Borough of Poole

Planning Committee

List of Planning Applications



Planning Committee

DATE: 16 December 2004 at 11:00 am


1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore no certain advice can be provided about the time at which any item may be considered.

2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made.

3. Councillors who are not members of the Planning Committee but who wish to attend to make comments on any application on this list or accompanying agenda are required to give notice by informing the chairman or Head of Planning Design & Control Services before the meeting.

4. Councillors who are interested in the detail of any matter to be considered should consult the files with the relevant officers to avoid queries at the meeting.

5. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or by contacting their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting.

6. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting.

7. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report, “background papers” in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received (including correspondence from all internal Borough Council Service Units).

8. Councillors are advised that if they wish to refer to specific drawings/plans which are not part of these papers to contact the relevant case officer at least 24 hours before the meeting to ensure these can be made available.


Planning Committee

16 December 2004 at 11:00 am



AG5 / WOODLANDS AVENUE / 04/29819/001/P
AG6 / LOWER BLANDFORD ROAD / 04/32834/003/F
1 / 29 BRUDENELL AVENUE / 04/06552/007/F / 4
2 / 9B UPPER GOLF LINKS ROAD / 04/37694/001/F / 11


3 / THE AVENUE (TELECOMS) / 04/33547/109/F / 18
(TELECOMS) / 04/33547/104/F / 23
HIGH STREET / 04/13141/013/F / 26
6 / 11-13 EMERSON ROAD / 04/21402/002/F / 27


7 / COMPTON ACRES / 04/02998/044/F / 32
8 / 16 WESTERN AVENUE / 04/32981/008/U / 40
9 / 16 WESTERN AVENUE / 04/32981/007/F / 43
10 / 105 ORCHARD AVENUE / 04/25138/001/F / 49
ARROWSMITH ROAD / 04/22482/013/F / 54
17 BELLE VUE ROAD / 04/00270/010/F / 55

*All times are approximate

Item No:1

Case Officer:Mr G Moir

Site:29 Brudenell Avenue, Poole, Dorset, BH13 7NW

Application No:04/06552/007/F

Date Received:26th May 2004

Agent:Traves James Architects 235 Holdenhurst Road Bournemouth Dorset BH8 8DD

Applicant:Mr & Mrs T Fox

Development:Demolish existing house and erect a detached house. Retaining detached garage (Revised Scheme) as amended plans received 25.10.04.

Ward:F 060 Canford Cliffs

This application is brought before Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Mrs Deas due to the concerns of local residents and possible conflict with the shoreline character.

Site Description

The site is occupied by a substantial 1930’s style detached property.

The site is in a prominent location on the upper portion of Brudenell Avenue, and can be viewed, in distant views, from Poole Harbour. The site is covered by a Tree Preservation Order and there are a number of protected trees within the site which have significant amenity value. To the front of the site is an established hedge providing a degree of screening to the site. The predominant character of Brudenell Avenue is detached properties set within individual plots.

Relevant Planning History

Two previous applications for a replacement dwelling were refused in January and April 2004 (04/6552/005 and /006) on the grounds of overdevelopment of the site.

Current Proposal

The current proposal is for the demolition of the existing property and the erection of a replacement detached house. The proposal retains the existing sauna and detached garage building.


At the time of writing the report 3 letters of representation had been received, which related to the superseded plans. The contents of which are summarised below:

  • Due to the height of the proposed house, it will not fit in with the existing streetscene.
  • The proposal will result in a loss of privacy to neighbouring properties.
  • The proposed drive will prejudice the boundary treatment and result in the loss of protected trees.
  • The overall size of the proposal will not sit well within the streetscene and will detrimentally affect the character of the area.
  • There is insufficient space between the proposed building and boundary for replacement planting.
  • The proposed building line has been moved closer to 31 Brudenell Avenue, which would dominate the front and rear gardens.

The Head of Transportation Services – no objections subject to visibility splays being provided to the existing access.

Relevant Planning Policy

The following policies of the Adopted Poole Local Plan (Adopted 2004) are relevant:

NE23 - (Coastal Zone and Shoreline Character)

BE1 - (Design Code)

BE3 - (Topography)

H4 - (Housing Development)

NE28 - (Tree Preservation Orders)

NE27 - (Individual or Grouped Trees)

The adopted SPG on Shoreline Character areas is also relevant.

Planning Considerations

The principal planning considerations with regard to this application are its relationship to the streetscene and character and appearance of the area and its impact upon neighbouring properties, and retention of protected trees.

Design and Impact upon the Streetscene.

  • The established character of Brudenell Avenue is that of detached properties set within generous plots, there is no predominant architectural style within the area. As such it is considered that the proposal would not appear disruptive to the character and appearance of the area. The Shoreline Character Areas SPG identifies the area as having a wooded backdrop, which the proposal seeks to preserve, the footprint of the proposal is similar to that of the existing, albeit having a different orientation, however the spacing between properties is retained.
  • The Shoreline Character SPG identifies that the landscape setting should be preserved and maintained. The proposal achieves the aims of the SPG and maintains the wooded backdrop, when viewed from the shoreline.
  • When the site is viewed from the east it benefits from substantial screening, which extends to the southern boundary. The proposal has an increase in ridge height over the eastern ridge of 1.22 metres, the tower feature is a further 1.2 metres higher. The site is capable of supporting the turret feature which will present itself as a key feature within the streetscene. With regard to the increase in ridge height of the building, the varied topography of the site and site screening will absorb the increase in height so that it would not appear over-dominant or intrusive within the streetscene.

Impact upon Neighbouring Properties

  • There is existing natural screening on both southern and northern boundaries. Whilst it is proposed to lose two protected trees from the southern boundary the hedge remains a substantial screen and will minimise any overlooking from the ground floor and breaks up the proposal’s built form when viewed from 31 Brudenell Avenue. It has been demonstrated that the hedge can be retained during construction.
  • With regard to overlooking from first and second floor windows obscure glazing can be used on both side elevations (north and south). The trees on the northern boundary break up the built form of the proposal when viewed from 27 Brudenell Avenue. With regard to potential for overlooking the rear windows of the tower are shown to be masonry, with the appearance of a window. However, no material overlooking can take place.

Impact upon Protected Trees

  • The loss of the Birch and Rowan tree is considered to be acceptable, having regard to their poor physical state, limited amenity value and location adjacent to the existing dwelling, provided that replacement planting is provided, with significant space for the trees to mature.
  • It is acknowledged that pruning of the macrocarpa trees is required, details of which are to be agreed, however this is acceptable as it will not cause harm to the tree or detract from its amenity value.

Human Rights Act

In coming to this recommendation/decision consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights.



Subject to the following conditions

1 - GN010 (Detailed Permission - Time Expiry 5 Years (Standard))

The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason -

By virtue of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2 - GN030 (Sample of Materials - Submission of Details Required)

Details and samples of all external facing and roofing materials to be used shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority before any on-site works commence. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason -

To ensure that the external appearance of the building(s) is satisfactory and in accordance with Policy BE1 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

3 - GN090 (Obscure Glazing of Window(s))

Both in the first instance and upon all subsequent occasions, the windows coloured orange on the approved plan shall be glazed with obscured glass in a form sufficient to prevent external views and shall either be a fixed light or hung in such a way as to prevent the effect of obscure glazing being negated by reason of opening.

Reason -

To protect the amenity and privacy of the adjoining properties and in accordance with Policy H4 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

4 - GN080 (Screening to Balcony - Submission of Details Required)

Prior to the commencement of development, details of an obscure glazed screen of at least 1.8 metres in height to be erected along the sides of the balcony as marked PINK on the approved plan shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The screens shall be erected in accordance with the approved details prior to the commencement of use of the dwelling, hereby permitted, and shall thereafter be permanently retained as such.

Reason -

In the interests of privacy and amenity of the neighbouring properties and in accordance with Policy H4 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

5 - RC010 (Remove Residential Permitted Development)

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 and the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or any subsequent re-enactment thereof, no further alterations or extensions, to include the insertion of windows other than those authorised by this permission shall be erected without express planning permission first being obtained from the Local Planning Authority.

Reason -

To prevent over development of the site and to protect the amenity of neighbouring properties and in accordance with Policy H4 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

6 - Non Standard (Arboricultural Method Statement)

An arboricultural method statement prepared by an arboricultural consultant holding a nationally recognised arboricultural qualification providing comprehensive details of construction works in relation to trees shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of demolition. All works shall subsequently be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details. In particular, the method statement must provide the following:-

a) a specification for protective fencing to trees during both demolition and construction phases which complies with BS5837:1991 and a plan indicating the alignment of the protective fencing;

b) a specification for scaffolding and ground protection within tree protection zones in accordance with BS5837;

c) a schedule of tree works conforming to BS3998;

d) details of general arboricultural matters such as the area for storage of materials, concrete mixing and use of fires;

e) plans and particulars showing the siting of the service and piping infrastructure;

f) a full specification for the construction of any arboriculturally sensitive structures and sections through them, including the installation of boundary treatment works, the method of construction of the access driveway including details of the no-dig specification and extent of the areas of the driveway to be constructed using a no-dig specification;

Reason -

In order that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied that the trees to be retained on-site will not be damaged during the construction works and to ensure that as far as possible the work is carried out in accordance with current best practice and in accordance with Policy NE28 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

7 - TR080 (Replanting of a Specified Number of Trees)

Notwithstanding the submitted plans 5 trees, of a size and species and in a location to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority, shall be planted in accordance with BS3936 (Parts 1 and 4), BS4043 and BS4428 in the earliest planting season following implementation of this permission. The trees shall be thereafter maintained for a period of five years including the replacement of any trees, or any trees planted in replacement for it, which die, are removed or become damaged or diseased within this period with trees of a similar size and of the same species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. The Local Planning Authority shall be notified in writing when the trees have been planted so that compliance with the condition can be confirmed.

Reason -

In order to preserve the visual amenities which at present exist on the site and to ensure that as far as possible the work is carried to current best practice and in accordance with Policy NE28 and NE23 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

8 - HW100 (Parking/Turning Provision)

The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the access and turning space shown on the approved plan have been constructed, and these shall thereafter be retained and kept available for those purposes at all times.

Reason -

In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Policy T13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

9 - HW200 (Provision of Visibility Splays)

Before the development hereby permitted is brought into use and notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 or any subsequent re-enactment thereof, the land hatched in GREEN as indicated on the approved plans shall be cleared of all obstructions over 0.6 metres above the level of the adjoining highway, including the reduction in level of the land if necessary, and nothing over that height shall be permitted to remain, be placed, built, planted or grown on the land so designated at any time.

Reason -

In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Policy T13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

10 - GN140 (Siting and Levels Approved on Site)

The precise siting and floor level of the development hereby approved shall be pegged out in accordance with the approved plans (0338/11 A) and agreed on site with the Local Planning Authority before any works whatsoever commence on the site. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason -

To ensure satisfactory relationship between the position and floor level of the development and that adjacent and in accordance with Policy NE23 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

Informative Notes

1 - IN620 - Summary of Reasons for Decision

Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) Order 2003

The proposed development has been tested against the following policies of the Development Plan and, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, is not in conflict with the following policies:

a)The proposal will not affect the character and amenities of the area - Policy BE1

b)Residential Amenity will not be affected adversely - Policy H4

c)No protected trees will be affected - Policy NE28

Item No:2

Case Officer:Mrs H E Harris

Site:9B Upper Golf Links Road, Broadstone, Dorset,

BH18 8BT

Application No:04/37694/001/F

Date Received:31st August 2004

Agent:Mr Wood Maybank Studio 18 Worgret Road Wareham BH20 4PN

Applicant:Mr & Mrs D Lewis

Development:Convert existing bungalow to a two storey detached house (to include room over existing garage and a new workshop). Formation of new access (Revised Scheme) as amended by plans received 03-11-04 - ref: Appendix 13.

Ward:O 150 Broadstone

This application is brought to Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Brooke due to concerns about the proposal’s orientation and potential for overlooking.

Site Description

This 0.26 hectare site, on the west side of Upper Golf Links Road, comprises a detached bungalow with a back garden that drops in level to the rear boundaries with properties that front Lower Golf Links Road.

The site is heavily treed and covered by Tree Preservation Order No: 42/2000, restricting views of the existing dwelling from outside the site.

The nearest property to the proposal development is No. 11 Upper Golf Links Road (to the north), which is a new, large, two storey house approximately 10 metres from the mutual boundary. The other neighbour, No.9 (to the south), is an older, large, two storey detached house, approximately 3 metres from the southern boundary of the site.

Relevant Planning History

An application for a similar proposal was submitted in April and withdrawn in June 2004.

Since then a tree works application has been granted (dated 4 August 2004) to fell and replace three trees on the site. One was in poor health and the other two were of low amenity value.

Current Proposal

This is to provide a first floor level to the existing bungalow to create a two storey detached house. The garage would be extended at the rear to provide a workshop, and at first floor to provide a games room.

A new access, taking a more direct route to the dwelling, would be provided from Upper Golf Links Road (whilst the existing access would be abandoned).

Bedrooms, en suites, a balcony and the games room would be the new accommodation at the first floor level, with the reception and living rooms at the existing ground floor level. There would be a new habitable floor area of approximately 380m2 (compared to 180 m2 existing).

Relevant Planning Policy

The following policies of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004) are relevant: