FIHE Main Phase Learning Arrangement HLA 6
Sustainable Innovation
IBE: HLA14 / Semester 4
IBMS: HLA11 / Semester 4
IM+FFM: HLA6 / Semester 3
ProgRESS code:H06M09 (for IM)
Author(s)/lecturers:Dr. ir. Saskia van Stroe-Biezen
Drs. Janske Hermens (contact person for IBMS)
Dr. Ulrich Scholz (contact person for IM)
Drs. Bart Titulaer (contact person for IBE)
Dr. Ortrud Kamps
Dipl. Kfm. Frank Gerhäuser
Course Coordinator:Drs. J.B.M. Titulaer
Institute:FontysInternationalSchool of Business Economics
Studyprogramme:International Business Economics / HLA14
International Business and Management Studies / HLA11
International Marketing / HLA6
Food and Flower Management / HLA6
Academicyear:2010 – 2011
Studyphase /level:Main phase / level 2: graduation competent
Studyload:84 hours (3 credits)
Competences:IBE: FC2, DC5, AC1
IM: FC2, DC1
Brief description
In this Learning Arrangement the topics sustainability and innovation are the central themes. The course starts with an introduction of global sustainability themes like: pollution, water, food, CO2 problem, north-south differences and energy. A way to deal with these problems and find solutions is done in an innovation process. An innovation process can be seen as successful when the new ideas are accepted by a market. In this course an introduction is given to connect the sustainability problems and solutions and the way they are managed in companies and other organisations: sustainable innovation.
Remark: Although this manual is written in ENG, for IM and IBE students the lessons are in NL or DE. The students are allowed to communicate in their mother tongue. The available course material (including websites) are given in ENG.
In this course we will explore the relationship between innovation and sustainability. In order to become more sustainable, organizations have to change. This process (of change) is not straightforward, several conditions have to be met, for example: there must be vision of (top)management, sustainability must become internalized in people’s mindset (=embedment), and technological, legal and economical circumstances must be available to facilitate this process (external orientation). In this course we will first discuss the way in which innovation processes can lead to more sustainable forms of production. It is not the innovation process itself that has to become sustainable. It is the products (processes, design etc.) that are the result of this innovation process.
The relation between sustainability and innovation can be visualized as follows:
For this course the following learning objectives are defined:
-Get familiar with sustainability problems and their causes and possible solutions in the world (terminology and
relation between problems);
-Understand the importance of an “external orientation”;
-Understand how the Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C) concept can help companies with their sustainable innovation;
-Develop a critical attitude (company communication strategy, consumption society, moral issues);
-Understand how companies face the People-Planet-Profit paradigm;
-Accomplish basic theory about innovation management;
-Practice some examples to “think out of the box” in order to generate creative ideas;
-Put some innovation techniques into practice to find solutions for sustainability problems.
Overview of competences in this LA
Study programme / Competence -nr. / Competence name / RemarksIBE / DC 5 / Issuing information to external parties / Example: GRI index
AC 1 / Cooperation and communication / Group work
FC 2 / Dealing with sustainability / FIHE competence
IBMS / GC8 / Ethical responsibility / Compare with FC 2
PC5 / Entrepreneurial Management
GC5 / Creative Problem Solving
IM / DC 1 / Product development
FC 2 / Dealing with sustainability / FIHE competence
Relationship to competence profile and -level
Sustainability is a FIHE competence. FIHE is aware of the fact that sustainability will be an important business factor in the future. The following questions serve as an example for the different study courses:
Relationship to HBO-Bachelor level
After having studied the course the students can (better) monitor developments in the world on sustainable themes. Students also are aware of the options organizations have to deal with some sustainable topics and how they can communicate this to their stakeholders (customers, suppliers, government). To change an organisation to the altering requirements of the market, it requires a structural method: sustainable innovation.
Didactic methods
The course is given by lecturers of FIHE who are is some way involved in the theme sustainability. Besides the lecturers will present information, the students will also present their findings based on research. The objective is that not only facts are presented but also interpretations and opinions. So not only the what and where questions, but also the WHY questions. During the presentations students learn to discuss with each other and try to convince the other students and lecturers involved.
Main topics / subjects:
-global problems and solutions
-external orientation
-moral aspects
-creative problem solving
-customer insight
-sustainability strategies of companies
-launching a new sustainable product
Study load hours
Study load hours are the hours (of 60 minutes each) a student has to spend on a LA.
Type of loadhours / Number of hours (60 min)Lectures[1] (1x2) / 1,50
Tutorials[2]: 24 (12 x 2) / 18,00
Consultation hours[3]: 2 (on request or per mail) / 1,50
Self-study[4]: Preparation assignments / 52,00
Self-study: Preparation Exam / 10,00
Exam / 1,00
Total / 84,00
Method of testing and criteria
During the course some assignments will be given to the students. The studentswork in groups of 5 students (min 4, max 6). Some assignments will be evaluated by the lecturer. The result should be sufficient (like a mark 5,5) in order to get a mark for this course
At the end of the course, there will be a written exam (closed book) to test the student’s knowledge about sustainability/innovation and his attitude (argumentation).The exam is 1 hour.
The final mark of this LA will be calculated as follows:
sufficient level assignment “sustainable topic”
sufficient level “research FIHE-model”
sufficient level “sustainable strategy of a company”
attendance at the guest lecture (there will be registration)
100% written exam (closed book)
Remark: it is strongly recommended to participate as well in the (short) assignments that are not evaluated by the lecturer since the content of these assignments can be part of the written exam.
The written exam will be held in the regular planned examination period of FIHE (calendar week 50 and 51)
If a student doesn’t pass the written exam, he or she can take part in a retake. If a group assignment is below 5.5 the student group has to improve the presentation, including some additional research.
Plagiarism and fraud
In higher education, plagiarism is (ethically) unacceptable. It is considered fraud. FIHE uses softwareprogrammes to detect and locate plagiarism. For further information, please see information article 13 and 38 of the OER 2009-2010, the booklet “Hoofdlijnen Auteursrecht”, and a note on plagiarism (
Registration for tests
If students want to take part in tests belonging to an LA then they are obliged, by means of ProgRESS, to register for these tests. They must also register themselves when an LA is not concluded with a written exam or when students are exempted from an exam.Students who have not registered themselves are unable to receive marks or grades in ProgRESS.
Quality assurance
This learning arrangement shall be evaluated as of the end of the semester. At this time, an email shall be sent to you. By clicking on the hyperlink contained, the evaluation sheet may be accessed. Please place your remarks or proposals for improvement for this LA within this web based evaluation sheet. The Quality Coordinator will then analyse the evaluation sheets. On the basis of these analyses, adaptions will be made in order to improve the LA. For any other remarks or proposals, please do feel at complete liberty to fill in the 'response form' located under 'quality corner', which is to be found on the FIHE intranet.
- Compulsory literature
This will be distributed during class and/or made available on the website. For the written exam, this material has to be studied.
The information is available at . This site is also accessible via the intranet site of FIHE for this HLA.
- Secondary sources
There is a very broad range of websites available on the internet. During class you will be informed about interesting sites. The idea is that students as well provide interesting sites or books. If so, the co-ordinator will make them available on the web. See for example: , here you can find information about the first assignment (sustainable topic).
This semester consists of 20education weeks.
Week schedule
LW[5] / CW[6] / Subject / Product of students / Remarks1 / 35 / Introduction to sustainable innovation / Film: story of stuff + discussion
2 / 36 / Film and discussion / View trailer in advance / The age of stupid
3 / 37 / Sustainable topic
(selected by students) / PPT + discussion / Themes can be chosen from a list. Own topics are welcome.
4 / 38 / PPT + discussion
5 / 39 / Cradle to Cradle and the POM-model / Why is there an urgency for I and how can C2C help in this?
6 / 40 / The innovation process
7 / 41 / Customer insight and idea generation / Read: outlearning the wolves / Also: thinking out of the box
42 / Harvest holiday break
8 / 43 / Corporate Environmental Management Systems / e.g. ISO 14001 and EMAS
9 / 44 / Green Marketing / Results ecological footprint
10 / 45 / Guest Lecture / To be defined yet
11 / 46 / FIHE Model
No lessons on Thursday and Friday
(FIHE Conference) / Yurls site + discussion
12 / 47 / Sustainable strategy of a company / PPT + discussion / Theory and assignments of previous weeks are applied
13 / 48 / PPT + discussion
14/RI / 49 / Run in week
E / 50 / Examination week 1 / Written exam
sustainable innovation
E / 51 / Examination week 2 / No exams on December 24
52 / Christmas holiday
1 / Christmas holiday
15[7] / 2
RE / 3 / Re-examination week 1 / Written exam (retake) sustainable innovation
RE / 4 / Re-examination week 2
16[8] / 5
1 / 6 / Start fourth semester
The centre of this course is organized around the “triple-diamond” model. In this model the innovation model is structured. During class we will discuss and practice every diamond.
[1] Lectures have a maximum of 90 students.
[2] Tutorials are lectures for a group of maximum 30 students.
[3] Consultationhours are individual meeting hours with a tutor.
[4]Self-study hours are hours that a student has to spend on a LA besides contact hours.
[5] LW = lesson week.
[6] CW = calendar week.
[7] In this week, educational activities can take place. It’s not a holiday break.
[8] In this week, educational activities can take place. It’s not a holiday break.