One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
FINROD FELAGUND. Finrod Felagund, son of Finarfin. Elda of the Noldor.
Born in VY1300 in Tirion upon Túna in Aman. Died 1A0465 in Minas-Tirith at Tol Sirion ( Tol-in-Gaurhoth )
Finrod was the first King of Nargothrond. He was succeeded by his brother Orodreth.
See also MERIL as wife of Felagund.
Finarfin and Earwen have 5 children: Finrod Felagund, Orodreth, Angrod, Aegnor and daughter Galadriel.
Finrod Felagund
House of Finrod
AMARIE of the Vanyar is Finrod's beloved. Loved Amárië in Aman but as all of the Vanyar-elves she did not follow him to Middle-Earth.
Finrod / Findaráto Ingoldo / Artafindë:
The name Finrod is composed of fin meaning "hair" and arod meaning noble. It was the Sindarin form of his original name Findaráto, which was in the Telerin language of his mother's people. The Quenya form of this name was Artafindë.
-ATANDIL. (Q). “Friend of the Atani”. = EDENNIL. (S). "Friend of Men".
-CAVE-HEWER. -DUNGALEF. Reversal Felagund.
-EDENNIL. (S). “Friend of Men”. The Elves called him Edennil meaning "Friend of Men" in Sindarin from Edain meaning "Men" and the ending -ndil denoting "friend." The Quenya form was Atandil.
The History of Middle-earth, vol. X, Morgoth's Ring: "Athrabeth Finrod Ah Andreth," p. 349
-FELAGUND. “Hewer of Caves”. A title of Finrod of Nargothrond, more commonly seen in its Dwarvish translation, Felagund.
'Hewer of Caves', a surname given to Finrod by the Dwarves in their own tongue at the time of the delving of Nargothrond.
Finrod was called Felagund by the Dwarves meaning "cave-hewer" from the Dwarvish words felek meaning "hew rock" and gundu meaning "underground hall." Also translated as "Lord of Caves."
The History of Middle-earth, vol. XII, The Peoples of Middle-earth: "The Shibboleth of Feanor," p. 352
-FRIEND-OF- MEN. Friend-of-Men A title of Finrod, the discoverer of Men.
-HEWER OF CAVES. The meaning of Finrod’s surname, Felagund. Hewer of Caves
-INGOLDO. Finrod's mother also gave him the name Ingoldo meaning "the Noldo" or "one eminent in the kindred of the Noldor." This name had also been given to Finrod's father Finarfin by his own mother. Finrod's siblings usually called him Ingoldo.
The History of Middle-earth, vol. XII, The Peoples of Middle-earth: "The Shibboleth of Feanor," p. 346, 360
-KING OF NARGOTHROND. King of Nargothrond
-LORD OF NARGOTHROND. Ruler of the halls on the Narog. A title of Finrod, who founded and ruled the citadel and realm of Nargothrond in West Beleriand.
Lord of Nargothrond
-LORD OF NAROG. Lord of Narog
-NOM. Nóm. 'Wisdom', the name given to Finrod Felagund by Bëor and his followers. Nóm
The Men of the House of Beor called him Nóm meaning "Wisdom" in their language.
–SOMAR (Sómar). –VIDRI. -WIDRIS. –WISDOM (among the People of the First House).
Years of the Trees.
1495. When Fëanor came to Tirion and spoke harsh and fell words Fingolfin spoke against him and in this his sons Turgon and Fingon followed there father and wrath nearly came to drawn swords but Finrod followed his father who sought to calm the temper but yet he as his friends Turgon and Fingon wished to see the lands of Middle-Earth.
1496. Finrod, his brothers and sister Galadriel and all of there people left Valinor under their father and Fingolfin after the host of Fëanor and his sons, who betrayed them when they were about to cross Helcaraxë in the ships they stole from the Teleri Elves in in the First Kinslaying at Alqualondë. Finrod his brothers and sister crossed Helcaraxë under the banner of Fingolfin since their father returned to Valinor.
1500 - F.A.1. When they arrived in Middle-Earth after the crossing of the Grinding Ice the Sun arose for the first time.
First Age.
At the arrival to Endor Finrod and Orodreth his brother, dwelt in the Narrow Land at the isle, Tol Sirion, in the midst of river Sirion where he built the tower Minas Tirith ( Not the same as the one in Third Age.)
0020. Finrod took to the great council Mereth Aderthad called by Fingolfin.
0052. Finrod, at the prompting of Ulmo and told by Ulmo, of the caves in the Eastern end of the Wall of Andram by Thingol, began with the help of the Dwarves from Ered Luin the widening of the caves of Nargothrond. He was very much inspired in this by the dwelling of Thingol and Melian; Menegroth. In the coming years he had the Dwarves make the Nauglamír for him.
0102. When Nargothrond was fullwrought he assigned Minas Tirith to his brother Orodreth.
0400. Finrod was the first to discover the Humans / Secondborn. He found them at the foothills of Ered Luin. The Secondborn called Finrod Nom, meaning Wisdom, and his people Nomin.
0422. This year obtained Finrod the grace from Thingol on behalf of Haleth that she and her people could dwell in Brethil if her people would guard the land and the Crossing of Teiglin against the enemies of the Eldar.
0455. In this the fell year Morgoth broke the peace of Beleriand and started the Battle of the Sudden Flame and Finrod hastening from the South was surrounded by Orcs but Barahir broke the leaguer of the Orcs and saved Finrod and Finrod gave Barahir his Ring, an heirloom of his house, as token of the oath that he swore unto Barahir to render whatsoever service was asked in hour of need to him or any of his kin.
0465. Beren son of Barahir came to Nargothrond from Doriath to seek Finrod`s aid upon his quest for a Silmaril. When Finrod would fulfill his oath to Beren, Curufin and Celegorm tried to hinder the the aid for their oath was roused from slumber, fell words were spoken and great fear of war and ruin fell on the people of Nargothrond and they turned their hearts from Finarfin`s son and withheld their aid of Finrod. Finrod gave his silver crown to Orodreth in stewardship and with ten Elves ( Edrahil and 9 other elves from Nargothrond.) went Finrod and Beren forth but they were captured by Sauron and cast into the pits of Tol-in-Gaurhoth, Finrod`s own tower upon Tol-Sirion, which Sauron had conquered and now were known as Tol-in-Gaurhoth. ( See also Dungalef ) There they were devoured one by one by wolves. Finrod fought with his bare hands and teeth the wolf that was sent to slay Beren, and he slew it but was slain himself.
Finrod was buried upon the hill-top of the isle Tol Sirion when the tower was freed and Sauron expulsed . So ended the fairest of Finwë`s children but his spirit dwells now in Valinor with Amárië. When his dead became known his brother, Orodreth, took up the crown and Kingship of Nargothrond.
There is no definitive chronology of the Years of the Trees or the First Age. These dates are based on "The Annals of Aman" in The History of Middle-earth, vol. X, Morgoth's Ring and "The Grey Annals" in The History of Middle-earth, vol. XI, The War of the Jewels. Other chronologies differ. One year during the Years of the Trees is equivalent to 9.582 solar years.
Years of the Trees
1280 Marriage of Finarfin and Earwen.
1300 Birth of Finrod.
1362 Birth of Galadriel.
1450 Feanor makes the Silmarils.
1495 Morgoth kills Finwe and steals the Silmarils and flees to Middle-earth. Feanor convinces many of the Noldor to pursue him including Finrod and his father and siblings. Feanor and some of his followers attack the Teleri and steal their ships. Finrod and his family do not take part in the Kinslaying.
1496 Mandos appears before the Noldor and warns them to turn back. Finarfin does so, but Finrod and his siblings continue onward.
1497 Feanor abandons many of his kin including Finrod and sails to Middle-earth in the stolen ships.
1500 Finrod and the rest of the Second Host of the Noldor set out across the Grinding Ice to Middle-earth.
First Age
0001 The Second Host of the Noldor arrive in Middle-earth.
0002 The Second Host of the Noldor settle on the northern shore of LakeMithrim.
0006 Finrod sends his brother Angrod to visit their kinsman, King Thingol of Doriath.
0007 The Noldor hold a council in Mithrim. Sometime afterwards, Finrod relocates to Tol Sirion and builds the watchtower Minas Tirith there.
0050 Ulmo sends dreams to Finrod and Turgon urging them to find places to establish realms hidden from Morgoth.
0052 Finrod visits Doriath and admires the underground halls of Menegroth. Thingol tells him of the Caverns of Narog and Finrod begins the construction of Nargothrond there with the help of the Dwarves of Belegost and Nogrod. The Dwarves also make the Nauglamir for Finrod.
0065 Elves of Nargothrond help the Elves of the Falas rebuild Brithombar and Eglarest.
0067 Finrod and his siblings visit Doriath. Thingol learns of the Kinslaying and asks them to leave despite their innocence.
0102 Nargothrond is completed. Finrod invites his siblings to a feast to celebrate.
0310 The Men of the House of Beor first come over the Blue Mountains into Beleriand and are discovered by Finrod.
0311 Beor accompanies Finrod to Nargothrond.
0355 Death of Beor.
0390 Finrod persuades Thingol to allow the People of Haleth to live in the Forest of Brethil.
0409 The Debate of Finrod and Andreth.
0455 The Battle of Sudden Flame. Deaths of Finrod's brothers Angrod and Aegnor. Finrod is rescued by Barahir. He gives Barahir his ring and a promise of friendship and aid.
0457 Sauron captures Tol Sirion and Orodreth flees to Nargothrond. Celegorm and Curufin also come to Nargothrond around this time.
0465 Finrod agrees to accompany Barahir's son Beren on a quest to steal a Silmaril from Morgoth. They are captured by Sauron and Finrod and the ten Elves of his company die in his dungeons. Beren is rescued by Luthien. Celegorm and Curufin plot to take over Nargothrond but Orodreth expels them when it is learned that they knew about Finrod's captivity and did nothing.
Residences: Tirion; Tol Sirion; Nargothrond
Hair Color: Golden
Emblem: Harp & Torch
Finrod was the founder of the Realm of Nargothrond in the First Age. He was among the Noldor who returned to Middle-earth from the Undying Lands after Morgoth stole the Silmarils. Finrod was the first of the Noldor to encounter the race of Men, and he formed a friendship with the House of Beor that ultimately resulted in his death in the dungeons of Sauron.
Finrod was born in the Undying Lands in 1300 of the Years of the Trees. He was the eldest son of Finarfin and Earwen. He had four younger siblings: Orodreth, Angrod, Aegnor, and Galadriel. His grandfather was Finwe and his uncles were Feanor and Fingolfin. He was good friends with Fingolfin's son Turgon. Finrod was in love with Amarie who was an Elf of the Vanyar.
Finrod was said to be the fairest Elf of the House of Finwe, and even of all the Elven princes. He had golden hair like his father. Finrod was loved and admired by many, and he had a warm heart and a desire to understand others. He preferred gaining knowledge to making things, and he was the wisest of the Noldor who went to Middle-earth.
In 1495, Morgoth killed Finwe and stole the Silmarils that had been made by Feanor. Feanor urged the Noldor to pursue Morgoth to Middle-earth to reclaim the Silmarils. Fingolfin and Turgon spoke against Feanor, and Finrod sided with his friend. But in the end, they followed Feanor along with most of the rest of the Noldor. They were divided into two hosts, the first led by Feanor and the second led by Fingolfin.
Finrod was at the rear of Fingolfin's host. As the hosts marched from Tirion, Finrod looked back and the memory of what he left behind stayed with him. He carried away many treasures, but his beloved Amarie was not permitted to accompany him. Despite his regret, Finrod was restless and had a desire to see far-off lands.
The Teleri refused to give the Noldor ships to take them to Middle-earth. Feanor and the First Host attacked the Teleri and stole their ships. Some members of the Second Host unwittingly became involved in the Kinslaying, but Finrod and his father and siblings did not take part.
Mandos appeared to the Noldor in 1496 and warned them that they would face exile and suffering if they did not repent. Finarfin decided to turn back, but Finrod and his siblings continued on the journey largely because of their friendship with Fingolfin's sons. Finrod became the leader of those of his father's people who accompanied them.
There were not enough ships to carry all the Noldor to Middle-earth, so in 1497 Feanor abandoned Fingolfin's host. Those left behind traveled northward on foot and in 1500 they reached the Grinding Ice that filled a narrow strait between the UndyingLands and Middle-earth. Finrod helped Fingolfin and his sons lead the Second Host of the Noldor across, and they came to Hithlum in Middle-earth as the First Age began.
Finrod and his followers settled with Fingolfin's people on the northern shore of LakeMithrim. Feanor had been killed, but his sons and followers also lived on LakeMithrim. Feanor's people relocated to the southern shore in part to avoid conflict with the kinsmen they had abandoned.
In the year 6 of the First Age, Finrod sent his brother Angrod to visit King Thingol of Doriath who was their mother's uncle. Thingol sent Angrod back the next year with a message warning the Noldor not to encroach on the lands inhabited by his people, the Sindar. Feanor's son Caranthir became angry and accused the sons of Finarfin of disloyalty to the Noldor. Afterwards the sons of Feanor relocated to East Beleriand.
Finrod and his siblings also left Hithlum. Finrod first settled on Tol Sirion, an island in the River Sirion. He built the watchtower of Minas Tirith and he was responsible for guarding the Pass of Sirion which was the main point of entry into West Beleriand from the north.
In the year 50, Turgon visited Finrod on Tol Sirion and together they journeyed south down the Sirion. They stopped to sleep near the Meres of Twilight and Ulmo, Lord of Waters, sent them dreams encouraging them to find hidden strongholds that could be defended against Morgoth.
In 52, Finrod and Galadriel were guests of Thingol in Doriath. Finrod admired the underground halls of Menegroth, and he decided that he wanted to build a similar stronghold. Thingol told him about the Caverns of Narog overlooking a gorge on the River Narog in West Beleriand.
Finrod began to expand the caverns into a great underground city. Much of the work was done by Dwarves from Belegost and Nogrod, although Finrod did some of the fine carving. The Dwarves gave Finrod the name Felagund meaning "cave-hewer." Finrod paid the Dwarves with treasures he had brought from Tirion. Finrod also commissioned the Dwarves to make a necklace called the Nauglamir set with jewels from the Undying Lands.
Many of Finrod's people relocated to Nargothrond. The Realm of Nargothrond extended east to the Teiglin and Sirion, west to the Nenning, south to the Mouths of Sirion, and north to the Ered Wethrin where the Narog rose from the Pools of Ivrin. Finrod became the leader of all the Elves of West Beleriand except for the Elves of the Falas on the coast of the Sea. His realm was the largest of all the Noldor.
Finrod's influence extended beyond his own realm. He still controlled Pass of Sirion, and his brother Orodreth remained on Tol Sirion as the warden of Minas Tirith. His other brothers Angrod and Aegnor lived in Dorthonion as his vassals.
Finrod became a friend and ally of Cirdan, who was the Lord of the Falas west of the Realm of Nargothrond. In 65, the Elves of Nargothrond helped the Elves of the Falas rebuild and expand the Havens of Brithombar and Eglarest. Finrod also built the tower of Barad Nimras on the coast to watch for enemy ships, but Morgoth never waged war from the Sea.
In 67, Finrod and his brothers visited Doriath where Galadriel lived. Thingol learned of the Kinslaying, and he accused them of killing their mother's kindred, the Teleri. Finrod was reluctant to tell Thingol the truth because he did not want to accuse the other Noldor who had taken part in the Kinslaying, but Angrod proclaimed that they were innocent. Thingol believed them, but he asked them to leave for the time being.