This Week at St. John’s
Feeding God’s People: Body, Mind, Spirit
Creative God, as you paint leaves yellow, orange and red, we praise you for nature’s beauty – different now from in the spring, but showing your glory.
Sunday, Sept. 24 8:00am Traditional Worship & Eucharist – Rite One
9:00am Coffee & Conversation – Healy Hall
10:00am Contemporary Worship & Eucharist-Rite Two
Monday, Sept. 25 9:30am Al Anon in Healy Hall
Tuesday, Sept. 26 12:30pm Watercolor Painters – Healy Hall
6:00pm Men’s Ministry
Wednesday, Sept. 27 9:30am Morning Prayer
10:00am Scripture Study – Healy Hall
Thursday, Sept. 28
Friday, Sept. 29
Yom Kippur begins at sundown
Saturday, Sept. 30 8:30-10:00am OA Meeting – Healy Hall
Yom Kippur
Sunday, October 1 8:00am Traditional Worship & Eucharist – Rite One
9:00am Anointing of the Sick
9:00am Coffee & Conversation – Healy Hall
10:00am Contemporary Worship & Eucharist – Rite Two
11:00am Anointing of the Sick
Next Week’s Lessons: Ezekial 18:1-4, 25-32; Psalm 25:1-8; Philippians 2:1-13;
Matthew 21:23-32
Sermons {Homilies} preached at St. John are recorded and can be found online at our website This resource can be a wonderful way of connecting with the prayer life of the parish if you happen to miss a particular Sunday, or just want to mull something over that you heard again!
St. John the Divine Episcopal Church
216 E. Chandler Blvd, Burlington, WI 53105 262-763-7482 (Office x21)
Web: E-mail:
The Rt. Rev. Steven Miller, Bishop
Carol Eads, Pianist Kevin Monteith, Organist
Through the Red Doors
SixteenthSunday after Pentecost September 24, 2017
St. John the Divine Episcopal ChurchBurlington, Wisconsin
Printed:September 21, 2017
The psalmist invites us to “seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually” [Psalm 105:4]. May you sense the Lord’s presence here and throughout your days. Welcome.
If you are visiting this morning, welcome! Please sign one of the welcome cards. They are in the pew racks and on the table as you enter Healy Hall.
If you have children, please know that they, and especially younger ones, are welcome to be with you and participate if you desire. We offer Sunday School during the school year. If a young one becomes restless and you want to walk with him or her, there is ample room for walking in the back of the church or in Healy Hall. In the children’s area are books, coloring books and crayons for your children’s use during worship. We were all very young once and know it isn’t always easy to be in church. Our hope is that all people know they are welcome here.
10:00 a.m. Hymns
Please note we use two hymnals. One is the blue 1982 Hymnal. Hymns in this hymnal have an “H” before the number followed by (blue hymnal). Hymns with nothing before the number are in the front of the blue1982 Hymnal. The other is the greenGather Hymnal. Hymns in this hymnal have a ‘G’ before the number followed by (green hymnal). Today’s Hymn numbers are listed below and are on the church hymn board.
Gathering: G578 [Green Hymnal] Lord of all Hopefulness
Gospel: G258 [Green Hymnal] Celtic Alleluia
Offering: H522 [Blue Hymnal] Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
Breaking of Bread: G298 [Green Hymnal]When We Eat This Bread
Post Communion: G262 [Green Hymnal] There’s a Wideness
Sending Forth: H690 [Blue Hymnal] Guide me, O thou Great Jehovah
Cell Phones: Please turn cell phones, pagers, etc. to Off or Silent. We also ask you to not answer any calls in the worship space. This is our time to gather to worship God. Thank you!
Parish Information and Concerns:
Prayers for the coming Week:
Prayers for our Church: For Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Steven, our Bishop; Natascha, Bob, Robin, Phil, Eileen, Jerry, Sharon,Mary our Vestry & Clerk.
In our Community: All the Burlington Area Churches, Love Inc., The Transitional Living Center, The Women’s Resource Center, Our Diocesan Hospitality Center, Racine.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Southeast Florida, Southern Ohio [Episcopal Church]; Southeastern Mexico, Western Mexico [Mexico]; Southern Brazil [Brazil]; Southern Highlands, Victoria Nyanza [Tanzania]; Southern Malawi [Central Africa]; Southern Nyanza [Kenya].
In the Parish Cycle of Prayer: Pam McCaslin; David & Dorothy McDonald; Troy & Lisa, Mason, Grace McIntyre.
For those in the Armed Forcesand especially those deployed. Joshua Konopacki.
For those suffering from war, natural disasters or the economic crises in our world.
For those who are our enemies.
For those celebrating Birthdays:paulhaynes.
For those celebrating an Anniversary: Don & Marian Cook
For those preparing for Marriage: Danny Marzahl Nicole Simon.
For those preparing for the Birth of a Child:
For those celebrating the Birth of a Child:
For those preparing for Baptism:
For those who are in need: Don Cook, Marion Durkin-Cook,CynieLawrence, Lana Ramsey, Katie Roosa, Chris Nelson, Dennis Gramins,Betty Bitner, Jane Clouthier, Chad Whitmore, JakobStolp, Richard Stolp, Siarra Winch, Jason Mendoza, Eric Scholl, Jim Cook.
For those who have died: Margaret (Peggi) Ketterhagen.
Flowers on the Altar are given:in celebration of Alyssa’s birthday.
Is there a special occasion or person you want to honor or remember? If so, flowers for the Altar are a wonderful way. You can take them with you after 10 a.m. worship.Sign up in Healy Hall for flowers. We ask for a $35 donation to cover the costs of flowers. If you desire something special such as roses, you will be asked to cover the actual costs.If you have questions, talk with Deanna Christman (767-1024) or Pidge Peters (248-6382). {During Advent and Lent, flowers are not placed in the Sanctuary.}
Our Lay Ministers This Week:
Server:8:00 a.m. R Marzahl10:00 a.m. K Spencer
Readers/Prayers: 8:00 a.m. S Fink & B Yoerin10:00 a.m. P Hoffman & E Allen
Ushers/Greeters: 8:00 a.m. G & S Fink10:00 a.m. J Ramsey & E Allen
Chalice Bearers: 8:00 a.m. R Marzahl10:00 a.m. K Spencer & C Herrick
By the Numbers:
Last week’s worshippers:Sunday 8am11Sunday 10am 27
Budgeted Pledge to date 2017: $53,207Budgeted Pledge for September2017, to date: $4,201
Pledges Received to date 2017: $53,772Pledges Received for September2017, to date: $5,170
Website Visitors this past week: Visitors: 256 Page Views: 1,069
Vestry Update As you have heard during the Sunday Announcements, vestry is currently securing supply priests for Sunday services as we discern and work with the diocese on the search for a new priest. Please keep Vestry in your prayers, and please keep gathering and supporting all our many good ministries!
Parish Events:
Ournext LOVE INCmeal is Thursday, October 5th. Volunteers to prepare and serve this meal are always needed and welcome! This ministry provides a much needed resource to the community and we are always seeking to broaden the number of people helping. Talk with Bert Mendoza {} or Nancy Torretta {} about helping with this wonderful, simple to perform ministry. Sign-up sheets are in the hallway outside Healy Hall.
Men’s Ministry will meet this Tuesday, 6:00pm
Update on the search for our next Priest: The Search Committee met with a candidate on Sept. 14th. They are now in deliberations.
OUR FALL AUCTION & DINNER will be Saturday, October 7th, commencing at 5pm.Volunteer Sign-Up sheets are now available in the hallway. Donation forms are also available.
Pastoral Care:Birgit Moxon, St. John's pastoral care coordinator, assists parishioners desiring pastoral care (special prayers, laying on of hands, or communion in a home or hospital setting. Please contact her at: ; or 262-878-4128 - home; or 262-498-0733 - cell. Or, call the church {763-7482}, and they will contact Birgit. For other prayer requests, call the office; Birgit; or Ginger Tierney {262-492 3211}.
Saint John the Divine has Morning Prayeron Wednesday’s at 9:30am. This is an uplifting, contemplative service designed for midweek renewal. Come join us in Morning Prayer.
Is there someone who we should be praying for? ContactGinger Tierney ( or 262-537-3211) or Birgit Moxon ( or 262-878-4128) to have their name added toThe Prayer List, the names of people whom parishioners have requested be prayed for. Names generally remain on the list for three months. Along with our regular parish & parish family friends “Prayer List”, we also have a more broad based opportunity for prayers. Our “Book of Intentions”prayers is located just outside the Sacristy and is for any prayers you would like to have lifted up. These prayers are used each Wednesday during Morning Prayer.
Diocesan Hospitality Center: The Hospitality Center continues to need donations. So, the call for water continues, along with the need for paper products, like plates, napkins, plastic tableware and cups. Clothes, especially socks, along with shirts, blouses, pants and other items are also still needed. Please consider underused items for donation to the Hospitality Center.
Buildings and Grounds Walk Around: St. John’s needs volunteers for the once a month walk around the church properties and make note of items in need of attention or repair. This is not difficult, and is heart healthy. Talk with George Christman or Bob Yoerin for more information. Sign-up sheet is in Healy Hall.
LOVE INC. is seeking volunteers to work in their retail stores. Contact Barbara at 262-763-6226 EXT 106
Prayers for the Parishes of the Diocese of Milwaukee September 24 - St Michael’s, Racine
Loving Father, we thank you for the people of St. Michael’s and their membership in the Body of Christ and our diocese. Anoint them in the power of your Spirit for their common mission together. May they be steadfast in their calling to open the door to faith for those who don’t yet know you.May they serve you in unity, constancy and peace, to the glory of your name.All this we ask through your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.