FFSD Green Ribbon School Application

The path to being green can be inexpensive—and even fun! Apply for your school to be a Ferguson Florissant Green Ribbon School! First year successful schools will be awarded an Ecology Flag and a certificate to be displayed at the entrance to their school. 2nd year successful schools will be provided a certificate to display in their school. All awardees will be recognized at Little Creek Earth Day Event and District Green School Committee Website. .

  • Unless otherwise noted, use the August 12, 2013 through February 12, 2014 time frame. Please send applications to Eric Hadley, Little Creek and Science Coordinator @ Little Creek Nature Area. All applications must be received by March 14, 2014.
  • Below are 5 generalareas that should be addressed for consideration for the award. There is a total of 100 points possible with 10 bonus points. Your school will need to have 65 points to be considered a Green Ribbon School!


  1. Every other month your principal receives a report of electricity use. Make a graph to exhibit last year’s energy use each month. Where is it displayed at your school (attach picture if possible)? Each month insert the energy for this year for all to see and compare. (8 points for graphing) What are 3 ways your school focuses on reducing energy consumption and how does your school create ongoing energy conservation awareness? (2 points)

Bonus: Students produce school’s graph. (5 points)

Recycling/Waste Reduction

  1. Show evidence that a recycling program is in place. Is there a recycling bin or box in each classroom, office space, and kitchen? How is recycling picked up and carried to the dumpster? What is done to encourage students and staff to place recyclable materials in the recycling bins? (10 points)
  2. What procedures are in effect to promote recycling of containers at breakfast and/or lunch times? (10 points)
  3. Has your building used less paper this year compared to the same time frame last year? If so, by how many reams? (Office manager or AV person will have this data). (10 points)

Reducing water run-off and erosion—Rain and storms water can add water silt and pollution to our creeks and rivers. Schools have a responsibility to their students and community to reduce that run-off. Trees, rain barrels, rain gardens are a few ways that can help to reduce the run-off.

  1. How many acres does your campus have (approximately)? How many trees are there? How many trees or shrubs have been planted at your location in the last 3 years? Ifyou have space to add more trees or shrubs to your campus donated by Forest ReLeaf, would you do that this year? (10 points)
  2. After rain or a storm, how does your campus currently handle water run-off to protect our streams and rivers? Does your school have a rain barrel or rain garden to handle water run-off? If not, explain your plans to start one this year. (10 points)

Bonus: Write your school’s plan to reduce rain water run-off to be completed in the next 3-5 years. (5 points possible)

School Gardens

  1. Describe your current school garden or explain your plans to build/start one this year. (10 points)

Promoting sustainability and responsibility education to the Earth

  1. Explain what kind of environmental awareness is evident through your school (i.e. school newspaper articles, green announcements, awareness posters etc.) (10 points)
  2. List and explain any student groups, staff groups, clubs or organizations in your building which support sustainability or environmental awareness. (10 points)
  3. List any special events at school or in the community that your building has sponsored to help support the environment. (10 points)