Final Manuscript/Portfolio Rubric
Category/Score / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Introductory Paragraph
(x2) / Strong introduction with a clear claim. / Introduces topic, but focus could be sharper. / Claim stated but not appropriately focused. / No claim or objective for research.
Quality of information
(x3) / Specific, concrete evidence obtained from credible sources. / Concrete evidence obtained from credible sources. / General evidence obtained from credible sources. / Little evidence, not from credible sources.Amount of Information
(x3) / At least two reasons with ample supporting details. / At least two reasons with some supporting details. / At least one reasons with supporting details. / One reason with little detail.
Opposing view
(x2) / Thoughtfully addresses opposition and provides convincing rebuttal. / Addresses opposition and provides somewhat convincing rebuttal. / Doesn’t address strongest opposition or provide rebuttal. / Neglects to address opposition and provide convincing rebuttal.
/ Information is clearly organized with well-constructed paragraphs. / Information is organized with fairly well-constructed paragraphs. / Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well constructed. / The information is disorganized with poorly constructed paragraphs.Diction
/ Level of diction is appropriate. / Level of diction is somewhat appropriate. / Level of diction is too informal. / Level of diction is inappropriate.Mechanics/Usage/
/ Few Errors / Occasional errors / Frequent errors / Errors in nearly every sentence create confusion for the reader.Documentation
(Citing sources)(x2) / All sources of information are correctly cited, whenever necessary. / Most sources of information are correctly cited, whenever necessary. / Citations are present but may not be in the correct format. / Little or no evidence of citations and they may not be in the correct format.
MLA Style
/ Completely adheres to MLA Style. / Mostly adheres to MLA Style. / Three or more style errors. / Does not follow MLA Style.Works Cited
(x2) / Works Cited is correct and alphabetized. / Works Cited is mostly correct and alphabetized. / Works Cited has errors or is not alphabetized. / Works Cited is neither correct nor alphabetized.Portfolio materials
(see below) (x2) / 100% complete / Missing one / Missing two / Missing three or moreGrading scale
A = 80 - 72 C = 63 - 56 F = 40 and below Comments:
B = 71 – 64 D = 55 - 50
Portfolio Materials
_____ Folder with pockets or three-ring binder
_____ Rubric (this sheet)
_____ Final Outline
_____ Printed sources
_____ Final Manuscript including Works Cited page
_____ minimum 3 source cards
_____ minimum of 15 notes cards