Botanical Society of Washington
2008Field Trips – Preliminary Schedule
The Botanical Society of Washingtonplans to offerfive local field trips intheWashington,D.C.,regioninthe2008season, including a short-distance, easy-going, everybody-welcome fall trip appropriate for old-timers, little kids, and others. Wealsoplanaweekendexcursionfartherafield,thisyeartocentralDelmarva,Aug.2-3.
Thepreliminaryschedule for 2008follows. ChecktheBSWwebsite(
April12,2008 (Saturday)
BearIsland,PotomacRiverGorge(MontgomeryCo.,Md.) – DanNicolson,tripleader. Detailedannouncementavailable. BSW trip coordinator: Larry Morse
April19,2008 (Saturday)
GoldMine Tract, Potomac RiverGorge(MontgomeryCo.,Md.) – Dan Nicolson,tripleader. Detailedannouncementavailable. (Revised-- SamemeetingplaceastheApril12thtrip,butdifferentdestination.) BSW trip coordinator: Larry Morse
April26,2008 (Saturday)
Susquehanna River Gorge(HarfordCo.,Md.) –Larry Morse,tripleader. Detailedannouncementavailable. BSW trip coordinator: Larry Morse
CanoetriponMattawomanCreek,nearIndianHead(CharlesCo.,Md.) –Rod SimmonsandJim Long,tripleaders. Additionaldetailstofollow. BSW trip coordinator: Rod Simmons
Notes: Canoe rental & transport fee. Group size limited, with preference to BSW members and their same-car guests.
August 2 & 3, 2008 (Sat./Sun.) – Annual Weekend Excursion
Central Delmarva(withgroupdinnerandovernightin/nearSeaford,Del.) – Bill McAvoy(DelawareNaturalHeritageProgram) andothers,tripleaders. Additionaldetailstofollow. BSW trip coordinator: Pat Ford
Tentative itinerary:
Sat. afternoon:
Tuckahoe State Park, Md.
Intermittent wetlands (nearby)
Sun. morning:
Nanticoke River estuarine wetlands (incl. seaside alder, Alnus maritima)
Picnic lunch nearby
Sun. afternoon(optional):
Caution: Consider beach-traffic patterns if using the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.
Mid-October or early November, 2008
Chapman Forest(Charles Co.,Md.).– Rod Simmons,tripleader.
Short-distance, easy-going, everybody-welcome trip appropriate for old-timers, little kids, and others who don’t (or can’t) join the longer walks and more rugged terrain characteristic of most of our botanical destinations. BSW trip coordinator: Rod Simmons
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Carpooling: Contact the BSW trip coordinator (not the local leader, if different) if you want a ride or wouldliketo takeriders.
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BSW Field Trip Committee 2008:
LarryMorse (,(202)-543-2488),Chair
PatFord ()
RodSimmons ()
–Larry Morse, 31Mar08, rev. 17April2008