Final-Approved 6/2/2015

Final-Approved 6/2/2015

Final-Approved 6/2/2015

Members Present:

Patrice Scott (Chair), Howard Burnham (Vice Chair), Butch Cushing, Freeman Plummer, Omer C. Ahern Jr., Tom McGlauflin (Alternate)

Others Present:

Sharon Penney, Town Planner

Call to Order and Roll Call:

  • Patrice Scott opened the meeting at 7:00 pm and took roll call of the members present.

Minutes from April 7, 2015:

  • Howard Burnham made mention that Omer C. Ahern Jr. should be noted as recused on the March 3, 2015 minutes not absent.
  • Howard Burnham and Patrice Scott need more clarification of the minutes from April 7, 2015. The Board would like the tape reviewed for a few sections of the minutes as they are unclear.
  • Freeman Plummer made a motion to hold the April 7, 2015 minutes until the next meeting, seconded by Butch Cushing. All in favor.

Public Hearing:

  • Application 212-046-002 Administrative Appeal 09-02-14 (Continuation of 4-7-15 public hearing).Please view the 4-20-15 letter from MV Plymouth attorney Anthony Marts who, along with Riverside Landing principal Michael McGinley and the Bank of NH are requesting a continuance of today’s meeting to June 2, 2015 in order to effect a structured resolution to this appeal.
  • Mrs. Scott wanted to clarify to the public that the intention of this meeting was to continue from the previous meeting and deliberate. Since the decision to continue, a letter was received from the attorney of the new owner of lot two, MV Plymouth Replacement. The letter stated that all parties are now working together toward resolving the several issues brought to the Board, including the civil matter involving the erection of the sign on lot two. She then addressed the Board regarding the request for continuance.
  • Omer C. Ahern Jr. interjected and stated that he should not be part of this discussion. With the Chair’s permission, he recused himself from the Board for this meeting.
  • Mrs. Scott opened the public hearing portion of the meeting for the public to speak to the application.
  • Eric Newman, the attorney for Bank of NH, joined by Shaun Sanborn, spoke in regards to the application. He noted that they have reviewed the request and if there are any questions for the owner of the lot he will be happy to answer as it looks like Mr. Graham was not able to make it to the meeting.
  • Mrs. Scott stated that the letter is very clear and is happy that everybody is working together and moving in the same direction.
  • Mr. Burnham had a question about the postponement of 30 days for the matter.
  • Ms. Penney stated that she did speak with Attorney Marts in the morning and they went over the letter. She feels this is a very honest effort by all parties to come up with a resolution. They are hoping to come up with a resolution sooner rather than later. They are just giving themselves plenty of time to work out the logistics.
  • Mr. Burnham asked if they need to convene in May for anything.
  • Ms. Penney noted they do not unless they have administrative matters or another application. She noted that they are not scheduled for a meeting in May as the application deadline has passed and she did not receive any applications.
  • Mrs. Scott thinks she would feel comfortable with the letter as they have had the parties before them and are aware of what the issues are and see that they are working towards a resolution on the issues. She is not against granting a continuance at this point.
  • Mr. Plummer made a motion for a continuance until June 2, 2015, seconded by Mr. Burnham. All in favor.
  • Ms. Penney requested the Chair to reiterate the time and date certain.
  • Mrs. Scott reiterated the date of continuance as June 2, 2015 at 7:00pm at the Town Hall. This is for application 212-046-002 Administrative Appeal regarding Riverside Landing and the Bank of NH and all other parties.
  • Omer C. Ahern Jr. rejoined the meeting and Mr.McGlauflin stepped down.
  • Mrs. Scott reminded Mr.McGlauflin that they will need him for the June 2, 2015 meeting.

Unfinished and Other Business:

  • Election of Officers:
  • Ms. Penney noted that it is stated in the ZBA bylaws that this has to be done in April, after elections.
  • Omer C. Ahern Jr. asked if they all have to be re-appointed.
  • Ms. Penney noted that it looks like all need to be re-appointed next year, except for Howard Burnham is up now. She will speak to him after the meeting.
  • Omer C. Ahern Jr. was curious on why everyone’s terms are up at the same time. He feels this could be very problematic if they all decide to leave.
  • Ms. Penney stated that there was a lot of filling in gaps, new members, members being elected as Selectman, etc. She stated this is highly unusual for this to happen.
  • Mr. Plummer made a motion to keep the officers as they are. Patrice Scott (Chair) and Howard Burnham (Vice Chair). All in favor.
  • Omer C. Ahern Jr. wanted to thank the Chair and Vice Chair for doing all that they do for the Board.
  • Mr. Burnham asked Ms. Penney if she could check with the attorney on seeing if the terms could be staggered.
  • Ms. Penney stated she would check with Attorney Ratigan regarding staggering the terms as the Board is really concerned about everyone’s terms being up at the same time. She noted to all members to let her know by Thursday if they would like to attend the OEP conference on May 2, 2015.

New Business:



  • Mr. Burnhammade a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Cushing.All in favor.
  • Mrs. Scott adjourned the meeting at 7:20pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Vincent