Final Cause or Effect or Compare/Contrast Essay – 4- 5 Paragraphs
Directions: write a complete essay with the following guidelines:- Introduction (4-6 sentences)
- Good connecting info
- Clear thesis
- 3 body paragraphs ( 7-9 sentences each) for Cause or Effect and 2 Body Paragraphs (11-15 sentences each) for Compare/Contrast
- Good supporting ideas
- Good concluding sentences
- Conclusion (4-6 sentences)
- Topic exploration or summary
- Meaningful final thought
Choose ONE of the following topics:
Focus on Causes:
- What are the reasons that some students cheat? (3 causes)
Focus on Effects:
- What are 3 effects of always playing computer games?
Compare/Contrast: What are several similarities and differences between attending school in your country and attending school in this country?
Brainstorm – 5 points
- Introduction Paragraph (Anecdote, historical, general to specific, facts/statistics, etc)
- Hook: ______
- Connector:
- Thesis Statement:
- Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence: ______Main points and support: details, examples and explanations:______
- Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence: ______
Main points and support: details, examples and explanations:______
- Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence:
______Main points and support: details, examples and explanations:______
Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, opinion, prediction, suggestion?
After you finish writing your essay, double check for accuracy and mistakes.
Did I answer the question clearly?
Did I indent the first line of each paragraph?
Do I have an interesting hook?
Does my connecting information lead my reader from the hook to the thesis?
Do I have a clear thesis?
Do my topic sentences have a topic and controlling idea?
Are my 2- 3 body paragraphs interesting and do they cover the topic?
Do I use enough details, explanations, and examples?
Did I use appropriate transition words and cause-effect or compare/contrast language?
Is my concluding paragraph a summary, prediction, suggestion or opinion?
Is my subject-verb agreement correct?
Are my other grammar and sentence structure correct?
Are my spelling and punctuation correct?
Writing Rubric / Points possible Is the brainstorm & outline complete? / 5
Does the first sentence “hook” you?
Is it interesting?
Is it grammatical and punctuated properly? / 3
Does the connecting information logically lead the reader from the hook to the thesis?
Is it long enough (4-5 sentences) ? / 2
Is there a good thesis statement? (Stated or implied)
Is it grammatically correct?
Is it appropriate for this type of essay? / 10
Are there two - three complete body paragraphs that each begin with a good topic sentence, and are connected to the thesis? (topic + controlling idea) / 10
Does each body paragraph have strong supporting details?
Appropriate transition words and organizational words (C/E or CC words)
Is there a variety of different types of sentences? Compound/ Complex etc.
Does the content of the writing answer the prompt?
Level 4 or higher vocabulary? / 30
Conclusion paragraph restates thesis, provides a summary or topic exploration, and ends with a meaningful final thought? / 15
Sentence mechanics:
Correct punctuation, spelling, capitalization
correct grammar, verb tenses, subject/ verb agreement / 25
______/ 100