Name ______

Your task is to analyze a specific director’s work through at least 3 films and a few other sources. Use what you’ve learned about narrative, contextual, semiotic, & mise en scène analyses to make unique points about the director you have chosen.

The paper will be due on Thursday, May 24th and must be 3—5 pages in length.

Film history Director AnalysisPaper Rubric

Focus /25





Format & Citation skills/25

Works Cited page/25


Film history final paper Guidelines


Guidelines and requirements

Reference guides to documenting resources


Grade breakdown

Guidelines & Requirements:

  1. You will write a 3-5 page research paper on an assigned director. Throughout the project, you will be taught how to use MLA style documentation, how to research a topic and locate sources, how to record and organize gathered information, and how to incorporate sources into a well-developed paper.
  1. Plagiarism can occur on several levels: using another student’s research paper as your own, buying or copying research papers from the Internet, and not properly documenting all of your resources are all types of plagiarism. These acts are considered cheating and will not only result in failure of the course, but also could result in further disciplinary action through the administration. You will be taught how to give credit to your sources, and you will be expected to do so.
  1. You will gather information from sources such as books, magazines, journals, Internet articles, documentaries, YouTube videos, and behind the scenes footage. You are to use at least 6 sources, 3 of which will be the movies you have chosen. Be sure to use a variety. Wikipedia should not be cited; it is not a valid resource in this case! Sources from an electronic database are not considered Internet sources. Books or newspaper articles published on the web are not considered Internet sources.

Format and Citation skills:

  • 12 pt font, Times New Roman
  • Title—centered
  • Double space evenly—we will set up your paper correctly in class
  • No extra spaces between paragraphs
  • Page numbers and last name in upper right hand corner of every page past 1
  • Name, class, instructor, and date in upper left hand corner
  • 1 inch margins
  • Proper tabs
  • Appropriate parenthetical format
  • 3-5 pages
  • Minimum of 6 sources
  • Source guidelines followed

Works Cited Page (25)

  • Title-Works Cited (centered, TNR font, no bold or underline)
  • 6 entries minimum
  • Complete entry for each source
  • MLA format—punctuation & organization
  • Hanging indent where needed
  • 1 inch margins
  • Alphabetical order
  • Double Space evenly
  • 12 point, TNR font
  • Do not number or add bullets to entries


No citations—Failure

Late—10% per day (that’s 20 points per day!)

Using comic sans or papyrus or stencil as your font—paper will be incinerated

Focus / 25

Thesis is stated as a central idea that is proved throughout the paper

Ideas are sustained within paragraphs and stay on topic

Each paragraph connects to the films and the main idea about the director

Conventions /25

Subject-Verb agreement

Pronoun agreement




Verb-tense shifts



Content / 50

Substantial research shown by use of several (6+) sources and evaluation of films

Sufficient evidence and details to support arguments/statements

Idea development shown through discussion of films—NOT JUST PLOT SUMMARY

Format &Citations /25

12pt font—TNR or Arial


Correct margins

No spaces between paragraphs

Page numbers

Citation format followed

Organization /25

Intro with thesis statement as the last sentence

Several body paragraphs with topic sentences

Logical flow of ideas

Clear and effective transitions

Conclusion that sums up points and restates thesis

Works Cited Page/25


MLA format followed

Alphabetical order

Minimum 6 sources

Style / 25

Word choice

Sentence structure

Effective Voice and Tone

(NOT informal or conversational)

Sentence variety

Use of third-person POV


No citations-failure

Components missing:

-20 for each one

Late: 20 pts per day