Age at 31 August 2016:
First Name:
Female / MaleDate of Birth:
Home Address:
Home phone number:
Mobile phone number:
Present or most recent school or college:
Tutor (if current Corsham School student):
Do you have a disability/ special educational need?Yes No
Additional description
Which subjects do you wish to study?
Please select your subject preferences in priority order from the list below using the numbers 1-3 or 4. In addition, indicate a reserve subject preference with an R.
The school will try to provide for the preferences of all students but inevitably, the subject choices of a very small number of students may clash. In these cases, we will contact the student to resolve individual problems.
At the start of Year 12, there will be an opportunity to choose an additional qualification from the Corsham6th Core Programme such as the Extended Project Qualification or Core Maths and further enrichment opportunities.
Art and Design – Fine Art / Geography Art and Design – Textiles / History
Biology / Mathematics
Business / Further Maths
Chemistry / Core Maths
Computer Science / Media Studies
Design &Technology - Product Design / Music
Drama & Theatre Studies / Physical Education
Economics / Photography
English Language / Physics
English Literature / Psychology
Film Studies / Politics
French / Sociology
German / Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
Spanish / EPQ
Vocational Courses: choose one only plus one A level from above or GCSEs
Sport – Level 3 BTec National Diploma / Health & Social Care – Level 3 Cambridge Technical Diploma Information Technology – Level 3 Cambridge Technical Diploma / Music Technology – Level 3 BTec National Diploma
Digital Media – Level 3 Cambridge Technical Diploma
Level 3 Prelim Course: Maths, English GCSE plus others
General Studies is also available for those who wish to be entered for an additional AS Level. Please discuss this with Mr Bolter.
Please say why you have chosen these subjects and how they fit into your future plans.Give details of any career aspirations you may have:
Acceptance into Corsham6th is subject to achieving the minimum entry requirements of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (including Mathematics and English Language). For some subjects you need to achieve at least a B grade at GCSE in that subject. In the short term, we will use your predicted grades to assess if you will be eligible to study these subjects.
Please list below any pending or achieved qualifications:
Qualification Typee.g. GCSE / Subject / Predicted Grade(s) / Actual Grade(s)
Student Name: …………………………………………………………………………………….
I certify that the information given is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signed:…………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………
Parent/carer consent: Name:…………………………………………………………………………………
(Your application must also be countersigned by a parent/carer)
Signed:…………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………
This form must be returned to the 6th Form Office by Monday 12th December 2016