financial aiD information: 2016/2017


The Sun Valley Figure Skating Club will offer two financial aid programs for youth (18 years and younger) for the 2016/2017 season: one for the Club’s “Skate With US” programs and another for individuals skating at more senior levels. The Club’s Board will organize an independent financial aid committee to review all applications and select the recipients. An applicant’s personal financial information will not be reviewed by any SVSFC members; rather the Club will appoint an independent representative to review and provide guidance to the committee.

“Skate with Us” Financial Aid

The Club will provide financial assistance to eligible skaters who would otherwise be unable to participate in one of the learn-to-skate programs offered by the Club in the fall and spring. Those interested in the program will need to submit a completed application by the deadline, as well as a recent student report card. Applicants can apply for up to 100% of the tuition cost.

SVSFC Individual Scholarships for Youth

For skaters who are interested in pursuing skating at a higher, more competitive level, the Club is offering individual scholarships to help defray costs, including competition entry fees, ice time, travel expenses and equipment. Each scholarship will be capped at $1,000. To be eligible, figure skaters must have passed their preliminary Freeskate test, and ice dancers must have passed their Pre-Silver test. All applicants must have been an SVSFC in good standing or a minimum of one year. Applicants will need to provide:

  • Completed application
  • Skater statement of need
  • Proposed use of funds and amount requested
  • Equipment
  • Ice Time
  • Clinics/camps
  • Travel (Juvenile FS or Juvenile Dance level and above only)
  • Competition/Testing Fees (Juvenile FS or Juvenile dance level and above only)
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Financial aid info – past year’s federal tax return and form with assets/liabilities information
  • Recipients agree to report back to SVSFC once/year on scholarship use.
  • Recipients, or recipients’ parents if under age of 13, must volunteer a specified number of hours /year.

Financial information evaluation

  • All tax returns and financial information will be sent directly to a designated SVSFC representative.
  • The Club’s Board will select this representative, who will then evaluate and rank applicants’ financial need and provide rankings to the financial aid committee. Applicants will be ranked 1 through 5 (1 being very little need and 5 being a significant need).
  • All financial information will be considered confidential; no SVSFC members will see tax returns or forms.


  • Consists of 3-5 community members, ideally with some knowledge of figure skating
  • No Club Board members
  • No coaches
  • New committee formed each year
  • All members must recuse themselves if conflict arises with an applicant
  • Club Board member will administrate program
  • Committee meets once a year, in mid-September

Program application Timing

  • Scholarship applications due September 1st. Committee reviews and makes selections prior to Learn to Skate’s first session.
  • Scholarship program to be promoted during summer competition and month of August.

Distribution Amount

  • SVSFC Board to evaluate and determine maximum amount to be distributed each year. Decision to be made at April or May Board meeting.
  • Amount does not HAVE to be distributed – only if qualified applications are received.
  • SVSFC will publicize what the total maximum amount is that may be distributed for that year. Maximum total amount to be distributed for 2016/2017 will be $2,500.
  • Individual Scholarship program will have a maximum amount that each skater may apply for; for 2016/2017, the maximum amount is $1,000.
  • SVSFC Board will make every effort to replenish the Skater Support Fund each year with amount distributed or more.
  • Skater Support Fund will ALWAYS remain a separate account from the Club’s general operations account.
  • Skater Support Fund will include an accounting of who received scholarships, amount, and for what purpose.


  • Recipients, or recipients’ parents if under age of 13, must volunteer a specified number of hours /year.
  • Recipients and recipients’ parents agree to be ambassadors for the Club and behavior should be befitting of such.
  • Payments to individual scholarship recipients are made directly to vendor, not to recipient or parents, except for travel where expenses are reimbursed.
  • Scholarships may be rescinded if behavior is unfitting of a Club representative or terms of scholarship agreement are not met.