Final Project - AP Environmental Science Portfolio - DUE 6/9/15
All Work Must be Typed
- Put together a portfolio that summarizes your experience in APES. The portfolio must consist of 15 artifacts (no more, no less) from the class.
- Within your portfolio, you must include:
A. An article, plus a reflection on the article. Remember, a reflection is not a summary, a reflection is not about facts, but your thoughts on what you read.
- A photograph from our class. This could be from a project, assignment/activity.
Caption the photo so that I know what is happening in the picture and why you included it in your portfolio.
- One map. This should identify one thing you learned you didn’t know before about a region of the world, and explain that concept and why it is connected to environmental science.
- Two exemplary works from this class. This should be something you are really proud of from the school year.
- A media impression. This can be a TV show, a movie, something you heard on the radio, or an advertisement. How you represent it visually is up to you. In your description be sure to include how it relates to the class and what it meant, or its purpose.
- Your environmental worldview. Find some type of graphic, original art, photograph, poem, quote, lyrics to song that represents the environmental worldview you have at the end of this year. Chapter 2 covers environmental worldviews and ethics. Your description should be a minimum of 1 page (double spaced 12 pt font) and include:
- name of your worldview
- how you think it requires you to behave
- what the role of humans should be in the environment
- how other species and the earth’s resources should be treated
- how you view your responsibility to future generations
- how your environmental worldview changed this year, if at all
- This is only a total of 7 artifacts. The rest of the artifacts can be of your choosing, but must be high quality with some sort of caption/summary/reflection for why the object was included in the portfolio. Ideas for what you might include, but are not limited to:
-a photograph - your own or someone else’s. Make sure to give credit if not yours
-song lyrics
-your eco-footprint and what you are doing to lessen it
-something from a trip you took this year outside of this class
-an activity you did outside of class (planting trees, community service, etc)
-a book you read
-original work of art
- Lastly, identify each of the 7 big topics of environmental science. Each should be included in this project:
-Earth Systems and Resources
-The Living World
-Land and Water Use
-Energy Resources and Consumption
-Global Change