Fife Health & Social Care Shadow Joint Board

Tuesday 1st April 2014 at 9.00am,

Conference Room 1, Ground Floor, Fife House West


Cllr Andrew Rodger, Fife Council Chair)

Professor Scott McLean, Director of Nursing, NHS Fife (Co-chair)

Stephen Moore, Interim Director of Health & Social Care, Fife Council

Alastair Robertson, Chair Kirkcaldy & Levenmouth CHP, NHS Fife

Iain Matheson, Chief Legal Officer, Fife Council

Wilma Brown, Employee Director, NHS Fife

Kenny Murphy, Chief Executive, Fife Voluntary Action

Cllr Dorothea Morrison, Fife Council

Cllr Tim Brett, Fife Council

Cllr Gavin Yates, Fife Council

Cllr Ian Sloan, Fife Council

Cllr John Docherty, Fife Council

Doreen Bell, Chair Public Reference Group

David Christie, Director of Organisational Development, NHS Fife

Dr Eddie Coyle, Director of Public Health, NHS Fife

Chris Bowring, Director of Finance, NHS Fife (representing John Wilson, Chief Executive, NHS Fife)


John Wilson, Chief Executive, NHS Fife

Dr Brian Montgomery, Medical Director, NHS Fife

Steve Grimmond, Chief Executive, Fife Council

Janice Cameron, Development Officer, Scottish Care

Allan Burns, Chairman, NHS Fife

Cllr Neale Hanvey, Fife Council

In Attendance:

Rona Laing, Integration Programme Manager, Fife Council

Geoff MacDonald, Audit & Risk Management, Service Manager, Fife Council

Avril Sweeney, Audit & Risk Management, Team Leader, Fife Council

Susan Manion, General Manager, Dunfermline & West Fife CHP, NHS


Minute Taker:

Kerry Elliott, Secretary to Stephen Moore, Interim Director of Health & Social Care

Apologies noted.
Cllr Rodger advised the Board that Joan Mitchell had tendered her resignation as a Non-Executive of the Board with immediate effect. Cllr Rodger asked that his appreciation and well wishes to Joan were formally noted.
Previous Minutes
Previous minutes agreed.
Matters Arising
Iain Matheson confirmed he would keep the Board informed in relation to the timing of when the Scottish Government would be in a position to accept Integration Scheme proposals.
Rona Laing advised the Board that since the last Board meeting on 7th March 2014, she had contacted both Kenny Murphy and Janice Cameron with regards to the possibility of delegating some of their responsibilities to allow an increased attendance at meetings/ events.
With reference to the Transitional Funding report Rona Laing confirmed that part of the submission included support for non-statutory partners.
Monitoring Report
With reference to the previously circulated Monitoring Report, Rona Laing summarised the activity since the last Shadow Joint Board on 7th March 2014.
Risk Register
Geoff McDonald advised the Board that he would be providing officers with support/assistancein the preparation of a Risk Register. Geoff explained that it is the responsibility of the Board/management to identify risks and appropriate mitigating controls. Geoff suggested that a successful way of identifying the risks facing a programme would be to holda facilitated workshop. He advised that Fife Council’s Audit and Risk Management Services, the NHS Audit
Consortium and external risk consultants would be able to provide
assistance to facilitate such a workshop at no cost to the
The Board were asked to approve the proposal to develop a Risk
Register by means of a facilitated workshop. This was agreed.
ACTION:Geoff to link with Officers to agree appropriate facilitators
and Schedule workshop. / GM
Consultation Strategy
Susan Manion provided the Board with a comprehensive overview of the work carried out to date and going forward in relation to engagement/consultation which will take place in the coming months.
With regards to Item 6.8 of the report presented by Susan, Prof Scott McLean asked what the aspirations were for consultation and asked how the consultation process would be managed. Susan advised that she was currently awaiting a consultation document and stated that the table in item 6.8 was a suggested timescale to allow amendments/changes to occur as and when further guidance was received.
Kenny Murphy stated that there was already local community engagement framework in practice in the form of the Fife Partnership Board and asked that when progressing with the engagement/consultation process that those involved would be mindful of the work already in place to ensure that there was no duplication and to ensure that there was a developing plan for multi-agency consultation.
Health & Social Care Integration Transitional Funding 2014/15
David Christie advised the Board that the previously circulated submission statement had now been submitted to the Scottish Government in order to try and secure additional funding. David confirmed that Fife would be advised re allocation of monies in April 2014. David Clarified that the money was separate and in addition to the Change Fund which would be available in April. David asked the Board to note the position of the submission.
Cllr Tim Brett requested further information on the joint SVQ pilot programme being taken forward by NHS Fife and Social Work Services.
  • David to bring back any revised allocation of monies to the Board for ratification.
  • David to provide report detailing information on the joint SVQ pilot programme.
/ DC
Finance Workstream – Update
Chris Bowring confirmed that work was on-going re reviewing and updating the budgets relating to those services deemed as “in scope”. Chris advised the Board that the financial regulation guidance from the Scottish Government had not yet been published and that further work would continue in respect of review of the implications of the draft Financial Guidance and policy statements yet to be finalised in support of the Bill.
Chris advised that the Finance Workstream had created a Short Life Working Group to determine the future financial challenges facing the Partnership. Chris confirmed that the areas the group will consider are:
  • 2014/15 Shadow Budgets
  • Budget pressures
- Cost pressures and price increases
- Demographics
  • Patient/Service User Journey – following the Public Pound
-Activity analysis/trends
  • Unresolved/outstanding Service issues
-Services in scope
  • Voluntary Sector and other service providers
Chris stated that the purpose of the Short Life Working Group was to ensure that everyone involved was on the same page and there is clarity with regards to who undertakes the work to be carried out.
Chris asked the Board to note the Budget only for 2014/2015 and confirmed that as of April 2015 there would be an integrated Budget which both NHS and Fife Council would be accountable for.
Cllr Tim Brett asked what the position was with regards to the current overspend in Social Work and if this would be carried forward to the Shadow Board. Chris advisedthat the Financial Guidance would confirm how the Integrated Budget would be put together.
Locality Planning and Leadership - Update Report
Stephen Moore provided an update of work currently undertaken/ progressed in relation to Locality Planning and Leadership Model.
In relation to the previously circulated report Stephen outlined the services to be considered which would be overseen on a Fife-wide basis or a divisional basis and the rationale behind this. Stephen confirmed that views would be sought through the Work Force Workstream and Professional Reference Group from frontline staff, professionals/clinicians including Independent contractors.
Stephen advised that two further meetings had been arranged to discuss and progress work.
Cllr Tim Brett stated that the Board were not aware of any other options which had been looked at in relation to defining Localities and asked that other options be brought back to the Board for further discussion.
ACTION: Stephen to report back to Shadow Board at the Development Session on the 22nd April 2014. / SM
Shadow Board Development Session – Draft Agenda
Stephen Moore outlined the areas for discussion in relation to the draft agenda for the Shadow Joint Board Development Session on the 22nd April.
Director of Health & Social Care – Appointment Sub Committee
In relation to the previously circulated report Iain Matheson confirmed that good progress continued in relation to the integration of Health and Social Care Services in Fife. Iain confirmed that the current position was that Fife was now ready to progress beyond having an Interim Director and move towards the appointment of a full time Director of Health & Social Care.
Iain recommended that the appointment panel to be comprise of 8 Shadow Board members, 4 appointed by NHS colleagues and 4 appointed by Council colleagues. Iain confirmed that the appointments panel would have authority to finalise the job description, advertise the post, review the applications, short leet candidates and interview.
Cllr Tim Brett asked for confirmation of who would decide the salary placing of the successful candidate. Iain confirmed that the salary would be the decision of the nominated appointments panel.
Cllr Tim Brett requested that the Gantt Chart which had been presented at the Shadow Joint Board meeting on the 7th March be placed as a standing item on the agenda for future Board meetings in order to see progress made.
ACTION: Stephen Moore agreed to bring updated Gantt Chart to future Board meetings. / SM
