PRESENT:(1)Board Members

Gloria Culyer -Chairman/Age Concern

Norman Carroll -CALC

Steven Johnson -Fenland Business Forum

Councillor Fred YeulettCambridgeshire County Council

Tim Pilsbury -Fenland District Council

David Hankins -Cambridgeshire Constabulary

Teresa Franklin -Fenland Family Support Centre

(2)Support Officers

Di Atkinson -Partnership Manager, Fenland District Council

Mike Hosking -Cambridgeshire County Council

Stephen Bishop -Environment Agency (for Andrew Mozley)

(3)In Attendance

Paul Medd -Fenland District Council

Sandra Claxton -Fenland District Council

Richard Cassidy -Fenland District Council

Mike Davey -Cambridgeshire County Council

(Observing and for Gordon Jeyes, CCC)

Damien LangdonSustainable Development Team, Environment Agency

(4)Administrative Support

Sharon Smith -Fenland District Council

Apologies for absence were received from:

Claire Harrison -Go East

Sara Rodriguez-Jimenez -Cambridgeshire County Council

Steve Robertson -Business Link

Councillor Mrs Jill Tuck -Fenland District Council

Dr Liz Robin -Director of Public Health, Cambs PCT

Steve Vartoukian -Fenland Links/CCC

Kirsten Bennett -Cambridgeshire ACRE

Judy Brooke -Jobcentre Plus


The minutes of the meeting of 7 September 2006 were confirmed.

Fenland Strategic Partnership Representative on Cambridgeshire Rural Forum

Further to minute FSP73/06 Board members were asked to nominate a Fenland Strategic Partnership representative as a permanent member to the Rural Forum Steering Group.

The Steering Group Chairman, Mike Hosking advised members that the Rural Strategy was launched two months ago and that the Steering Group meets three to 4 times per year.

It was noted that Kirsten Bennett, Cambridgeshire ACRE and Sara Rodriguez-Jimenez are members of the Steering Group.

Board members were requested to contact the Partnership Manager, Di Atkinson with their nominations to the Rural Forum Steering Group by 15 December 2006.

(Note: Gloria Culyer has subsequently agreed to provide FSP representation)

IiC Business Plan

Board members received an update on the IiC Business plan from Tim Pilsbury and Paul Medd, Fenland District Council (FDC). Members were informed that:

  • FDC are now members of the Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership (for this Programme area only)
  • partnership working enhances the method for distribution of funding and responds to EEDA directives
  • IiC intervention projects have commenced and members are encouraged to work with partners on new projects
  • the draft Business Plan has been completed but it has been requested that EEDA extend the response timescale to the Plan, for members to respond on the full scope issues relating to deprivation, schools, community safety and health issues in Fenland
  • it is expected that the adopted plan will maximize funding into Fenland.

Board members were advised that there will be a local event on 24 November 2006 to consider the Business Plan. The deadline for all discussions will be December 2006 in order to provide time to make amendments arising from feedback. The final document will be considered by EEDA in February 2007.


Board members received a progress report on the six month review and annual refresh of the Local Area Agreement (LAA), from Mike Davey and Councillor Yeulett, CCC. Members were advised of a number of specific issues as follows:

  • the LAA Board and LAA Reference Group (LAARG) are making significant progress with Board developmenteven though the LAA Board is still in its infancy
  • an LAA workshop to focus on key issues will be held on 27 November 2006 and will include representatives from both groups
  • scrutiny arrangements for the LAA have been proposed, but the Board considered that these required further development by LAARG before implementation
  • the funding programme is fully supported by the LAA Board and areas that can be developed in time for the annual refresh for performance reporting include:
  1. Parish Plans
  2. Safer and Stronger Communities
  3. Sharing information with partners
  4. Sports and activity for all
  5. Social cohesion
  • Wider refresh priorities include governance, partnership working and climate change
  • Locally, FDC has responded to the LAA especially in the Safer and Stronger block 2 area
  • The omission of alcohol abuse interventions has been noted and partnership work with relevant stakeholders is underway to address this for inclusion in the 07/8 LAA. This area is of particular concern in Fenland
  • Age Concern are involved in a project called ‘Fitter Futures’ engaging people from the mid-life age group and involving both the voluntary and community sectors.

Board members agreed to consider the Annual Refresh document and submit any comments to either Sara Rodriguez-Jimenez or Di Atkinson by noon on 10 November 2006.

Members requested that a profile of the expenditure of additional pump priming and LPSA reward grant likely expenditure be presented at our next meeting and were reassured that the principle allocation of a full 20% of the latter to each LSP remains unchanged.


The Streets Ahead Fenland District Council Partnership Programme (Presentation attached)

Board members received a presentation on FDCs Streets Ahead Community Priority from Sandra Claxton and Richard Cassidy. Members were informed that:

  • PIE – Prevention, Intervention and Enforcement is a partner-linked process which is key to improving Fenland’s environment and will help the realignment of strategies
  • Specifically three areas are defined as follows:
  1. Prevention – initial solution involving the local people
  2. Intervention – early involvement to achieve compliance
  3. Enforcement – the end solution if 1. and 2. are not achievable
  • Currently, four strategic areas are being considered:
  1. Local Authority role
  2. Police role
  3. Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) role
  4. Other Government Agendas relating
  • All four areas link to the RESPECT Agenda, as delivered through, partnership working, neighbourhood policing, the LAA, local CDRP and wider community engagement.

In relation to FDCs priority area for Environmental Action and (after considering what Fenland’s communities have fed-back through direct consultation) key areas flagged up are:


  1. litter - cost
  2. fly tipping – feature of rural area, cost
  3. graffiti – shows a lack of environmental control
  4. grass cutting – a parks and open spaces initiative has been implemented after consultation with the community
  • FDC recognise that a coordinated PIE approach with partners is required: prevention work has been carried out to improve street scene services, including support for multi-agency ‘Environmental Action Days’ (Waterlees Ward)
  • There are 55 CCTV cameras across Fenland’s four market towns.


  1. Dog Warden Service – joint work with Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs)
  2. Rapid Response – to remove fly tipping
  3. Environmental Services, Planning and Building Control teams working together across the Council
  4. Street Pride – Volunteer groups, supported by other groups including local community groups in towns and parishes.
  • Board members noted that FDC has been nominated (along with two major national organisations for a Guardian newspaper Public Service award in this area.


  • Enforcement will only be used as a last resort.

General comments from the Board:

  • Co-ordinated and direct contact with schools and closer liaison with CALC and CCC could provide opportunities for added value
  • The lobbying role of the FSP could be brought to bear to good effect at government department level in this area.

Further Greening Fenland District Council (Presentation attached)

Board members received a presentation on a strategy for sustainable environmental development from Damien Langdon, Sustainable Development Team, Environment Agency/Eastern Region Members were informed that:

  • the key area challenges are flood risk, water resources/supply, waste management, air quality, climate change and contaminated land
  • forward planning should be encouraged, incorporating for eg waste from site management plans, infrastructure development in relation to water cycle strategies etc
  • PPS sustainability documents help to promote sustainable development.

General comments from the Board:

  • CCC has signed-up to the ‘Nottingham Convention’ on climate change – a copy of this document was requested for distribution to Board members
  • FDC have representatives on drainage boards, thus are in a positive position of influence
  • FDC particularly noted the significant issues raised and it was requested/agreed that a further presentation be given by the EA on similar lines to Councillors.


Proposed Strategic Aim Revisions and Recommendations for Improved Governance

Board members considered a report on progress towards developing Fenland’s new Sustainable Community Strategy 2007/2010 which outlined proposed new strategic aims and identified governance issues. Members were informed that:

  • All work is being supported/validated by an external research consultant
  • six amended strategic and three cross-cutting themes have emerged from an analysis of current plans and strategies impacting on Fenland: these build on the original seven themes identified 2002 to present but potentially enable a sharper focus
  • Enabling communities to influence decision making at a strategic level will be a key feature
  • Alignment of the new Strategy with Fenland’sLocal Development Framework (LDF) and LAA will ensure that the strategy has built-in sustainability
  • Re governance, FSP themed and linked partnershipshave completed a questionnaire, based on National Audit Commission Partnership Working Guidance to assess their ability to deliver community development themes: a number of issues have been highlighted relating to risk management, equality impact assessments and effective performance management
  • To ensure FSPs themed partnerships are fit for purpose to strategically develop and commission work to deliver the new Community Strategy, the Steering Group is developing governance proposals for the Board to consider at its next meeting.

Board members received the following information in response to their questions:

  • four parish plans have been completed
  • CALC has representative members on all LSPs. Because CALC has a new constitution in place it is timely to present/consider ideas on how communities can effectively participate at a strategic level in LSPs
  • the DCLG White Paper emphasises the great importance on partnership working
  • All themed areas will be clearly cross referenced to ensure transparent, joined-up working.

Board members agreed all theme areas as a basis for the development of Fenland’s new Community Strategy and endorsed the proposals for partnership working to achieve delivery.


Board members considered the key points/progress towards the development of the Cambridgeshire Compact, presented by Mike Hosking as follows:

  • The Compact is intended to improve joint working relationships between Local Authorities, Primary Care Trusts and Voluntary/Community Sector Organisations
  • There will be a single Compact for Cambridgeshire
  • Whilst the Compact is not a statutory instrument, compliance will ensure that joint working will contribute to a better understanding between agencies and compliment the work of the FSP
  • The Compact will enhance a county-wide approach and will help the Cambridgeshire LAA to develop joint working with these key sectors
  • Consultation has already taken place with partners and comments have been requested by way of a questionnaire, to be returned by 8 December 2006.

Board members agreed the Cambridgeshire Compact in principle and that their involvement would be as a commissioning role. It was agreed that members would respond to Rodger Lymburn, Fenland CVS directly with their comments on the document.


  • None noted.


It was agreed that the date for the January 2007 be rearranged to maximise attendance. The date will be confirmed by Sharon Smith after consultation with Board Members.

Other dates remain unchanged as follows:

15 March 2007

17 May 2007

5 July 2007

27 September 2007

All meetings 10.00 am to 12.30 pm (including light lunch)

All future meetings to be held at:Beech Conference Room

South Fens Business Centre

Fenton Way



PE16 6TT

Finish 12.45 pm