Rubric for Classroom Observations Based on PDE- 426- 427- 428

Semi-Annual Employee Evaluation Form for Instructional I Teachers

Instructional I to Instructional II Assessment Form

Employee Evaluation Form for Instructional II Teachers

Developed by Dr. William J. Englert, Jr.

Visibility* (OPTIONAL)

0.1.1 At your door and supervising

When I arrived to observe, you were standing at your door greeting students and supervising the halls. Being visible and available to students prior to the beginning of the period establishes a positive tone from which to introduce your lesson. Also, disruptions in the halls are minimized when teachers are at their door during the change of classes. Nice work!

0.1.2 Arriving to your room

Prior to the beginning of the period, you arrived at your room and began preparing for the lesson. If time permits, please try to be at your door to greet students and supervise the halls. Being visible and available to students prior to the beginning of the period establishes a positive tone from which to introduce your lesson. Also, disruptions in the halls are minimized when teachers are at their door during the change of classes.

0.1.3In your room interacting

When I arrived to observe, you were in your room interacting with students and preparing to begin instruction. Please strive to stand at your door to greet students and supervise the halls until the late bell. Being visible and available to students prior to the beginning of the period establishes a positive tone from which to introduce your lesson. Also, disruptions in the halls are minimized when teachers are at their door during the change of classes.

0.1.4In your room not interacting

When I arrived to observe, you were in your room preparing to begin instruction. Please strive to stand at your door to greet students and supervise the halls until the late bell. Being visible and available to students prior to the beginning of the period establishes a positive tone from which to introduce your lesson. Also, disruptions in the halls are minimized when teachers are at their door during the change of classes. I would like to discuss being at your door at our post-observation conference.

0.1.5Not in your room

When I arrived to observe, you were not in your room and consequently you were not prepared to begin instruction as the period began. It is your responsibility to arrive prior to the late bell to supervise students and prepare to begin instruction. As you know, we ask teachers to stand at their door to greet students and supervise the halls until the late bell. Being visible and available to students prior to the beginning of the period establishes a positive tone from which to introduce your lesson. Also, disruptions in the halls are minimized when teachers are at their door during the change of classes. Even if your schedule does not permit you to stand at your door prior to the beginning of the period, it is essential that you arrive prior to the late bell. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss strategies to improve at our post-observation conference.

Category IPlanning and Preparation

Through their knowledge of content and pedagogy skills in planning and preparation, teachers make plans and set goals based on the content to be learned, their knowledge of students and their Instructional context. Category I reviews: Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy, Knowledge of Pennsylvania Academic Standards, Knowledge of Students, Selecting Instructional Goals, Designing Coherent Instruction, Assessing Student Learning, Knowledge of Resources, Materials and Technology.

Content Knowledge

1.1.1In-depth and thorough content knowledge

As you added input, it was evident that you possess an in-depth and thorough knowledge of the content and how it relates to the academic standards and the curricular objectives. You also displayed enthusiasm as you presented important information to the class.

1.1.2Adequate content knowledge

As you added input, you demonstrated adequate knowledge of the content and how it relates to the academic standards and the curricular objectives. Effective teachers possess an in-depth and thorough knowledge of their subject and display enthusiasm during class discussions.

1.1.3Marginal content knowledge

As you added input, you demonstrated marginal knowledge of the content and how it relates to the academic standards and the curricular objectives. You consistently referred to your notes as the lesson was presented and appeared unsure of the material. Strive to be more familiar with the information and make connections between the objective, the standards and the importance of the day's lesson. Effective teachers possess an in-depth and thorough knowledge of their subject and display enthusiasm during class discussions. I would like to discuss content knowledge at our post-observation conference.

1.1.4Limited content knowledge

As you added input, you failed to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the content and how it relates to the academic standards or the curricular objectives. It is imperative to make connections between the objective, the standards and the importance of the day's lesson. Effective teachers possess a thorough knowledge of their subject and display enthusiasm during class discussions. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss strategies to improve your knowledge at our post-observation conference.

Knowledge of PA Standards

1.2.1Excellent knowledge of standards

You demonstrated an in-depth and thorough knowledge of the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for your subject area and these standards are embedded into your preparation and instruction.

1.2.2Adequate knowledge of standards

You demonstrated an adequate knowledge of the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for your subject area. How are these standards embedded into your preparation and instruction?

1.2.3Marginal knowledge of standards

You demonstrated a marginal knowledge of the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for your subject area. You need to consider these standards when you are planning for instruction. I would like to discuss your knowledge of the standards at our post-observation conference.

1.2.4Limited knowledge of standards

You failed to demonstrate an in-depth or thorough knowledge of the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for your subject area. You need to become familiar with these standards in order to effectively plan for instruction. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss strategies to improve your knowledge of the Pennsylvania Academic Standards at our post-observation conference.

Direct and Guide Instruction

1.3.1In-depth and thorough of students to direct / guide instruction

In your delivery it was apparent how familiar you are with your students and you were able to use this knowledge to guide instruction. Consequently the lesson contained high expectations and a degree of rigor that was challenging to the class.

1.3.2Adequately familiar with students to direct / guide instruction

Your delivery incorporated an adequate level of familiarity with your students that guided your instruction. Consequently the lesson contained clear expectations and appropriate rigor given the skills of your students.

1.3.3Marginally familiar with students to direct / guide instruction

While your instruction seemed to be presented at an appropriate level, you may want to examine the abilities of your students and adjust the pace and complexity of your delivery accordingly. I would like to discuss how you can become more familiar with your students and use this knowledge to guide instruction at our post-observation conference.

1.3.4Lacked familiarity with students to direct / guide instruction

Your delivery did not take into consideration the ability level of your students and therefore your objectives failed to address their needs. Effective teachers use their knowledge of student's ability levels to guide instruction and insure the objectives are challenging. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss strategies to improve at our post-observation conference.

Instructional Goals

1.4.1Clear and appropriate instructional goals

Your teaching included references to clear and appropriate instructional goals that reflect the curriculum and the Pennsylvania Academic Standards. By maintaining an accurate alignment between the objectives, the curriculum and the standards, you are insuring the quality of your lesson and maximizing the chances that your students will perform well on standardized tests. More importantly, you are organizing instruction so that students retain the key concepts embedded in the lesson plans. You are commended for maintaining high expectations for your students.

1.4.2Appropriate instructional goals

The instructional goals you have set are appropriate, contain some references to the curriculum and the Pennsylvania Academic Standards and have moderate expectations for students. Effective instruction is based on objectives that are clearly aligned with the curriculum and the standards. Lesson quality is improved when the teacher maintains high expectations for his or her students while emphasizing this alignment. This also has a positive effect on student achievement on standardized tests. More importantly, effective instruction helps students retain the key concepts embedded in the lesson plans.

1.4.3Marginally appropriate instructional goals

The goals stated in your lesson did not contain sufficient rigor and therefore set expectations for students that were too low. Strive to maintain a more accurate and defined alignment between the curriculum, the standards, your lesson plans and the ability level of the students. By maintaining an accurate alignment between the objectives, the curriculum and the standards, you can improve the quality of your lesson and maximize the chances that your students will perform well on standardized tests. More importantly, instructions can be organized so that students retain the key concepts embedded in the lesson plans. I would like to discuss instructional goals at our post-observation conference.

1.4.4Unclear instructional goals

You failed to identify clear instructional goals relating to the curriculum or the standards. By maintaining an accurate alignment between the objectives, the curriculum and the standards, you can insure the quality of your lesson and maximize the chances that your students will perform well on standardized tests. More importantly, instruction can be organized so that students retain the key concepts embedded in the lesson plans. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss strategies to improve instructional goals at our post-observation conference.


1.5.1In-depth and thorough awareness of resources

Your lesson activities incorporated resources, materials and/or technology made available by the district and confirmed your knowledge of these resources. We know that students learn best when they are exposed to a variety of instructional strategies that involve educational resources. Your implementation of these strategies is impressive.

1.5.2Moderate awareness of resources

Your instruction did reflect a moderate awareness of the resources, materials and technology that are available to you in the classroom. You may want to explore ways to incorporate these resources into your lessons in a more meaningful way. We know that students learn best when they are exposed to a variety of instructional strategies that involve educational resources.

1.5.3Marginally aware of resources

While you may be somewhat aware of the resources, materials and technology that are available to you in the classroom, I observed little or no evidence that any of these resources were used to build meaning into the lesson. We know that students learn best when they are exposed to a variety of instructional strategies that involve educational resources. I would like to discuss the use of these resources at our post-observation conference.

1.5.4Not aware of resources

During the lesson you appeared to be unaware of the resources, materials and technology that are available to you in the classroom. I observed little or no evidence that any of these resources were used to build meaning into the lesson. We know that students learn best when they are exposed to a variety of instructional strategies that involve educational resources. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss strategies to improve your awareness of resources at our post-observation conference.

Instructional Design

1.6.1Outstanding instructional design

The lesson was well designed and integrated various elements that were aligned with the instructional goals. Your sequence was logical and allowed for adaptations and individualized instruction to meet student needs. Following your introduction, you added input and facilitated a high level of student participation throughout the lesson. Instruction was followed by practice, which was followed by more instruction. You effectively utilized aspects of both guided and independent practice in your lesson.

1.6.2Appropriate instructional design

The lesson was designed to integrate various elements into the instruction that were aligned with the goals. Your sequence was logical and allowed for adequate adaptations and individualized instruction to meet student needs. Following your introduction, you added input and encouraged student participation at appropriate times during the lesson. Students were given opportunities to practice, which was followed by more instruction. You utilized aspects of both guided and independent practice in your lesson.

1.6.3Marginal instructional design

The design of your lesson was marginal at best. It lacked alignment between the elements of the lesson and the instruction goals. In addition, there was no evidence of adaptations for individual student needs in the design. I would like to discuss lesson design at our post-observation conference.

1.6.4Inappropriate instructional design

The design of the lesson was inappropriate since there appeared to be little or no alignment between the elements of the lesson and the instructional goals. In addition, I there were few and/or inappropriate adaptations for individual student needs in the design. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss strategies to improve instructional design at our post-observation conference.

Reflection(form 427 only)

1.7.1Outstanding reflection

It is evident that you have taken time to reflect on the teaching and learning that occurs in your classroom and that you use these perceptions to plan future instruction.

1.7.2Perceptive reflection

It is evident that you reflect at times on the teaching and learning that occurs in your classroom. Do you use these perceptions to plan future instruction?

1.7.3Marginal reflection

It is important to take time to reflect on the teaching and learning that occurs in your classroom. Through effective reflection teachers are able to plan future instruction. I would like to discuss the value of reflection at our post-observation conference.

1.7.4Failed to reflect

It does not appear that you have taken time to reflect on the teaching and learning that occurs in your classroom. Effective teachers use these perceptions to plan future instruction. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss ways to build in reflection time at our post-observation conference.


1.8.1Outstanding alignment

Your planning and preparation resulted in appropriate and clear assessments of student learning completely aligned to the instructional goals. These assessments also made it easy for you to adapt your lesson to meet individual student needs.

1.8.2Appropriate alignment

Your planning and preparation resulted in assessments of student learning that were appropriately aligned with the instructional goals. These assessments also made it easy for you to adapt your lesson to meet individual student needs.

1.8.3Marginal alignment

Your planning and preparation resulted in assessments of student learning that were marginally aligned with the instructional goals. These assessments also made it somewhat difficult for you to adapt your lesson to meet individual student needs. I would like to discuss this alignment at our post-observation conference.

1.8.4Lacking alignment

Your planning and preparation did not result in assessments of student learning that were aligned with the instructional goals. Without this alignment, it was difficult for you to adapt your lesson to meet individual student needs. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss strategies to improve how to align assessments to instructional goals at our post-observation conference.

Category 2 Classroom Environment

Teachers establish and maintain a purposeful and equitable environment for learning, in which students feel safe, valued, and respected by instituting routines and by setting clear expectations for students’ behavior. Category II reviews: Teacher Interaction with Students, Establishment of a Learning Environment; Student Interaction.


2.1.1High and clear expectations

Your expectations were very high and were clearly communicated to the class. This placed a high priority on the quality of student work. You created a challenging and dynamic learning environment.

2.1.2Clear expectations

Your expectations were appropriate and were clearly communicated to the class. This placed a priority on the quality of student work

2.1.3Moderate expectations

Your expectations were moderate and could have been more clearly communicated to the class. As a result, there was not a high priority placed on the quality of student work. I would like to discuss your expectations at our post-observation conference.

2.1.4Low or unclear expectations

Your expectations were too low and were not clearly communicated to the class. As a result, there was not a high priority placed on the quality of student work. A need for improvement has been noted on the form in the appropriate space. Please plan to discuss strategies to improve expectations at our post-observation conference.

Equitable Learning Opportunities

2.2.1Significant learning opportunities