Minutes of ARCCO Board of Directors Meeting
Location: / Addison Rd Centre, Office meeting room
This meeting date: / Monday 21st March 2016 (6.00 – 9.00pm)
Next meeting date: / Monday 18th April 2016 at 6.00pm
Attendees: / Apologies: / Guest Speakers/Visitors
Vivian Germanos- Koutsounadis: President (ARCCO rep) / Matthew Stegh (community rep)
Debbie Killian: Vice President
(community rep) / Emma Couch (ARCCO rep)
Jennifer Killen (community rep)
Ricci Bartels: Treasurer (community rep)
Ben Benazzouz (community rep)
Rosanna Barbero (ARCCO Co-ordinator)
Lucy Morton (minutes)
Agenda Item:
1 / Attendance and apologies
2 / Correspondence
3 / Conflict of Interests
4 / Minutes of the previous meeting
5 / Treasurer's Report
- Financial Updates Aged Receivables
- Financial Reports YTD
- Project Finances
6 / General Manager's Report
- Projects Progress
- Parking Issues
- Bower issue – Pro Bono Legal Response and letter to be approved
- Market negotiation update
- Reverse Garbage letter in response to ARCCO
- 7
- 8
- Old – Approached F.H regarding the BOWER lease(s)
- New – grants submitted
- Announcements
- Review actions from meeting
- Adjourn
Motion Items
Item No: / What is the motion? / All in favour? / Against?
4b / The Board moved a motion that the 15th February 2016 minutes be amended to include item 5a, outlined below, as an action item. Motion carried.
Item 5a. Aged Receivables, Ricci would like to send out a letter of recovery to all debtors who feature in all three 30 day, 60 day and 90 day columns. ARCCO need to aim for more than the minimum payment for these debtors, they should also allow for interest accrued in this period. Collection agencies should be engaged to collect these debts or they are to be given a Notice to Vacate. The end process of reclaiming owed monies needs to be tightened up; debtors need to be notified that they must pay all debts immediately. / Y / N
4d / The Board moved a motion that i) Jennifer to draft a letter to be sent to all members and tenants gauging their support for Addison Road becoming a refugee sanctuary; ii) Debbie will consult with the Australian Churches Refugee taskforce, Get up and the Let Them Stay campaign; and iii) Subject to a report by Jennifer and Debbie at the 18th April Board Meeting the Board can then officially vote on the matter. Motion carried. / Y / N
5b / The Board moved a motion that they regretfully give notice to Fruit Salad Kids as a result of outstanding debts; however as a gesture of goodwill ARCCO will let outstanding monies go. Motion carried. / Y / N
5c / The Board moved a motion that the Treasurer's Report be accepted. Motion carried. / Y / N
6b / The Board moved a motion that the Centre commences work on replacing the main switch board with the current funds of $100,000. Motion carried. / Y / N
6d / The Board moved a motion that the ARCCO Board stands firm on the positions taken in the table matrix, otherwise the current Market operators are to be given notice to vacate within four months / Y / N
6e / The Board moved a motion that ARCCO to write back to Reverse Garbagei). Thanking them you for their meeting on Thursday 18th February and their4th March letter; ii) pointing out that there was a disconnect between what was discussed at the meeting and what was outlined in the letter; and iii) While the ARCCOBoard have sympathy with Reverse Garbage's position the Board are unable to reverse the decision. The Board was unanimous in their decision. Motion carried. / Y / N
6g / The Board moved a motion that the Manager's Report be accepted. Motion carried. / Y / N
Action Items
Item No: / What is the action? / Who looks after item? / When due?
4a / In reference to item 2b in the 15th February Board Meeting minutes Board Members attending the 21st March Board meeting advised that ARCCO will not allow for any further paving within the Centre, even if Blue Bamboo meets all of the other requirements outlined, the aviary would need to be positioned on grass. The matter is to be reported on at the 18th April Board Meeting. / Rosanna / 18th April B.M.
4c / In reference to item item 5bin the 15th February Board Meeting minutes;“That a Finance sub-committee is formed that meets every three months to look into outstanding debtors. The committee will include Ricci, Ben and Rosanna at this point, all other Board members are welcome. The first meeting should be held one week prior to the June Board meeting. This committee will then report back to the Board”. A discussion over a suitable date was held Ricci and Ben will need to finalise this and report back to the Board. / Ricci and Ben / 18th April B.M.
5a / The Board requested Rent and Utilities be recorded separately in the Aged Receivables, so as to not confuse the finances. / Rosanna and Sam / 18th April B.M.
6a / Electrical repairs at ARCCO report. Page two Current expenditure on "Emergency" infrastructure needs to be changed to Current expenditure on "urgent unforeseen works" / Mike / 18th April B.M.
6c / ARCCO to approach Marrickville Council (General and Urgent wards funds) and the Federal Member, Anthony Albanese, to request local and federal government financial assistance for the replacement of power poles. ARCCO to make the case that ARCCO’s main switch board is being replaced with Centre funds, however the Centre can not cover the costs for everything and as this is a Community Centre further contributions for urgent power upgrades would be appreciated, in addition it would make financial sense to upgrade both at the same time. / Rosanna / 18th April B.M.
6f / Kedra to be invited to the next Board Meeting to present hisbusiness plan for training and jobs for youth at risk, culminating into community dinners with a social agenda "The Big Feed". / Rosanna / 18th April B.M.
7 and 8 / Items 7 (WH&S) and 8 (Other business) from the 21st March Agenda to be deferred until next month's Board meeting, scheduled for Monday the 18th April 2016. / Rosanna / 18th April B.M.