Financial Literacy Professional Instructional Presentation


Paired students are to research, prepare, and present, within the student’s allotted time frame, lesson(s) on a topic(s) as randomly selected by the students. Presentations should engage classmates, be explained in as much detail as possible, allow classmates to explore the topic, allow classmates to expand by building on previous subject matter, and each topic shall be evaluated. Refer to the attached Bloom’s Taxonomy for an idea of how the subject matter should progress in presenting, learning, and understanding the information (from bottom to top of pyramid).

Dress for the presentation will be professional for all presentation days.

Activities can be assigned individually or in groups but you will need to specify the group size and determine if you will assign groups or allow students to choose their own groups.

Use technology. Use it in your presentation, use it in preparing your information, use it in gaining the knowledge you need to instruct the information, use it to your advantage and let it help you create a wonderful presentation. Place your files on a flash drive and bring them with you to class and we will run them from my computer.

Invest the time in the preparation. You will be given a lot of time in class to do so, make sure that you use your time wisely and to your advantage to create the best presentation. Everyone can earn an A on this assignment if you put forth the effort.

Earn your grade as follows:

F Do nothing, do not participate or participate very little

D- Did almost nothing, barely enough to pass

D Had at least one activity

D+Had a least one low level (introductory) assignmentplus D criteria

C-Had a least one high level (application) assignment plus D+ criteria

CInformation covered each assigned objective plus C- criteria

C+Test with a minimum or 10 - 15 multiple choice questions plus C criteria

B-Use of taxonomy structure in presentation, instruction, and assignments plus C+ criteria

BMore than one activity plus B- criteria

B+Information exceeded assigned objective and provide a more in-depth understanding of the material plus B criteria

A-Use of multiple technologies plus B+ criteria

APresentation was professional in nature, engaging, and it is obvious that the student put in the time and effort to know and understand the content in which they were addressing; and that the student did all that was required and more to achieve an A plus all the A- criteria

A+1 per class – this will be a combination of multiple items: having the best presentation, the best instruction, assignments, activity(ies), following direction, completing the assignment above that of the other students in class, and doing so with enthusiasm and energy that exceeds that of the other students.