Feedback Report Enfield Patient Participation Group

Event 21st May 2015

Executive Suite, Dugdale Centre, Enfield Town

Author: Litsa Worrall Elected PPG Representative

The feedback from the Chairs was it was an excellent meeting, attended by several surgeries, although our main aim should be to increase the number of surgeries that attend these meetings.

The structure of the meeting appeared to work better this time and we managed to get a workplan for the year together, below are some headings as to what was discussed:

Bill’s idea about keeping those that had shown an interest involved in the election process was discussed and we thought about the role of locality champions, below are some of the suggestions:

Role of Locality Champions

  • Talking and supporting PPG Chairs on a 1:1 basis
  • Review minutes – share good practice
  • Visit Surgeries to encourage them to attend Network meetings
  • To liaise with the GP Practices and then take issues to Elected PPE Representative
  • Advertising advice – sharing ideas, e.g. Connaught Surgery

Below are some of the other items we talked about:

Working Together: Issues

  • Recruiting young people, Recruiting people who don’t speak English as a first language

Ideas for PPGs

  • Educating people to be responsible for their own health.
  • How to make a complaint
  • Feedback box
  • PPG Chair’s contact details up on the notice board
  • Newsletter – printed or emailed
  • Members doing campaign – handing out leaflets, agree with the Practice what topics are
  • Notes up after PPG meeting
  • Action notes and plans on notice board
  • GPs shared Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and PPG membership added to them
  • DNA monitoring – repeat offenders given a warning
  • Look at numbers for electronic prescribing and website registration
  • Falls register

PPGs Work Plan for 2015/16

It was agreed that Members would suggest a number of areas, then there would be a vote to agree the 3 areas that the PPGs would concentrate on for the next year 2015-16, in brackets are the number of votes for each of the titles:

  • (9) Do Not Attends (DNA) - Numbers put up on Board, encourage people to give mobile number
  • (6) Falls Registers – Ask GP what he does with patients who have fallen
  • (9) Promoting healthy lifestyles
  • Choosing right treatment
  • (5) Medicines Management – waste
  • (8) Knowing about PPGs
    - Electronic Prescribing
    - On line booking
  • (2) Diabetes Awareness
  • (3) Helping Practices with getting ready for Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspections

Actions from the votes- Work Plan Agreed for 2015/2016


  • Ask all Practices to monitor June’s 2015 DNAs for physical appointments
  • Look at actions that could be done to make this figure less
  • Ensure a notice goes on the board to inform other patients regarding the wasted time.

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles

  • Ask Public Health – Litsa to contact Public Health, I have an appointment with Shahed Ahmad, Director Public Health for 3rd July 2015
  • Get resources from Public Health
  • PPGs may focus on different things

Knowing about PPGs

  • Making sure they are representative
  • Making sure people know about them
  • Effectiveness of PPG
  • Monitor

- Number of people who attend

- Champions could monitor work of PPG’s on Work Plan

  • On line booking
  • On line electronic prescribing

What are we going to do?

  • To agree a logo for Enfield PPGs a prize to be awarded to the best logo design at next meeting
  • Bring a logo to next meeting
  • Send round forms to PPG’s for others to use as a template


Enfield Patient Participation Awareness Week – 1 to 6 June 2015, to ensure that we do something for next year.

Future dates:September evening

6.30 pm Refreshments 7.00 pm start - Finish at 9.00 pm.

Free parking in Genotin Road after 6.30pm