Fire and Security Checklist
You may find the following fire and security checklist helpful. It is recommended that the list is checked six monthly with your Health and Safety checklist.
Fire safety
Are goods kept in designated storage areas?
Are they stored correctly away from lighting units,
or other sources of ignition?
Are the store spaces secured against unauthorised entry?
Is the use and storage of dangerous goods accommodated
as necessary under COSHH Regulations?
Dangerous goods
Are flammable and oily rags disposed of separately
from other combustible materials?
Are flammable and dangerous goods stored in
purpose-built storerooms or cupboards away from
other combustible items?
Are personnel involved with the use of flammable liquids
and dangerous goods aware of the hazards and precautions
to take in the event of an accident?
Are plugs and electrical equipment correctly wired and
regularly maintained by a competent person?
Are electrical safety tests carried out regularly and certified?
Portable Apparatus Testing and Fixed Electrical Tests
If your electrical equipment develops a fault, is it taken out
of use and is it quickly repaired?
Is anyone designated to switch off electrical equipment and
to remove plugs before closing up the building for the night?
Are gas appliances regularly checked and faults rectified?
Are members of staff aware of the risk of fire and the
measures necessary to reduce the risk?
Are staff involved in ‘end-of-the-day’ risk management
Are the cleaners aware of the fire safety measures?
Are you in contact with the local Fire Safety Officer –
is the Officer’s advice sought?
Are members of the Public using the school premises
aware of what to do in case of fire?
Is the access for emergency vehicles kept clear and
Doors and windows
Are doors to rooms, stairways and corridors kept closed
when not in use?
Do occupants check to ensure that wedges are not being
used to prop doors open?
Is someone designated to check that all doors and windows
are closed last thing at night?
Are there designated zones provided on the site for
smokers? (these must be outside the building!).
If an external smoking zone is available, is there an
appropriatedisposal bin for smoking waste?
Have occupants been instructed about the corporate policy
on smoking in County Council properties?
Contractors in building
Is a person designated to ensure that additional fire and
safety precautions are taken when workmen are carrying
out maintenance work?
Do you use a written hot work permit for hazardous work
carried out by Contractors?
Do Contractors certify/sign up to their compliance with –
- Child Protection Policy
- Asbestos Management Policy (RSM)
- Electrical and Water Hygiene Systems
- Smoking Policy
Do staff (administrative and teaching)
know how to operate the fire alarm?
Do you know what to do in case of fire?
Is the fire alarm system properly maintained and
tested on a regular basis?
Main Services
Do you know where the main isolation points are for
electricity, gas and water and are they clearly marked
and unobstructed?
Storage of combustible waste
Are paper and floor waste prevented from accumulating
and regularly emptied from waste bins?
Are waste storage containers kept at least 5 metres from
thebuilding and anchored in position or otherwise protected
against vandalism and arson?
Are outside waste bins kept covered with a lockable lid and
are they secured away from vandals who may set light to
Are there different waste management systems in
place for holiday periods?
Fire fighting equipment
Are staff, other occupants and visitors given instructions
on what to do in case of fire?
Are staff trained regularly in the use of fire fighting
Crime prevention
Is there an established routine to ensure that all
external doors are locked when the building closes?
Have you considered the practicality of reducing the
number of entrance/exit doors to the building?
Are bolts on double doors checked to make sure that
they function properly?
Have you considered replacing external doors which
havea large amount of glazing with solid core 44mm
thick doors?
Is ironmongery adequate and suitable and robust on
vulnerableexternal doors?
When windows are closed, are catches checked to make
sure they function properly?
Have you considered reducing the amount of glazing
and/orthe use of laminated glass in vulnerable areas?
Are windows fitted with internal blinds, external shutters?
Are window blinds closed at night?
Is there a well organised reception area with a secure
Are visitors encouraged to use the main door and is this
clearly signposted, both from the gates and from the
car park?
If doors are left open, for example in warm weather, are
theykept under observation?
Are visitors given badges or visitors’ passes and escorted
totheir destination?
Do staff challenge strangers not wearing badges/passes
whomthey see in the building and, if necessary, ask for
Are your staff able to monitor and log the arrival and
departureof visitors?
Are members of the public restricted to the relevant part of
Are rooms such as toilets checked at the end of each day,
toensure no-one is hiding?
Are staff aware of the need to look after personal property?
Key administration
Do you have a policy for the administration of keys,
both during and outside working hours?
Is a register of keys kept for booking in and out?
Personal safety
Have arrangements been made for the safety of staff
who work alone, including providing a telephone in
remote locations?
Have risk assessments been done to identify problem
locations both around the school site and off site?
Have the Council’s guidelines been made available to
staff who may encounter violent situations while at work?
Are neighbours encouraged to keep their eyes and ears
openfor criminal/suspicious behaviour, and to report their
Is the external lighting adequate to make people feel safe
andto allow them to see what is going on?
Can the neighbours see what is going on at the site without
theirview being obscured by hedges?
Are there areas of school that do not benefit from being
overlookedby neighbours?
Have you considered protecting or eliminating recessed
doorways, concealed yards, planted areas or other features
which can give cover to intruders?
Is a daily check made of the building perimeter and site to
ensure that any visible damage is immediately reported
and repaired asnecessary?
Is graffiti removed immediately?
Are locks, catches, bolts, handles checked and maintained
Whenever possible, do you avoid keeping cash on the
premises overnight?
Is cash counted out of sight?
Are staff aware they should never leave cash unattended?
Valuable equipment (see Note 1; Security of ICT Equipment)
Is valuable equipment placed into lockable storerooms when
the building closes?
Are such storerooms alarmed, otherwise physically secure
and with no window/roof lights?
Are all other rooms containing valuable equipment protected
by intruder alarm movement detectors?
Is the alarm system covering vulnerable rooms (stores,
offices,IT rooms) confirmed technology?
Property marking
Is valuable equipment visibly and permanently marked with
the post code?
Is publicity (ie notices) given to the fact that equipment is
so marked?
Intruder alarm system
Before setting the system, do you check that protected
doorsand windows are properly closed?
Do you check that other devices, such as detectors are
clear of obstacles?
When entering the building, are the agreed procedures
followed and the alarm switched off immediately?
Do you know your alarm code?
Is the alarm operated solely by persons who have been
properly briefed?
Are regular maintenance checks carried out by the
Alarm Company?
Are all incidents/visits recorded in a record book?
Is Police response cover in place?
Does the central monitoring station have up-to-date
details of keyholders?
Staff involvement
Do you encourage staff to offer suggestions about good
practice concerning safety and security?
Do you encourage pride and responsibility in your school?
If someone becomes a victim, do you offer practical
assistance and adopt a caring attitude?
If incidents do occur, do you inform your staff?
Community responsibility
Is there a Neighbourhood Watch group where your
establishment is situated?
Is there a Youth Action Group?
Do you know who your local Police Liaison Officer is?
Do you consult with your P.T.A. on security matters?
Do you seek the co-operation of parents in
preventing crime within or around the site?
Do you seek the co-operation of young people/pupils/
students in preventing crime within or around the site?
If the answer to any of the questions is No, then remedial action should be taken to modify the risk.
Autumn 2008