Final 60’s Assignment: Journal Project

Due: (Day back from Spring break) – Monday (1, 3, 5) or Tuesday (4, 6)

Ms. Garaway, Grade 7 English

Create a Journal from The 1960’s.

It must be in a first person narrative (I, me, my).
You will be writing as if were there, experiencing it.

Your journal must include:

*Three (3) journal entries, [at least – You may write more]
Each one page long, written. It can be ½ page each, if typed.

*You MUST be a different person/perspective for each journal entry – focusing on a different sub-topic that we learned in our unit (though you can mention multiple ones in each entry): Hippies/Counterculture, Student Activism/Protests, Censorship/Book Banning, Women’s Equal Rights, and Music—Folk, Psychedelic, Rock.

*Your journals entries can be your inner thinking on the sub-topics, as in your reaction to what is going on OR you can be AT specific events and describing what you see/what you are experiencing around you. (Summer of Love in San Francisco,

A Be-In, A student rally, War Protest, Standing up for Women’s Rights, Preventing Books from being banned, Rocking out at Woodstock are examples…)

~~USE OUR 60’s VOCABULARY and take pride in your creation: That means to DECORATE THE JOURNAL – draw, color, make up character names, use pictures, write lyrics, and remember to be in character 1st person) etc…

Remember: Look at all of the information you have in your notes and from the articles you’ve collected, to use in your project. You should be talking about real events & real people that we learned about… You may research more information online if you’d like, but make sure the website you are using a valid website.

-- 60’s Project Checklist --
Due: Tuesday, April 22nd/’13
(The day back from Spring Break)

-Descriptive sentences, expressing your feelings, reactions and inner thinking.

-The mention of multiple examples (people, places, events) that we learned in our 60’s Unit.

-Creatively made-up characters and parts of the story for “who you are” in each entry [Proud Hippie, College kid, Protestor, Teenage runaway, Angry-at-the-Hippies-neighbor, Worried parent, Soldier going to Vietnam, Outspoken woman, Kid trying to ditch the draft, Sexist man, Administrator trying to ban a book…]

-Writing in the 1st person (I, Me, My) AS IF YOU WERE THERE, EXPERIENCING IT!

-A put together Journal – pages stapled or tied together so that it looks like a journal– with a cover. Decorate, color, draw, print pictures, & really customize it as if it’s your personal journal.

-Complete sentences and correct capital letters.

-Appropriate words of the times: trippin’, psychedelic, groovy, dude, man, happenin’, far-out, keen, bummed out, fab, cool, peace, love, funky, unreal, Revolution, sweet…

60’s Journal Project outline:

(Bullet points in each box: What sub-topic(s) will I be talking about? What events and people would be important to mention when discussing that?)

Focus of 1st Journal entry: Who Am I  ______Sub Topic focus ______
Intro to person/feelings: -
Reaction to events/sharing observations --
End of thoughts: -

Focus of 2nd Journal entry: Who Am I  ______Sub Topic focus ______
Intro to person/feelings: -
Reaction to events/sharing observations --
End of thoughts: -

Focus of 3rd Journal entry: Who Am I  ______Sub Topic focus ______
Intro to person/feelings: -
Reaction to events/sharing observations -
End of thoughts: -

60’s Journal Project outline: [Ms. G’s example]

(Bullet points in each box: What sub-topic(s) will I be talking about? What events and people would be important to mention when discussing that?)

Focus of 1st Journal entry:
Who Am I  Cheryl, a college woman Sub Topic  Women’s equal rights
Intro to person/feelings:
-I’m Cheryl – I’m at a coffee shop, listening to a woman read quotes from Betty Friedan’s “A Feminine Mystique.”
-I love being surrounded by so many strong women who can express themselves.
Reaction to events/sharing observations:
-I’m reading Ms. Magazine, feeling inspired by Gloria Steinem and her effort to get women’s opinions out there.
-Talking with my friend Betty, and sharing how we hate being treated like second-class citizens. It’s time men understood that we are here to stay.
-The woman on the stage starts singing Helen Reddy’s “I am Woman” and we all join in.
End of thoughts:
-Singing with so many women makes me feel like we could kill the Sexist stereotype that only men can work and women have to stay at home.
-I feel so encouraged and never want the sing-a-long to end.
-I want to work and raise a family and do it all. And I never want to be told that I can’t.
Focus of 2nd Journal entry:
Who Am I  College student Burt Sub Topic focus Censorship
Intro to person/feelings:
-I’m Burt and I’m meeting some of my classmates in front of the Arts building at Berkeley.
-We’re gathered because we aren’t happy with student rights – the campus is not letting us plan a rally to express our Anti-War feelings.
Reaction to events/sharing observations:
-We staged a sit-in and demanded that professors allow us to share why we shouldn’t be fighting in Vietnam.
-Why don’t they understand that this is a freedom of our expression and they can’t stop us from getting together?
-We chanted “Hell no we won’t go” & blasted Bob Dylan’s song “The Times They Are A Changin’.”
-We wanted the school administration to know that we are trying to change things and they shouldn’t ‘criticize what they don’t understand’ and not get in our way.
End of thoughts:
-Billy and Zane brought their harmonicas and joined in on the chorus of the song.
-I love getting people’s attention, convincing them that change rules/that they should join us.
-I don’t care if campus security breaks us up because I believe what I’m standing up for.
Focus of 3rd Journal entry: Who Am I  ______Sub Topic focus ______
Intro to person/feelings: -
Reaction to events/sharing observations -
End of thoughts: -

~ Extra entry ~

Focus of 2nd Journal entry:

Who Am I  20-year-old Hippie named Frick

Sub Topic  Psychedelic and Rock Music

-My buddy Moonbeam says we should roadtrip to Woodstock!

-Just as Janis Joplin started to sing, we took some LSD and quickly made friends with the guys next to us, John-oh and Sirius.

-I remember feeling like shooting stars were coming at me and each one that hit felt like a mini hug – I was clearly in a psychedelic state.

-There was Purple Haze all around me and before I knew it, I was smoking and watching Jimi Hendrix rock out.