Clerk: Mrs Emma Baker

4 Well Street, Finedon, Northamptonshire, NN9 5JP

Telephone 01933 398967


Notice is hereby given that the Parish Council Meeting will be held at the Town Hall, Finedon on Wednesday 19th June 2013 at 7.00pm.


35/1314 Prayers

36/1314 Apologies for Absence

37/1314 Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th March 2013.

38/1314 Declaration of Interests.

39/1314 Police update

Joint Action Group Meeting minutes 9th May 2013

40/1314 Questions / Statements from Parishioners

41/1314 Matters Arising

a.  Thank you letter from Wesleyan Church

b.  Section 106 expenditure for play equipment.

c.  Email from Alex Stevenson regarding WP/2013/0227/TXLB

d.  Email from Gary Thorp Re: Station Road.

e.  Email from Richard Mugglestone re: Housing Need Survey

42/1314 Pocket Park / Cemetery

a.  Pocket park up date.

Letter from resident regarding mosquito infestation near the pond.

Online Pocketeer diary for 2013.

Volunteer Opportunities – Barclaycard.

b.  Ground Maintenance Update

43/1314 Community Matters

a. Co-option of Councillor

b.  Remembrance Day Parade 10th November 2013

c.  Burton Latimer Council diary dates.

44/1314 Highways / Paths

a.  VAS sign

b.  Letter from resident regarding road safety on A6.

c.  Speeding in High Street

45/1314 Planning

a. Planning Applications

WP/2013/0266 – Addition of single storey rear extension, alterations to front of single storey side wing, internal alterations and additional hard surface to front of property for extra parking at 19 Hall Drive for Mr and Mrs Freeman.

WP/2013/0262/F – Retention of a triple garage (double garage for No. 27 and single for No. 25) to replace some car parking spaces as part of planning approval ref: WP/2011/0145/F for the conversion of the building to 2 dwellings at 25 & 27 Well Street for Mr D Hanger.

WP/2013/0272/F – Proposed 4no. new affordable 1 bed 2 person flats to rent – Site 12 – re-submission following withdrawn application WP/2013/0177/F at Site 12 (to the rear of 47-57 Cromer Road) for Mr John Butlin Wellingborough Homes.

b.  Local Development Framework Public Consultation – Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Options Paper Consultation.

46/1314 Banks Park / Open Space

a. Playground inspection report

47/1314 Accounts / Finance

a.  Balance of Accounts

B/F 01/04/13 /
/ /
Receipts / 46,570.30 / Payments / 14,631.55
Business Access Account

Business Current Account

Bank Statement
14/05/13 / 234.35 / Bank Statement
31/05/13 / 31,876.77
Receipts / Payments not shown
Receipts not shown / Total cheques = £172.37
Total / 234.35 / Money in Account / 31,704.40

b. Payments for Account

Technocopy Solutions £33.00

Clerks Salary and Expenses

Coleman’s Stationery £11.07

SJ Hawkes Ltd £3,235.20

Tennis Court Care Ltd £4,320.00

48/1314 New Correspondence Received

Get involved in schools information.

NCALC Update May – June 2013

49/1314 Any Other Business for report only