables,

(6)  the connecting leads are to be placed so that they cannot be walked upon,

j)  when permanently fixed to walls, the following conditions apply to fixed strip heaters:

(1)  heaters shall be fixed a minimum of 60 cm from the ceiling and mounted on fire resistant material,

(2)  the reflector is to be fixed so that it cannot be turned towards the ceiling,

(3)  heaters shall not be mounted on doors or furniture,

(4)  furniture and fittings shall not be positioned against the wall below the heater,

(5)  items such as clothing and towels are not be draped over or hung from the heaters,

(6)  heaters are not to be left on outside normal working, and

(7)  heaters shall be switched through a time clock switch.

Use of flammable liquids

13.  Personnel are not to use petrol, kerosene, or any other flammable liquid for lighting fires, cleaning hands or clothing, or for an unauthorized purpose.

14.  For the day to day use of flammable liquids, approved safety storage cans are to be used. Safety storage cans have pressure relief caps which allow expanding vapours to escape, spring loaded self-closing caps which reduce the possibility of liquid spill if the container is overturned, and flame arresters fitted to prevent flash-back into the container.

15.  Where a number of containers of flammable liquids are kept, they should be stored in a properly designed flammable liquids cabinet. Cabinets should not be closer than three meters to any source of ignition and should not be located where they would jeopardise means of escape in the event of fire.

16.  The DETCDR and staff members in charge of living-in accommodation blocks are to ensure that flammable liquids are not stored in sleeping quarters.

Liquid fuel portable heaters

17.  Liquid portable heaters are not to be used at the Camden Facility. This ban applies to Commonwealth owned property.

18.  Over-heating of cooking fats, oils or other flammable substances can cause rapid fire spread, which could envelope nearby persons in flames. Principally, the hazard in kitchens lies in complacency with the risk. The following factors are to apply:

a)  air ventilating chimneys, flue pipes and grease traps over stoves are to be regularly cleaned to prevent accumulation of grease;

b)  exhaust fans, where fitted, are to be running when cooking is in progress;

c)  all deep fryers are to be provided with close fitting metal lids; and

d)  electrical and/or gas isolation switches are to be provided in a prominent position, but not nearer than three meters to the appliances

Disposal of waste fuel/flammable liquids

19.  DETCDR’s are to ensure that waste flammable liquids are collected and conveyed to collection points by CSIG. Waste fuels and flammable liquids are not to be released or washed into the facilities drainage system. Any flammable liquid spillage is to be reported immediately to the DETCDR. Industrial waste bins