Feistritzer Landler

Folkdance (a.k.a. Scheibentanz) from Feistritz on the Wechsel [mountain] (Feistritz am Wechsel), Lower Austria (Niederösterreich).
Ludwig Berghold u. Walter Deutsch: Volkstänze aus Niederösterreich,
Bd. 1. Landesverband der Trachten- und Heimatvereine für Niederösterreich, Mödling 1975, S. 38-55, S. 99.

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Translated by Carol and Herbert Traxler, Alpine Dancers, 2013
Starting position
Couples in double circle (couples facing LOD, line of dance), open position,
the inner arms hang down. Throughout the dance (except for the waltz), a
triple step (running waltz) is maintained.
/ 1.
First Part
Measures 1-8: In the first and second measures joined hands are swung forward and back (over her head), with the dancers turning away from and toward each other. In 3 to 8, the W is turned 3x to the right (Fig. 1). Both move in LOD.
Measures 9-16: The M now takes her right hand with his left hand (Fig. 4). He lowers his right hand, raises his left hand and rotates the W a three-quarter turn to the right (CW). He turns a quarter turn to the left (CCW) and puts his LH on his neck, his RH is on the back of the W. Both move around the common axis clockwise (Fig. 2).
Measures 17-24: Same as 9-16 (Fig. 3) in counter-clockwise direction, beginning with M raising his LH, then both moving into the mirror position of 9-16.
Measures 25-32: The M raises his RH holding the LH of the W over his head, then over her head while he turns her out to the right (CW) (Fig. 4). The M then raises his RH with her LH, places it over her head onto her right shoulder. The W is on the right side of the M, the outer arms are stretched forward. The M is the axis, the W circles CCW forward (Fig. 5).
Measures 33-40: The W moves to the left side of the M (without rotation). The M is again the common axis, the W circles clockwise. Outside arms are stretched forward again (Fig. 6). In the last measure (measure 40), the W is rotated half a turn to the left with both arms raised, so that the M faces forward, the W backs up (Fig. 4).
Measures 41-45: The 41st measure the W is turns 1x to the left in front of the M (Fig. 7). In the 42nd measure, the M turns 1x to the right (Fig. 8). In the 43rd and 44th measures 41 and 42 are repeated. In 45th measure the arms are lowered, the M puts the joined hands on her hips of the W.
46-49 measures: He brings the W in front of him in the dance direction (without lateral twisting of the hips to the left or right). From the 48th measure on the M stomps 4x (left, right, left, right) (once on each beat). / 3.
Second Part
Measures 1-8: Left waltz with the Vienna hold: the M's RH and W's LH are on her left hip; the W's RH and M's LH are on his left hip (Figure 9).
Measures 9-16: The M moves his LH to the back of the W, taking her RH on her back (Figure 10). (She moves her RH to her back.) The pair moves counterclockwise (CCW) around the common axis.
Measures 17-24: The dancer pulls his right hand, and the W bends to make a turn to the left under the left arm of the M (Figure 11). He leaves his LH with her RH on her right hip. The M raises his RH with the LH of the W over her head and his head (Fig. 12), and both take a sidestep to the left, back to back. He now has his LH with her RH on his left hip and her LH with his RH on her left hip (Figure 13). The pair moves clockwise about the common axis.
Measures 25-32: The M bends forward and slips through under her right arm, moves his LH from his back and moves the W from the right to left (Fig. 14). The W moves counterclockwise around the M, where she passes by his left with a hand change, his RH will take her LH. The left hands are now on the left hip of the M. The W is behind the M on his right and here the right hands are taken and stretched slightly to the right (Figure 15). The M is the axis, and the W moves counterclockwise.
Measures 33-40: The W steps behind the M to his left side, forming the same (mirrored) figure of 25-32 (Figure 16). In the 40th measure the M drops the left hands, takes a step backward, slipping under the right arm of the W (Figure 14). / 7. 8.
9. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.
Measures 41-45: The 41st measure, the W spins under the raised right arms once to the right (CW) (Figure 17). In the 42nd measure, the W spins under the raised arms to the left (CCW) (Figure 17). The 43 and 44th measures the rotations are repeated as in 41 and 42. In the 45th measure the arms are lowered, the hands are released and the opposite hands are taken. As in the first Cadence the M's RH and W's LH are on her left hip and the other hands on her right hip.
Measures 46-49: As measures 46-49 in the first part.
Waltz right (CW) in a closed position (shoulder hold) (Figure 18). / 15. 16.
17. / 18.