Final Exam Study Guide

Physical Education 9th Grade


*First Aid and CPR will be on this final exam. First Aid and CPR textbooks will not be rented out.

Understand concepts of CPR such as:

-  How to determine unresponsiveness

-  If a person is unresponsive, but breathing what do you do?

-  If rescue breaths do not make the chest raise what do you do?

-  How do you open the airway?

-  How to determine if the victim is not breathing

-  How many chest compression and breathes do you give during a CPR cycle

-  How deep to compress the chest?

-  The universal distress sign for choking is what?

-  What maneuver do you use for a conscious choking victim?

-  What are the common signs and symptoms for a heart attack?

-  List the parts of the Initial Check.

-  What are the common signs and symptoms of a stroke?

Understand the concepts of First Aid such as:

-  How can you minimize the risk of disease transmission?

-  What is the Initial Check used for?

-  Lists the steps to control external bleeding?

-  What is anaphylaxis?

-  How to care for an amputated body part?

-  What is the function of a bandage?

-  What is the function of a dry sterile dressing?

-  How do you care for a nosebleed?

-  Steps for caring for a heat burn.

-  How to care for an impaled object.

-  Why and when should a splint be applied to a victim?

-  How to care for a victim experiencing a seizure.

-  Signs and symptoms of a person with low blood sugar.

-  Signs and symptoms for hypothermia.

-  Signs and symptoms for dehydration.

-  Spinal injury procedures.

In-line Skating:

Skills and Concepts:

Standing and walking:

Both hands on Knees

Stand to V (heels together)

Ready position

Balanced position

Center of gravity low and over skates


Weight Forward


Drop to all fours (knees then hands)


Shift weight

Point toes out

Stopping Techniques:

ABT brake



Walking and Jogging:

Skills and Concepts:

Stress: training stimulates the type of stress the body will encounter in a race/performance situation. There is a fine line between stress and strain.

Specificity of training: Training must be like the type of race you are preparing for… speed and distance.

Recovery: The body needs proper time to recover. If someone is training hard all the time and not allowing for any rest time, this will bring you down. Rest is important after hard training sessions.

Pacing: Make a long view approach to jogging. While training or racing, use gradual improvements. Increase quickly as josh for longer and longer. Importance of pacing is realizing that more is not always better. Slow and steady not always wins the race but will finish the race respectfully.

Ping Pong:


Table tennis was founded and created by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) in Berlin in 1926.

The objective of table tennis is to strike the ball in such a fashion that it lands on the other side of the table so the opponent cannot return it. Points are awarded to the side that successfully delivers an unreturnable strike. Each person serves the ball 5 consecutive times to the player positioned diagonally to him or her. Games are played to a score of 21 with the game having been won by 2 points.


First team to score 21 points wins.

Each player serves five consecutive times to the opposing player diagonal from them.

The serve must land on the opposite side of the table diagonally from server.

The ball may only bounce once and must then be returned.

If a let occurs during a serve a re-serve is awarded.

The player’s hand may not contact the ball when executing a shot.

During doubles play an alternating fashion must be used for players to strike the ball.

If a serve fails to cross the net or does not land in the correct area, the opposing team is awarded a point.

No leaning or hand placement on the table.


Backhand- hitting the ball with the back of the hand facing the direction of movement

Forehand-hitting the ball with the palm of the hand facing the direction of movement

Let-during a serve, the ball hits the net and still crosses over into the correct table area.

Rally-Striking the ball across the net repeatedly

Smash-a forceful strike

Volley-striking the ball before it contacts the table

Serve-used to put the ball into play



Badminton is played either two players, which is called singles, or four players, called doubles. The object of the game is to hit the shuttlecock (birdie) back and forth across the net without permitting it to land on the floor in bounds. The side failing to return the birdie legally across the net commits a fault, resulting in a loss of a point or service. The server can only score a point. If the receiving side wins a rally, the serve passes either to them or in the case of doubles, so the servers partner if he has the service coming. The birdie can be hit only once in attempting to return.

All even scores are served from the right side of the court. All odd scores are served from the left service court.

A game consists of 15 points and you must win by two points

The serve must be hit in an underhand motion

A birdie that lands on the boundary line is considered good/in play


Ace-a serve that is executed so well that it cannot be returned

Carry-momentarily catching the birdie on the racket while stroking

Drop shot- a shot executed like a smash or clear, but is hit softly in order to barely clear the net

High Clear- a high deep shot that force the receiver to play the birdie near the back line

Smash- an overhead shot returned fast, hard, and at a sharp downward angle


9 position out on the field. Pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second basemen, third basemen, shortstop, left fielder, right fielder, and center fielder.

A substitute is allowed to take a place of any teammate in the batting order and the field

Any starter can be taken out at one point and put back in again if they go back into the same position on the batting order.

The designated hitter always stats in the same position in the batting order. They cannot play defense. If the designated hitter is replaced by another teammate, he may no enter the game again.

A teammate that is not a starter cannot re-enter after being taken out.

There are 7 innings in a softball game. But if the team that bats in the bottom innings are ahead of the top inning team after the top of the 7th, the game ends without the bottom of the 7th.

An illegal pitch is:

When a pitcher take more than one step before letting go of the ball.

Rolling the ball.

Offensive player is out when:

-  grounded out

-  flied out

-  tagged out

-  batted illegally

-  a ball is bunted foul after the second strike

-  three strikes occur

-  the batter steps out of one batter’s box to the other when the pitcher is in position to pitch

No stealing is slow pitch softball. Only after the ball is pitched and has passed home plate and been batted can the base runner leaves the base.

1.  3 outs or once through the batting order.

2.  Must bat boy girl boy girl.

3.  Underhand pitch only

4.  Batting team provides the pitcher. Each batter is allowed only 3 pitches

5.  Sit in batting order while waiting to bat

6.  If a batter throws a bat they are OUT.


8.  must remain on the base until the batter hits the ball or you will be called out.



1.  How many players are on the field at one time? 11

2.  This person’s primary job is to maintain possession of the ball as it is being moved towards the opponent’s goal and to score a goal is the forward.

3.  This person’s primary job is to back up the forwards, distribute the ball, and can be the first line of defense against the opponents is the halfbacks

4.  This person’s primary job is to defend against an opponents attack is the fullbacks

5.  Stopping the ball to gain control and possession is known as trapping.

6.  Contacting an aerial ball with your head to direct flight is known as heading.

7.  This term is used when you strike the ball out of the air is volleying.

8.  The best way to get open for a teammate is to run away from the ball.

9.  Dribbling can be done by using all parts of the foot.

10.  In a game, you should always keep your head up looking at the field.


11.  This person’s primary job is to run with the football when handed off by the quarterback is the running back.

12.  When the defense catches a pass thrown by the offense, it is known as an interception.

13.  This person’s primary job is to defend against receivers catching the ball cornerbacks/safeties.

14.  A touchdown is worth six (6) points.

15.  This people that block the defense to protect the quarterback is the offensive lineman

16.  This determines where the ball is placed before each play and is the line that separates defense from offense is the line of Scrimmage

17.  This person calls plays, passes and hands off the football, and controls the action of the offense is the quarterback.

18.  The wide receiver’s primary job is to catch passes thrown by the quarterback

19.  A field goal is worth 3 points.

The person that hikes the ball to the quarterback is the center.


20.  Dr. Naismith invented basketball.

21.  There are five players on the court at one time for each team.

22.  Pushing, charging, tripping, and holding are all examples of fouls.

23.  A jump ball is used to start the basketball game.

24.  The hand that you are not shooting with should be placed on the side of the ball as a guide.

25.  When performing a bounce pass the ball should bounce 3/4 of the way between you and your partner.

26.  Traveling, double dribbles, and going out of bounds with the basketball are examples of violations.