PNAMP 2007 Overview

February 4, 2008

Prepared by PNAMP Coordination Team


Completed Recommendations (advanced to PNAMP Executive Network)

  • NED Best Practices for Reporting Locational and Time Related Data (link to document)
  • Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook (link to preview, link to full book download)
  • Data Management Needs for Regional Project Tracking to Support Implementation and Effectiveness Monitoring (by Katz et al, NOAA Fisheries)(link todocument)
  • Methods for the collection and analysis of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in wadeable streams of the Pacific Northwest(link to document)

PNAMP Final Products in 2007

  • Management questions “white paper” to facilitate coordination by identifying relative importance of management questions (and their related hierarchical set of information needs) shared by the PNAMP partners (link to document)
  • PNAMP Newsletter, PNAMP Pursuits, October 2007, Volume 1(linkto document)
  • PNAMP Overview of Progress and Direction: Challenges of Meeting Multiple Expectations (link to document)

PNAMP products/recommendations expected to be complete in 2008

  • High level indicators “white paper” to recommend a core set of indicators that can be shared among all types of monitoring. IN REVIEW
  • Habitat protocols recommendations (watershed assessment methods): results of protocol comparison project. MANUSCRIPT IN REVIEW BY AUTHORS (link to background information)

PNAMP long range tasks in progress during 2007/2008

  • Assist with the advancement of a regional environmental information management strategy:
  • Task: contribute to the development of a strategy and produce technical products with respect to monitoring; assist with production of executive workshop. (link to background information)
  • Develop regional data dictionary for monitoring & protocol catalogue tool (Protocol Manager).
  • Task: testing and evaluation of beta version of software (link to update); begin template and content development of data dictionary.
  • PNAMP Aquatic Monitoring Activity Inventory:
  • Task: pilot project & report are complete; initialrecommendation isto identify small scale case study for implementation. (link to report; link to Inventory website)
  • Fish Protocols: Marking/Tagging Techniques Guidance.
  • Task: prepare detailed workplan for the product, including: identification of topical priorities, formation of a peer oversight committee individual authorship teams, and develop timeline commitments for completion.(link to background information)
  • Fish Protocols: Develop Protocol Comparison Tests.
  • Task: conduct gap analysis following publication of Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook to inform needs and priorities for fish monitoring protocols.
  • Monitoring Survey Design recommendation for a regional aquatic status & trends monitoring design (using the EPA’s EMAP probabilistic GRTS design).(link to recent meeting documents)
  • Task: conduct conceptual demonstration project on a small scale (Lower Columbia River salmon recovery region).
  • Effectiveness Protocols: facilitate adoption of standardized protocols across PNAMP partners.(link to background information)
  • Task: identify protocols shared by state agencies and facilitate discussion about formally recommending these to the PNAMP partners.
  • Task: categorize current projects and measure the quality of the programs
  • Effectiveness Protocols: recommend strategy for implementation of the PNAMP-recommended network of Intensively Monitored Watersheds (IMW) and reach specific studies for effectiveness monitoring (link to 2005 IMW plan, links to recent context paper and costs table).
  • Task: serve as clearinghouse for results of ongoing and planning of new IMWs
  • Task: look at what current IMWs address and identify gaps
  • Estuary Protocols: coordinate protocols for monitoring in estuaries. (link to background information)
  • Task: facilitate technical review of Columbia River estuary protocols for consideration for regional adoption.
  • Facilitate application of remote sensing tools for aquatic monitoring.
  • Task: conduct special session at ASPRS 2008 annual conference to focus on current remote sensing applications in aquatic monitoring (link to planning update).
  • Task: publish results of workshop as peer-reviewed product, including identification of needs for recommendations and guidelines.
  • Identify and implement a process for developing/refining common GIS layers.
  • Task: seek assistance from PNW-RGIC regarding identification of needs and sources of resources.
  • Coordination of existing aquatic/riparian monitoring with invasive/nonnative species surveys
  • Task: hold a series of workshops to identify specific actions that can be taken in the near term toincorporate aquatic/riparian invasive species surveys as part of other monitoring (link to documents fromfirst workshop)

Background information, meeting schedules, and the annual workplan in detail may be found at or by contacting Jennifer Bayer at .