FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 28, 2012 Contact: Sarah Wheeler 208-524-7613

Fire Breaks Out in Wildland Urban Interface

Pocatello, ID: A devastating wildfire broke out this afternoon in the Mink Creek area of Pocatello. The Charlotte fire was reported around 2:00 p.m. Bannock County has issued mandatory evacuations for Mink Creek, Gibson Jack and Johnny Creek areas. Structures are threatened. In addition to numerous local, city and county resources, EIIFC has responded to assist the county by sending seven heavy engines, one air attack, four single engine air tankers (SEATs), two heavy air tankers, one lead plane, one type II helicopter and two dozers. The fire is estimated at 200 acres and growing. It is running in grass, brush and juniper.

The Stockton fire, located approximately 3 miles southeast of Swan Lake also broke out late this afternoon. It is also 200 plus acres and growing. Structures are threatened and the fire is showing high spread potential. EIIFC has responded with two light engines, two heavy engines, one water tender, air attack and one medium helicopter.

Fuel moistures are showing continued potential for extreme and high fire behavior.
