Feedback for Bucks VTS 2014/15 ST3 group.
This was separated into FB to:
- St1/2 in hospital posts
- ST2/3 in practices
- Trainer/ES
- PD team
- Deanery
Useful Tips for GP consultations:
Structure, priorities, time, findings/results, physical exam, differential diagnosis, management, resources, follow up/safety netting, risk, health promotion, rapport, listenings, cues, psychosocial context, language, shred partnership between dr and patient.
Specifics: constructive , positive, generous. Conversational.Goals. Practice desciptions.
- Knowing your ST2/ in your Practices- learning from each other and practical reasons. CSA practice between those in one practice in educational setting.
- Deciding on CSA date
- Forming a CSA group early perhaps in ST2.Be critical. Start early. Practice groups meeting early on Tuesday works well.
- AKT: don’t underestimate the amount of prep this takes.
- Year learning plan: discuss with your trainer/ES and decide on AKT and CSA timings. Revisit this during the year.
- If any problems in your jobs/practice seek PD support early.
- Claims for travel- do this regularly. Claim for petrol for visits and training days.
- Understand theeportfolio requirements, keep an eye on curriculum coverage and competencies.
- Referral/prescribing audit
- OOH- book them early- sign off is in May. Can only have 12 hours remaining.
- Exam prep- early talk from previous years
- Don’t leave DOPS/CEPS and WPBA too late.
- Deanery CSA curse is good.
- GMC pilot days are good if available. Get paid and good CSA practice.
- Keep an eye on your curriculum coverage
- Books OPA clinics early, some need contracts and practice can then rearrange your week if needed and enough notice.
- Clarity of plan for the year eg level 3 safeguarding, mandatory training. Should be presented at start of each year.
- Admin to do list eg performers list, indemnity
- Quality projects- needs clear expectation and advice,plan early they take longer than you think
- Locality quality projects: better defined and managed better
- Study leave
- CSA leave
- Better website
- Careers day , CV planning, interview skills sessions april at latest.
- Allocate trainee to named PD
- Projects and clinics are good
- Trainee swaps directly between trainee- PDs to match this
- Thanks to Debbie. Like forwarding of job adverts locally
- Induction in practice: sitting in, allied professionals including midwife and DNs and HV, orientation and timetable prior to starting.
- Make a plan of tutorials using learning needs assessment but be prepared for changes depending on learning needs.
- Plan with your trainer how eportfolio will be monitored and given feedback regularly.
- Bae tutorials on expertise of your trainer and other drs in your practice.
- Intranet is helpful
- Guide to local services and resources
- Regular slots for COTS/CBDs
- Regular video surgeries/joint surgeries.
- Declare interests earlyie special interests of different doctors so can arrange tutorials or going to clinics.
- Practice management tutorials
- Attend as many meetings as possible and ask questions if not understanding.
Hospital Posts
- O and G adjust rota for GP trainee to have more time in clinics.vs theatre
- Paeds: neonate vs paeds time. Time in community paeds would be helpful
- T and O: 3 months self directed option was very good.
- Amersham neurorehab: fantastic GP role, lots of clinics and act as ward GP, MDT experience.
- MUDAS good GP experience
- Psych: more community based and less in patient based would be better
- FNH: ?more capacity for GP trainees. Very good post.
- Clarification on SL, AL allowance, travel claims, study leave budget on one easy to find up to date website
- Review dates are unclear if LTFTT especially ESR and ARCP
- Revalidation date changes- admin and information is needed.
- OOH: number of green sessions
- Where is a simple, easy to navigate website?
- Pension forms.