May 29, 2009

FHUSD Summer School Program’s Policies and Contract


A Student who misses more than one cumulative day of a semester will be placed on academic probation and will be withdrawn on their second cumulative day of absence. On their second cumulative day absence, they will lose credit for the course. If an absence is to occur, a parent must phone the high School FHHS at 66-5514 or the front desk at 664-5531 by 12:00 PM (noon) of the absence day. The parent must acknowledge their student’s absence. A student must also follow-up with a written excuse from the parent. The Summer school staff will verify all this.

Late Arrival:

Arriving late will counted in the following way.

Up to 30minutes late = ¼ day

31 minutes to 2 hours = ½ day

Over 2 hours= 1 full day absence (on probation)

2 full days absence = lost of credit (no refund)

Summer school does not excuse any absence for students such as illness personal activities, workshops, vacations, camps etc. If a student arrival is delayed them one day it will be considered an absence.

Should the student need to leave a day early, they will be considered absence for that day and they will forfeit their final exam resulting in an F for the final.


Students in the summer school program are expected to act in a proper manner as expected in theFountainHillsUnifiedSchool District # 98 and FHHS handbook.

  • Students referred to the director of Summer School for behavior problems shall be subject to suspension for disruption of learning process. The length of suspension is at the discretion of the Director.
  • There shall be no smoking or possession of tobacco products or material on the campus.

First Violation = 1 day suspensionand on probation

  • Drug or alcohol possession is prohibited on campus.

Violation = 2 days suspension = loss of credit = permanent expulsion (on refund)

  • Parking lots and buildings other than the Obelus are off limits during the school day.

Violation = ½ day suspension

  • Leaving the Obelus unsupervised during the schoolday.

Violation = ½ day suspension

  • All parts of the campus other than the quadrangle East of the Obelus are banned

Violation = ½ day suspension

  • Student going off campus during a school day. (NO OFF CAMPUS LUNCH)

Violation = 1 day suspension and on probation (receives no credit for make up work)

  • The possession of weapons on campus is prohibited and violator shall be expelled and subject to FHHS/FHUSD#98 policy.

Violation = Lost of credit (no refund) and subject to School /District policies

  • All summer school students are to be in designated areas any student found out of the areas are subject to suspension.

First Violation =verbal warning

Second Violation= 1day suspension and on probation and parent called

Third Violation = 2day suspension lost of credit (no refund)

  • Clean up your trash

Violation = supervised lunch

  • Following FHHS Dress code; Shoes, Shirts must be worn at all time. Clothing depicting or promoting alcohol, drugs or violence are not allowed. Any inappropriate apparel.

Violation = Student will be dealt with up to and including the student being sent home for appropriate appareland will suffer a loss of class time against them.

Students will be subject to withdrawal from class for any violation of school rules.Students withdrawn from class for violations are not due any refund.

Summer School Contract

I agree to abide by these rules and the rules and regulations governing FHUSD and understand that failure to comply will result in dismissal from the Summer School Program. Due by 6/4. No Exceptions

Class ______Semester ______

Student Name (print) ______Signature of student______

Signature of parent/guardian ______Date ______