MARCH 8TH, 2016

Chairman Jaclyn Hotard

Vice-Chairman Lennix Madere

Members: Larry Sorapuru, Jr., Jaclyn Hotard, Kurt Becnel, Julia Remondet, Lennix Madere, Marvin Perrilloux, Michael Wright, Larry Snyder, Buddy Boe

PRESENT: Larry Sorapuru, Jr., Kurt Becnel, Julia Remondet, Lennix Madere, Michael Wright, Marvin Perrilloux, Larry Snyder, Buddy Boe, Jaclyn Hotard


PUBLIC COMMENT – AGENDA ITEMS ONLY (2 minutes per citizen)

There was no public comment at this time.


LaVerne Saulny stated, “The bids for the St. John the Baptist Parish Edgard Library Addition/Renovation were opened today. The bids are as follows:

Contractor Base Bid Alt. #1 Alt. #2

LA Contracting Ent. 637,951.00 16,575.00 50,700.00

Onshore Construction 564,000.00 29,000.00 37,800.00

M&H Builders, Inc. 519,000.00 12,000.00 37,000.00

JA “Jack” Julius 513,000.00 32,000.00 42,000.00

Lamar Construction 607,000.00 39,670.00 33,100.00

One Construction 568,000.00 9,800.00 26,000.00

Thomassie Construction 529,500.00 28,750.00 40,135.00

The administration recommends that we take these under advisement.”

MOTION: Councilman Perrilloux moved and Councilman Snyder seconded the motion to take the seven bids for the St. John the Baptist Parish Edgard Library Addition/Renovation under advisement. The motion passed unanimously.

LaVerne Saulny – (Carry Over 2-24-16) Authorization to extend the contract with Royal Engineers for Disaster Recovery Project Consultant Services

Laverne Saulny stated, “This contract is for consulting services on all open disasters, including Hurricane Isaac. Royal Engineers has assisted in closing out Project Worksheets and obtaining funds for Hurricanes Katrina, Gustav and Ike and they are currently managing Hurricane Isaac closeout, Hazard Mitigation Block Grant (HMGP) Projects and CDBG Programs. This request is to extend the contract for an additional one year at a not to exceed amount of $708,951.50. The new term would begin April 1, 2016 and end March 31, 2017. The contract is funded by FEMA, HMGP and CDBG and Administration recommends approval.”

MOTION: Councilman Boe moved and Councilwoman Remondet seconded the motion to grant administration authorization to extend the contract with Royal Engineers for Disaster Recovery Project Consultant Services. The motion passed unanimously.

LaVerne Saulny – Authorization to solicit bids for Fairway Bridge Project

Authorization was previously granted, therefore removal of this item is recommended.

Nykya Freemont – Authorization to renew the General Liability policy with Western World for coverage on the meeting rooms in Parish facilities

Nykya Freemont stated, “This renewal through Riverlands Insurance Services, Inc. is for an annual premium of $3,175 which is the same as the expiring premium. Administration recommends approval.”

MOTION: Councilman Madere moved and Councilman Perrilloux seconded the motion to grant administration authorization to renew the General Liability policy with Western World for coverage on the meeting rooms in Parish facilities. The motion passed unanimously.


MOTION: Councilman Perrilloux moved and Councilman Madere seconded the motion to adjourn the finance meeting. The motion passed unanimously.