International Relations

Final Exam Study Guide


Pakistan Saudi Arabia Iran North Korea

Iraq United States Britain Egypt

China Afghanistan Israel India


Realist Idealist Jihad

Abraham Muhammad Jesus

Mecca Medina Jerusalem

Madrasah Islam Christianity

Judaism Osama Bin laden Abu Mousab Zarqawi

Kim Jong Il Saddam Hussein Yasser Arafat

Containment Sharia Pre-Emption

Wahhabi Islam Theocracy Kurds

Sunnis Shiites Koriesh

Apostate Unilateral Multilateral

George Bush Barack Obama

Current US Defense Budget and % of GDP

America’s % of world military expenditure

US National Security Options-

1) US Dominance and Preventive Action (Aggressive)

2) US Power for Deterrence and Containment (Balanced)

3) Cooperative World Order (Cooperative)

GDP of all Islamic countries


Fundamentalist beliefs/goals

US Navy Seal Team 6

Essay Choices

Choose 1 of the following

You have recently been elected President of the United States of America. You must choose the direction of American foreign policy and national security. As President, will you continue the aggressive policies of your predecessor, choose a more moderate option, or seek a completely new direction? Explain your answer in detail by including specific facts/examples.


Describe the origins of Islam in detail and explain the crisis of Islam today with specific facts/examples.