Rule No. and Page No. / Provisions in Draft GFR / Proposed Changes / Reasons/ Justifications
Rule 144 page 35 / Every authority delegated with the financial powers of procuring goods in public interest shall have the responsibility and accountability to bring efficiency, economy, and transparency in matters relating to public procurement / To bring efficiency, economy, accessibility and transparency / Accessibility must be made a mandatory criterion when procuring any product or service esp. software and technology
Whereapplicable,thetechnicalspecificationsshall,totheextentpracticable,bebasedonthenationaltechnicalregulationsorrecognizednationalstandardsorbuildingcodes,whereversuchstandardsexist,andintheirabsence,bebasedontherelevantinternationalstandards: / International standards such as the EN 301 549 which could be adopted as an Indian national standard
In the section on procedure accessibility should be criterion too
Rule 148 Page 36 / The Central Purchase Organisation will furnish and update all the relevant details of the rate contracts in its web site. / Website should conform to WCAG 2.0 standards and be accessible as should also be the formats of rate contracts used
Rule 149 Page 36 / DGS&D will host an online Government e-Marketplace (GeM) for common use Goods and Services. The GeM would be dynamic, self sustaining and user friendly / E- marketplace should conform to WCAG standards. The GeM would be accessible for all users
Rule 150 Page 36 / Should include past experience in incorporating Universal Design in all products/ services developed by them- tangible or intangible
Rule 150 Page 37 / ThelistofregisteredsuppliersforthesubjectmatterofprocurementbeexhibitedontheCentralPublicProcurementPortalandwebsitesoftheProcuringEntity/e Procurement/portals. / All portals and websites must adhere to WWCAG 2.0 standards
Rule 153 Page 37 / Purchase /Price preference policy / To include Companies set up/run by disabled people or having a certain minimum number of disabled employees
Rule 155 Page 38 / A duly constituted Local Purchase Committee consisting of three members of an appropriate level as decided by the Head of the Department / Local purchase Committee to include at least one disabled person/accessibility expert
Rule156.(2) / The Central Purchase Organisation (e.g. DGSD) should host the specifications, prices and other salient details of different rate contracted items, appropriately updated, on the website for use by the procuring Ministry or Department. / Website should conform to WCAG standards and guidelines
Rule 159 Page 38 / ItismandatoryforallMinistries/DepartmentsoftheCentralGovernment,theirattachedandsubordinateofficesandautonomous/statutorybodiestopublishtheirtenderenquiries,corrigendathereonanddetailsofbidawardsontheCentralPublicProcurementPortal(CPPP) / All tender enquiries should be in accessible formats and the CPPP should conform to WCAG standards
TheaboveinstructionsapplytoallTenderEnquiries,RequestsforProposals,RequestsforExpressionsofInterest,Noticeforpre-Qualification/Registrationoranyothernoticeinvitingbidsorproposalsinanyform,issuedonorafterthedatesindicatedabovewhethertheyareadvertised,issuedtolimitednumberofpartiesortoasingleparty. / TenderEnquiries,RequestsforProposals,RequestsforExpressionsofInterest,Noticeforpre-Qualification/Registrationoranyothernoticeinvitingbidsorproposalsinanyform should be in accessible formats
Rule 160 Page 39 /
  1. ItismandatoryforMinistries/Departmentstoreceiveallbidsthrougheprocurementportalsinrespectofallprocurementswithestimated valueofRs.2lakhsormore.
  2. Ministries/Departmentswhichdonothavealargevolumeofprocurementorcarryoutprocurementsrequiredonlyforday-to-dayrunningofofficesandalsohavenotinitiatede-procurementthroughanyothersolutionprovidedsofarmayusee-procurementsolutiondevelopedbyNIC.
  1. Through e procurement portals that are in adherence to the WCAG 2.0 standards
  2. All e procurement solutions should be accessible.

(ii)The organisation should also post the complete bidding document in its website and on CPPP to enable prospective bidders to make use of the document by downloading from the website. / The bidding process should be available in accessible formats. Website should conform to WCAG 2.0 guidelines
Rule 162 Page 39 / Further,anorganisationshouldpublishitslimitedtenderenquiriesonCentralPublicProcurementPortal(CPPP)as perRule159.Apartfrom CPPP,theorganisationsshouldpublish the tenderenquiriesonthe Department’sorMinistry’swebsite. / CPPP and Ministry’s website should be in accessible formats
Rule 167 Page 41 / ElectronicReverseAuctionmeansanonlinereal-timepurchasingtechniqueutilizedbytheprocuringentity / Should be accessible for people with visual, hearing and speech disabilities
Rule 170 Page 42 / To safeguard against a bidder’s withdrawing or altering its bid during the bid validity period in the case of advertised or limited tender enquiry, Bid Security (also known as Earnest Money) is to be obtained from the bidders except Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) as defined in MSE Procurement Policy issued by Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) / And companies and enterprises owned by disabled people
Rule 173 Page 41 / Transparency,competition,fairnessandeliminationofarbitrarinessintheprocurementprocess / Bidding document should be in accessible formats
Rule 173 page 45 / Criteria for evaluation of bidsspecial terms affecting performance, if any.
Essential terms of the procurement contract; / Both criteria and essential terms of the contract should include accessibility
Rule 186 Page 48 / PreparationandIssueofRequestforProposal(RFP). / RFPs in accessible formats