ASTON, PA19014

Telephone 610-459-2013



December 2, 2012




Andrew WalesRector’s Warden *

Lisa Brunner-BireleySecretary*

JoAnna CollinsHospitality*

Doug DaviesProperty Co-Chair

Margaret QuaileProperty Co-Chair+

John McKeeCemetery/Stewardship Co-Chair

David GeorgeMusic & Liturgy

Ernestine FranzStewardship

Judi WalesCommunity Life

Kurt BrunnerAccounting Warden(non-Vestry)

Ralph PainterTreasurer(non-Vestry)

Bridget Thomas Altar Guild Directress

Debbie NeyMusic Director

* Term Expiring

# Term Expiring, Nominated for re-election

+ Term Expiring not running for re-election

Delegates to Convention and Deanery

Micah Brunner, Ellen Stone, Stella Thompson


Andrew Wales

The Rev. Charles Messer, Rector

Wayne Roberts, Sexton


December 2, 2012

Prayer: Fr. Chuck

Minutes: 2011

Nominating Committee: Ernestine Franz

Deputy-Joe Bardroff Assistants-Ralph Painter & Ed Hess, Jr.

Present Candidates for Vestry

Present Candidates for Diocesan Convention

Motion for the Deputy to destroy the ballots

Commissioning of Vestry Members & Diocesan/Deanery Delegates

Rector’s Report: Fr. Chuck

Rector’s Warden: Andrew Wales

Finance:Kurt Brunner


Altar Guild: Bridget Thomas

Cemetery: Karl Thomas, Bruce Warren

Convention: Micah Brunner, Ellen Stone, Stella Thompson

Hospitality: JoAnna Collins

Music Director: Deborah Ney

Property: Margaret Quaile, Doug Davies

The St. Elizabeth Guild: Bridget Thomas

Stewardship: John McKee, Karen Warren

Ushers: Ed Hess, Jr.

New/Old Business

Rector’s Additional Comments

Adjournment and Closing Prayer

Annual Meeting

December 4, 2011

Fr. Messer called the meeting to order at 11:59 am.

The attendance for 2011: 45

Minutes: The minutes of the Annual Meeting 2010 were presented. Karl Thomas moved, Kurt Brunner seconded, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed.


Joe Bardroff, Jr. was appointed Deputy in Charge of the ballots and Ralph Painter will assist in counting the ballots.

Report of Nominating Committee:

Vestry: The following were nominated by the committee to be elected to the Vestry - three persons for a three-year term, Jill Graham, John Stufflet, and Andrew Wales. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion was made to close the nominations. Since there were no further nominations, Ernestine Franz moved, Phil Allen seconded, for the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for the candidates.

Diocesan Convention: The following were nominated by the committee as candidates for the Deanery and Convention for 2011: Micah Brunner, Ellen Stone, Stella Thompson and Andrew Wales as alternate. A motion was made to close the nominations. Karen Warren moved, Doug Davies seconded, for the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for the candidates.

Rector’s Report:

Fr. Messer began his report by stating that “it is with pleasure and an acknowledgement of God’s grace that I preside at my third annual meeting as your recort”. In the past year:

  • We have seen an increase in the number of children who regularly come on Sundays. God has brought new families into our fellowship.
  • We have deepened our relationship with our sister congregation, St. James through our joint youth group and variouse activities and combined worship services. We’ve begun a new chapter in our ongoing commitment in the spiritual formation of all. We are very thankful for the Choir and Debbie Ney, our organist. In addition we are thankful for our Sunday School teachers, Alex, Chelsea, Allison, Dawn and Jill and our Adult Forum leaders, Bonnie and Tammy.
  • We’ve answered God’s call to mission and outreach through activities such as collecting underware and food for the needy, adopting families at Christmas through City Team Ministries, raising money for victims of fire and donating money to tornado victims in Western Missouri.
  • Most of all, he wanted to thank God for the many people in the room who give up their time and money to the mission of this congregation. He stated that our Vestry has a renewed sense of mission and God is providing volunteers to much needed and vital ministries.
  • Fr. Messer stated he was most grateful for Karen Warren in her role as Rector’s Warden. He mentioned that she has been his right hand, partner, advocate, confessor, friend and sister and offered a big Thank You.

Father Messer made additional comments on the state of the Episcopal Church and Calvary. He stated that while Calvary is not struggling we are living paycheck to paycheck. We have some much needed repairs to our facilities and parking lot that we will need to work on raising funds to complete these upgrades. He also stressed that 20% of the congregation cannot continue to do 80% of the ministry. We must innovate or risk the demise of the congregation. We have begun several initiatives, stated above, to that end. Father Messer ended his report by telling us that there is much work ahead and many challenges, but as it says in Psalm 100, “For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all gnerations.” We can do the mission Jesus had commissioned us for. We can do it and not just survice but thrive. We can do it. We can do it together.

Rector’s Warden’s Report: Karen Warren

  • Mrs. Warren said she was thankful for Fr. Chuck and the enthusiasm there is at Calvary. She stated that since she was leaving Vestry she is going to head a new project. That project is to convert the pipe organ area into a Sacristy. She asked for volunteers to help with the project.

Finance Report: Kurt Brunner

  • Mr. Brunner stated that God will provide and your support is appreciated.

Committee Reports – Additional Comments:

Fr. Messer asked if there were any additional comments or questions about the committee reports.

Gifts of pipes from the original pipe organ were presented to the following deserving parishioners to say “Thank You” for all that they have done for Calvary Church:

  • Karl and Bridget Thomas
  • Dottie Laxton
  • Dale Tibbetts
  • Ed Hess, Jr.

Commissioning of the Vestry and Delegates to the Deanery and Convention:

Fr. Messer asked all vestry and delegates to come forward to be commissioned for the year 2012. Judi Wales was also appointed fill the unexpired term of Gerald Smith and was commissioned also.

New /Old Business: None

Adjournment and Closing Prayers:

  • A motion was made by Karen Warren, Ellen Stone sconded, to adjourn the 2011 Annual Meeting at 12:44 pm.
  • The meeting closed with a prayer by Fr. Messer.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Brunner-Bireley, Secretary

2012Annual Reports

Rector’s Report

The Reverend Charles W. Messer, Rector

All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there us.

II Corinthians 1:3-4

Annual Report

December 2, 2012


May peace find you and grace carry you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is with gratitude for you: for mercies too many to count and for blessings too many to name that I have served as your pastor and walked alongside you as a friend this past year. It has been my passion to protect and nurture Calvary; to inspire fellowship, champion acceptance and grow our community.

God has blessed us by adding new families and friends to our fellowship. As of today, we’ve welcomed nine children into the household of God through baptism. In 2012 we’ve celebrated the Confirmation of Diane Gallen and the Receptions of Bruce Warren and Tammy and Juan Schwenger. Another year of spaghetti suppers, turkey take-out; parish breakfasts, ham dinners and pie sales have bound us closer together. Renewing marriage vows, hunting for Easter eggs; not to mention, burying close friends and loved ones are but some of the ingredients that made up the glue that bound us together through challenges and celebrations of living together in community this past year.

Many have participated in the work of ministry in 2012. Often unseen and unnoticed, these ministers of Calvary make our community hospitable and welcoming week after week. For those who make coffee and bring treats to share on Sunday morning, we are most grateful. For those who clean up afterwards, bless you. To the women of the Altar Guild: your faithfulness, dedication, and attention to detail has our admiration and gratitude. The always creative St Elizabeth Guild have astounded us again with their many endeavors that are fun, lucrative, and build up our community. Ellie Evans continues her fine work of hosting our website, formatting and printing The Chimes and the colorful posters of coming events. Under construction is our new sacristy. Much progress has been made all through donated materials and volunteer labor within the congregation. We are most grateful to R.A. Kennedy Glass for the generous donation of new windows. Many have participated in many ways; you have a place in God’s work here at Calvary.

Deserving of our deepest gratitude are those who teach our children in Sunday School. Week after week, dedicated volunteers sacrifice much out of love for the kids of Calvary. Dawne Farrell and Jill Graham have held countless toddlers, told hundreds of Bible stories. Moreover, we have been blessed to have Alexandra Roberts, Allie Brunner, and Chelsea Davies teaching our older children. Chelsea, now in college; Allie and Alex, seniors in high school who themselves will be off to college in the fall, have modeled before our children compassionate leadership, kindness and courteous character and Christian maturity. These young women have poured themselves into the lives of our children and we are grateful. Thank you all. This critical ministry needs new leaders and support. Please consider joining this ministry.

The ministry of Calvary is guided by the leadership of our vestry. I am most grateful for the wise council of Rector’s warden, Andrew Wales. Members of the vestry faced many challenges and remained valiant and steadfast in their commitment to this community. Today, as we welcome a new class of vestry members, I am most grateful for outgoing members Judi Wales, Maggie Quaile, Ernestine Franz, Lisa Bireley and JoAnna Collins. In particular, I am grateful for Lisa Bireley who has served as secretary for the vestry for the last three years.

Financially, Calvary’s responsibilities continue to be met by God’s grace through your generosity. As it is with many families, expenditures often outweigh income. Staff salaries, insurance and diocesan assessments/pledge, office operations and campus maintenance, not to mention ministry costs and outreach many times keep our monthly budget running at a deficit. Thanks be to God, your stewardship has sustained us and Calvary’s financial responsibilities have been met. Thank you. This underscores the importance of your financial pledge. Please send in your pledge card for 2013 if you have not already. I am most grateful for Kurt Brunner, our Financial Warden. His wise stewardship oversees the resources of our community. Mr. Ralph Painter, our treasurer, continues to a wonderful job and we are thankful for his work.

Outreach is what we do for others. Outreach is the lifeblood to doing church. Life thrives at Calvary. The canned good dropped each Sunday into the basket in the undercroft is but a seed. The stalk sprouts and branches into giving socks and underwear to those in need, it grows strong as we provided hospitality for homeless families with the Interfaith Hospitality Network and led worship at Fair Acres Senior Community. We watch outreach go from seed to flower by the joy of giving turkeys at Thanksgiving to C.A.D.E.S. and Christmas presents through City Team ministries. Through your pledge the assessments and pledge Calvary pays to the diocese enables God’s work to continue outside of our walls. Our commitment to Episcopal Community Services, our participation in the annual Recovery walk promotes the gospel in ways that bring life to our community. Join us. Find purpose and meaning, and above all, life in doing for others.

Our music ministry continues to expand and amaze. Our director, Debbie Ney, has brought vibrancy and excitement into our weekly worship. The close-knit community of the choir is reflected in their intimate and heartfelt anthems on Sundays and special choral evensongs. Along with new members, our choir is vested in new robes donated by Dale Tibbetts in memory of her husband, Russ. The choir is always looking for more voices.

Wayne Roberts, our sexton, is an often unseen and unnoticed fixture of Calvary. He has the monumental job of mowing grass, shoveling snow and maintaing the cleanliness of our campus -- to name a few of the tasks he is responsible for. He is reliable and trustworthy. We are blessed to have Wayne who is most deserving of our thanks.

May God continue to bless you. May you know the joy of belonging and the hope of purpose. May God continue to bless Calvary, our home.

In peace, hope, and love

Chuck Messer+

The Wardens’ Reports


In my first year as Rector’s Warden, I have come to appreciate many different facets of Calvary life. I would like to thank all those members of the Vestry whose tenure is up and take this opportunity to say how welcome you made me feel as a fellow vestry member

I am happy to see the growth in the Calvary family, and can feel the Spirit at work in the excitement of the new members.

As your warden I try to set an example to church members by my commitment to actively helping in church affairs and projects. i am a choir member and part of the sacristy project building team. I hope that with God’s help I can better serve the church family in all its endeavors

I would like to thank Fr. Chuck for his continual leadership, exuberanc e and dedication to the future of our Spiritual Family. I look forward to the coming yeaqr and to working with the newly elected Vestry members.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Wales, Rector’s Warden



In 2012 Calvary is working with an operating budget of $194,681. This budget represents an increase of 4.55% over 2011.

The chief components of the revenue and expense categories are as follow:

The largest single component of income is represented by Pledge Income which totaled $144,352, or 74% of total income. This was an increase of 10.7% over the prior year. The other major sources of income include the Cemetery comprising 9.4% of income, Loose Offering/Christmas and Easter gifts accounting for 8%, Investment Income representing 2.5%, Parking Lot Rent 2% of the total, and the St. Elizabeth Guild Pledge providing 1.2%.

On the expense side of the ledger, salaries and benefits account for the greatest portion at 59.2% of the total. The other significant expense items include Fuel and Utilities equaling 12.5%, Cemetery representing 9.4%, Diocesan Pledge and Assessments at 6.2%, Repairs and Maintenance and Church Supplies comprising 4.2%, Property and Other Insurance measuring 2.5%, and Real Estate Taxes accounting for 1.1%.

Through October we are operating at a surplus of $2,324 versus the budget. The surplus is principally due to our need to complete our assessments and pledges to the Diocese for the current year. By year end Calvary should be very close to breakeven on an operating basis. In terms of Pledge Income, we are running nearly in line with our budgeted total, roughly $550 below plan. I am very thankful for the support of everyone in keeping their pledges current. Your ongoing commitment to Calvary is vital to our mission and is truly appreciated.

Thank you again for all you do. Thank God for all the blessings of our lives and for our Calvary family.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I can be reached at , or on my cell 484-410-5322.


The Committee Reports

Annual Meeting

December 4, 2011

Fr. Messer called the meeting to order at 11:59 am.

The attendance for 2011: 45

Minutes: The minutes of the Annual Meeting 2010 were presented. Karl Thomas moved, Kurt Brunner seconded, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed.


Joe Bardroff, Jr. was appointed Deputy in Charge of the ballots and Ralph Painter will assist in counting the ballots.

Report of Nominating Committee:

Vestry: The following were nominated by the committee to be elected to the Vestry - three persons for a three-year term, Jill Graham, John Stufflet, and Andrew Wales. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion was made to close the nominations. Since there were no further nominations, Ernestine Franz moved, Phil Allen seconded, for the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for the candidates.