Borough of Poole

Planning Committee

List of Planning Applications



Planning Committee

DATE: 5 JUNE 2003 at approximately 9.45 a.m


1.   Items may be taken out of order and therefore no certain advice can be provided about the time at which any item may be considered.

2.   Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made.

3.   Councillors who are not members of the Planning Committee but who wish to attend to make comments on any application on this list or accompanying agenda are required to give notice by informing the chairman or Head of Planning Design & Control Services before the meeting.

4.   Councillors who are interested in the detail of any matter to be considered should consult the files with the relevant officers to avoid queries at the meeting.

5.   Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or by contacting their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting.

6.   Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting.

7.   For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report, “background papers” in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received (including correspondence from all internal Borough Council Service Units).


Planning Committee

5 JUNE 2003 at approximately 9.45 a.m



W1 / 380 WEST WAY / 03/28335/000/F / 4
W2 / 44 VERITY CRESCENT / 03/33221/002/F / 7


E1 / 18 SPRINGFIELD CRESCENT / 03/07737/004/F / 10
E2 / 15 WIDDICOMBE AVENUE / 03/36978/000/F / 13
E3 / 18 WIDDICOMBE AVENUE / 03/05424/006/F / 17

Item No: W1

Case Officer: Miss C Standley

Site: 380 West Way, Broadstone, Dorset, BH18 9LE

Application No: 03/28335/000/F

Date Received: 26th March 2003

Agent: Sheerin, Bettle & Associates 78 Christchurch Road Ringwood Hampshire BH24 1DR

Applicant: Mr & Mrs S White

Development: Alterations and extensions to enlarge garage, lounge and create a porch at the front with a first floor side extension to create additional bedroom.

Ward: 0 150 Broadstone

This application is brought to Planning Committee, as a Policy Director lives nearby and it is considered that the proposal should not be determined under the scheme of officer delegation.

Site Description

·  Existing two storey detached dwelling with integral garage and off road parking to the front.

·  Streetscene characterised by detached two storey dwellings set back from the road presenting an uneven front building line.

Relevant Planning History



Representations have been received from Nos. 382, 344 & 384 West Way:

·  Concern over further cars parking in the road and congestion due to extension of garage.

·  Garage is extended beyond other properties in the road and the front of the property would not be in-keeping with this part of West Way.

·  Will impede the view up West Way from No. 382.

·  Loss of privacy of No. 344 through additional windows to the rear.

Relevant Planning Policy

The following Policies of the Poole Local Plan and First Alteration Revised Deposit Plan (November 2001) apply:

·  BE1 (Design Code)

·  H10 (House Alterations and Extensions)

Planning Considerations

The main planning considerations with this application relate to the impact on the streetscene, and neighbouring privacy and amenity.


·  The proposed garage extension would extend further forward than the existing front building line of the application site (approximately 3.5 metres). It would be similar to an existing extension approved at 376 West Way which projects forward of the building line by approximately 4.2 metres.

·  The other elements of the proposal which would be visible within the streetscene, first floor and porch extensions, can be absorbed by the dwelling without harm as there is sufficient variety within the streetscene.

·  The proposal would be in materials to match the existing dwelling and would therefore have no further impact on the visual quality of the streetscene

Neighbouring Privacy and Amenity

·  The additional windows to the front and rear of the dwelling would have no more impact or harmful overlooking of the neighbouring properties than the existing fenestration. There would be no additional windows to either side of the dwelling.

·  There would be sufficient space between the proposal and neighbouring dwellings to the side/rear that no material loss of light would occur to sensitive windows or external areas of these adjoining dwellings


·  The garage would park two cars and there would be sufficient space to the front of the property for at least two more cars. There would therefore be adequate parking for the site.

Human Rights Act

In coming to this recommendation/decision consideration has been given to rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights, particularly relating to neighbouring privacy and amenity.



Subject to the following condition(s)

1 - GN010 (Detailed Permission - Time Expiry 5 Years (Standard) )

The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason -

By virtue of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2 - GN040 (Match Materials to the Existing Building )

The materials and finishes to be employed on the external faces of the development hereby permitted shall match in every respect those of the existing building unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason -

To ensure a satisfactory visual relationship of the new development and that existing and in accordance with Policy BE1 & H10 of the Adopted Poole Local Plan (1998) and the First Alteration Revised Deposit Plan (November 2001).

3 - GN100 (No Further Windows in the Specified Elevation(s) )

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 and the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or any subsequent re-enactments thereof, no further windows/dormer windows (other than those expressly authorised by this permission) shall be constructed in the South West elevation (such expression to include the roof and wall) of the extension hereby permitted, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason -

To avoid loss of privacy to adjoining properties and in accordance with Policy BE1 & H10 of the Adopted Poole Local Plan (1998) and the First Alteration Revised Deposit Plan (November 2001).

Item No: W2

Case Officer: Miss C Standley

Site: 44 Verity Crescent, Canford Heath, Poole, Dorset, BH17 8TY

Application No: 03/33221/002/F

Date Received: 10th April 2003

Agent: Mr K W Percival 6 Pilsdon Drive Canford Heath Poole Dorset BH17 9EL

Applicant: Mr A Hyland

Development: Erect a first floor extension at the side to form a bedroom with ensuite and study. Form a brick archway adjoining the garage. (Revised Scheme).

Ward: M 130 Canford Heath

This application is brought to Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Allen due to the history of the site and with a request that committee visit the site.

Site Description

·  One of a pair of two storey semi-detached properties with a box dormer across the frontage.

·  Set back from the neighbouring semi-detached properties 46 & 48 Verity Crescent.

·  This section of Verity Crescent is characterised by two storey semi-detached dwellings with two garages between each pair of dwellings.

Relevant Planning History

33221/1 - Erect first floor extension at the side to form 2 bedrooms and an ensuite bathroom. Form a brick archway adjoining the garage - Refused 30/12/02 For the following reasons:

·  The proposed extension by reason of its size and design, would result in harm to the appearance of the dwelling. The extension would alter the character of the dwelling and its arrangement relative to the adjacent property would be out of character with the street scene to the detriment of the appearance of the area. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy BE1 of the adopted Poole Local Plan 1998 and First Alteration Revised Deposit Plan (November 2001).

·  It is considered that the height, projection and proximity of the extension would have an unacceptable overbearing relationship to the adjacent property no. 46 and this unneighbourly relationship would be contrary to Policy H10 of the Adopted Poole Local Plan (1998) and the First Alteration Revised Deposit Plan (November 2001).

Current Proposal

This current proposal is a revised scheme in light of the previous refusal, the main alteration being that the side of the proposal has been set in from the boundary by approximately 0.35 metres.


None received

Relevant Planning Policy

The following Policies of the Poole Local Plan and First Alteration Revised Deposit Plan (November 2001) apply:

·  BE1 (Design Code)

·  H10 ( House Alterations and Extensions)

Planning Considerations

The main planning considerations with this application are the impacts on the streetscene and character of the area and on neighbouring privacy and amenities and whether or not the amendment overcomes the earlier reasons for refusal.


·  The proposal would be significant within the streetscene and would extend the frontage of the dwelling by approximately 3.5 metres.

·  The proposal would reduce the gap between No 44 and its neighbouring property No 46 which would be detrimental not only to the character of the existing dwelling but also the streetscene. This impact is also accentuated by the increase in the box dormer across the majority of the width of the extension.

·  Whilst the proposal has been reduced in size from the earlier refusal scheme this is not considered to have addressed the concerns in relation to the character of the building and resulting in the significant lengthening of the property detrimental to the original character.

Neighbouring Privacy and Amenity

·  The proposed extension would have no additional windows to the side therefore would not impact on neighbouring privacy. New windows to the front and rear of the property would have no further harmful impact on neighbouring dwellings.

·  There would be sufficient space between the proposal and neighbouring dwellings to the side/rear that no material loss of light would occur to sensitive windows/external areas of these adjoining dwellings. It is therefore considered that this reduction overcomes the second reason for refusal.

Human Rights Act

In coming to this recommendation/decision consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights.



Reason for Refusal

The proposed extension by reason of its bulk, scale, massing and appearance, would result in a dominant and intrusive feature within the streetscene, harmful to the existing dwelling and the character of the area. It would therefore be contrary to Policies H10 and BE1 of the Adopted Poole Local Plan 1998 and First Alteration Revised Deposit Plan (November 2001).
Item No: E1

Case Officer: Mr S Llewellyn

Site: 18 Springfield Crescent, Poole, Dorset, BH14 0LL

Application No: 03/07737/004/F

Date Received: 25th February 2003

Agent: Peter Wadey 22 Durrant Road Parkstone Poole Dorset BH14 8TP

Applicant: Mr & Mrs P Wright

Development: Alterations and increase in height of roof to create rooms in the roof space with the provision of velux windows and formation of a balcony.

Ward: E 050 Parkstone

This application has been brought before the Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Mrs Stribley due to neighbour concerns.

Site Description

·  Split level property on the north western side of Springfield Crescent.

·  Due to the gradient of the road the application property sits in an elevated position in relation No. 20 to the south west, while it is set at a lower ground level than No. 16 to the north east.

·  The site is covered by a Tree Preservation Order (Area Order).

Relevant Planning History

·  No previous relevant planning history.

Current Proposal

·  Alterations and an increase in the ridge height of part of the roof to create rooms in the roof space.

·  Formation of a balcony in the side elevation at second floor level.

·  Insertion of Velux windows to the front and rear elevations.


·  One letter of objection has been submitted on behalf of the owners/occupants of No. 16 Springfield Crescent on the grounds of impact on the streetscene, loss of views and intrusion to the Springfield Crescent and potential subsidence.

Planning Policy

The following Policies of the Adopted Poole Local Plan (1998) and of the First Alteration Revised Deposit Plan (November 2001) apply:

·  BE1 (Design Code)

·  H10 (House Alterations and Extensions)

·  NE26 (Individual or Grouped Trees)

·  NE27 (Tree Preservation Orders)

Planning Considerations

Principal considerations:

Impact on Street Scene

·  The proposed extension and increase in the ridge height to the front of the property would increase its overall scale and mass. However, given the variety of property styles and sizes that are evident in this section of the street scene, it is considered that the resultant property would not appear overly dominant, particularly in relation to the scale and massing of the dwellings at Nos. 14 and 16 Springfield Crescent.

·  With regards to design, the proposal includes a flat roof section over the front extension, however, views of this flat roof element would be tempered by the landscaping to the front of the site from various vantage points within the street scene and it is considered that the visual appearance of the extension, by itself, would not appear so harmful to the street scene to justify refusal of this application.