Financial Procedure – Non staff expenses claim form
This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Standing Financial Instructions section 8, payment of accounts. These instructions can be currently found on the Health Education website.
The ‘Non staff expenses claim form’ has been designed in line with the SBS good invoicing guide. Once this is submitted SBS will create a new supplier (vendor) in oracle with bank details to facilitate payment via BACS.
These forms must be typed and not hand written. The ‘Expenses Claim Form’ needs to be completed in full for payment to be made. This is then sent to the relevant LETB for verification and approval.
When completing the name these must be completed in full and not with initials as this causes problems for SBS and invoices are ending up in duplication.
The invoice number section on the form mustbe completed by the LETB using a sequential numbering system maintained by the LETB but this must start with the LETB initials. The claim form along with any original receipts should also be kept locally. No receipts should be sent to SBS.
The total value of the claim should be on the first page and the breakdown of this should be on the pages behind.
A copy of the claim form should then be sent to SBS including the correct LETB name on the 2nd line of the address. The return address section must also include the LETB/Deanery address where these forms can be returned to if the information is insufficient for SBS to scan on.
Invoice To:
Health Education England
T73 Payables F485
Phoenix House
Topcliffe Lane
All expenses claims should be verified by the LETB before they are sent to SBS. Once they have been scanned onto the Oracle system they will follow the normal Non PO process via the IQM. The relevant user will then code and approve this on the system. Please do not
return these to SBS if they are not signed as they will then end up in duplication. These need to be sent to the budget holder for approval on Non PO.
All payment of Non Staff Expenses will be paid by BACS. Once approved the invoice will be included on the next available payment run that isprocessed by HEE Central Finance.
Version 2.0