Fermanagh & Omagh

District Council

Seeding Grant Application Form


A seeding grant is available to new groups/organisations within the first 12 months of existence to assist with initial administrative expenses whilst they are establishing themselves.

Groups/Organisations should identity how their activities will meet identified need and further address the themes and strategic actions outlined in the Fermanagh & Omagh District Council Corporate Plan. (See Grant Aid Code of Practice and Guidance for Groups document).

To apply for a seeding grant groups/organisations must have adopted constitution and a group bank account.

Where possible, applicants are asked to download grant aid application forms from Once completed, these forms should bereturned by email to

If you are unable to submit online then the completed application form should be returnedin a sealed envelope, clearly marked Grant Aid Application to:

Name and Address of Group/Organisation:

Name and Address of Contact Person:

E-mail Address of Contact Person:

Bank Details:

Name and Address of Bank: /
Bank Sort Code: /
Bank Account Number: /
Bank Account Name: /

Please provide details of any applications for seeding Grants made to other statutory or voluntary bodies:

Date / Amount £ / Funding Body / Status: Applied for / Received

Please provide the details of all Office Bearers within the Organisation:

Name / Address / Position Held / Telephone Number

Can you describe your organisation including details of aims, objectives and planned programmes? Please identify how the will address the themes and strategic actions outlined in the Fermanagh & Omagh District Corporate Plan.

How would the organisation acknowledge support given by the Council?

Please provide details of ‘identified need’ of the new organisation?



Position in Organisation:

Please note the application form must be signed by either the Chair / Vice-Chair of the organisation.


In the event of a seeding grant being awarded to this organisation, you will be required to submit a satisfactory evaluation report of the project within a period of 6 months after receipt of a grant.

Please ensure you have included in this application:

Bank Account Details and a Signed Constitution

The Council reserves the right to reclaim the amount of grant aid awarded if a report is not forthcoming and further grant application will not be considered.

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council

Equal Opportunity Monitoring Sheet

Data Protection: In accordance with the Act, you should be aware that the information which you give us on this form will remain anonymous and will be used for the purpose of Equal Opportunity Monitoring only, and not for any other purpose.

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is committed to achieving fairness and equality.

We want to operate a grants call which is responsive to different community needs. We want this policy to be accessible to all eligible organisations.

In order to achieve this goal, we need your help. One of the most important ways of doing this is by monitoring the groups who apply this call, and the results of their application. The information provided will be used by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council to assist us in complying with our statutory duty under the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council

Equal Opportunity Monitoring Sheet for Groups

Will the proposed Illumination of Council Buildings be directed towards, or promote the interests of, one or more of the following Section 75 Groupings?

  1. Persons of Differing Religious Belief: Yes No

If Yes, will the focus be on all , or any of the following?

Roman Catholic Baptist Buddhist

Presbyterian Muslim Sikh

Church of Ireland Hindu Baha’i

Methodist Jewish Other

  1. Persons of Differing Political Opinion: Yes No

If Yes, will the focus be on all , or any of the following?


  1. Persons of Different Racial Groups: Yes No

If Yes, will the focus be on all , or any of the following?

WhiteBlack (Other)Mixed ethnic group


Black AfricanIndianOther

Black Caribbean Irish Traveller

  1. Persons of Different Age: Yes No

If Yes, will the focus be on all , or any of the following?


  1. Persons of Different Marital Status: Yes No

If Yes, will the focus be on all , or any of the following?

Single (Never married)Divorced



  1. Persons of Different Sexual Orientation: Yes No

If Yes, will the focus be on all , or any of the following?

Heterosexual Gay or Lesbian (Homosexual) Bi-sexual

7. Persons of Different Gender: Yes No

If Yes, will the focus be on all , or any of the following?

Male FemaleTransgendered People

  1. Persons with a Disability: Yes No

Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, a disabled person is defined as a person with “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities”.

If Yes, will the focus be on all , or any of the following?

Visual ImpairmentCommunication DifficultyLearning Difficulty

Hearing ImpairmentMultiple ImpairmentMobility Impairment


  1. Persons with Dependants: Yes No

This is about caring responsibilities. By that we mean looking after a child, whether as a parent, guardian or foster parent, or helping an adult carry out their daily routine. This might mean providing assistance to an adult relative or friend who is disabled or has a long-term illness.

If Yes, will the focus be on all , or any of the following?

People who look after childrenPeople who help an adult

with their daily routine

For office use only:Approved / Not Approved …………………………
