Subject: Annual Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Program Solicitation of Full Time Law Enforcement Employee Counts for 2017
Dear Sir or Madam:
Each year, the FBI UCR Program solicits information from state UCR Programs regarding thenumber of full time law enforcement personnel employed by each law enforcementcontributor. We are asking for your assistance by completing the survey that follows toprovide counts on the number of full time sworn officers and civilian employees on yourdepartment payroll as of October 31, 2017. To ensure the correct employee information iscollected, please remember the following guidelines when completing the survey:
Officer counts are inclusive of all full time, sworn personnel that possess full arrest powers,and carry a weapon. Their primary duties include responding to routine calls for policeservice, emergency situations, or crime scenes, performing routine patrol, renderingemergency services, enforcing criminal laws and traffic regulations, and investigatingviolations of criminal laws and traffic accidents. These employees' salaries are paid from lawenforcement funds. In addition, correctional officers and police cadets should only beincluded in the officer counts if they are sworn and possess full arrest powers.
Civilian counts are inclusive of all full-time employees of the agency, i.e., dispatchers, clerks,and meter attendants. These employees' salaries are paid from law enforcement funds.
Furthermore, correctional officers or jailers that have no police or arrest powers outside thejail should be counted as civilians as long as their salaries are paid from the funds of the lawenforcement agency.
This data will be processed and included in two annual FBI publications, Crime in the United States, and Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted. These publications assist both state and federal agencies in determining the needs and trends of each locale, to gain knowledge and develop strategies, and to try to prevent these circumstances from occurring through various training and research of this data.
We are now collecting this information electronically and ask that only one person, the Michigan Incident Crime Reporting Representative, completes the form by November 30, 2017. Please do not submit the survey multiple times, only once, providing the title and name of the person doing so.
If you have any questions, please contact us at . Thank you for your assistance and continued participation in the UCR program.
Monica S. Jenkins, Manager
Michigan Incident Crime Reporting Unit
Criminal Justice Information Center
(Please submit only once for each agency)
Please identify the person Completing the FTLEEC Survey:
Title, First and Last Name
Phone Number/Extension
Form prepared for ORI: / Agency Name:
Identify the title, first and last name of the person providing approval of the FTLEEC information being reported: Chief, Sheriff, Chief, Commanding Officer, or Director
Title: / First Name: / Last Name
Phone: / email address:

Federal Bureau of Investigation's Full Time Law Enforcement Employee Counts 2017

Number of Full Time Law Enforcement Employees as Of October 31, 2017
This report is authorized by law Title 28, Section 534, United States Code. Your cooperationin using this form to report all law enforcement employees on the payroll of your lawenforcement agency as of October 31, 2017, will assist the Federal Bureau of Investigation incompiling timely, comprehensive, and accurate data.

Please complete this survey by November 30, 2017 (Please submit only once for eachagency)

Please remember the following guidelines when completing the survey:
Officer counts are inclusive of all full time, sworn personnel that possess full arrest powers,and carry a weapon. Their primary duties include responding to routine calls for policeservice, emergency situations, or crime scenes, performing routine patrol, renderingemergency services, enforcing criminal laws and traffic regulations, and investigatingviolations of criminal laws and traffic accidents. These employees' salaries are paid from lawenforcement funds. In addition, correctional officers and police cadets should only beincluded in the officer counts if they are sworn and possess full arrest powers.
Civilian counts are inclusive of all full time employees of the agency, i.e., dispatchers, clerks,and meter attendants. These employees' salaries are paid from law enforcement funds.
Furthermore, correctional officers or jailers that have no police or arrest powers outside thejail should be counted as civilians as long as their salaries are paid from the funds of the lawenforcement agency.
2017 / Male / Female / Total
Full Time Enlisted Officers
Full Time Civilians
Total Full Time Law Enforcement Employee Count (FTLEEC) Enlisted and Civilians Combined
Thank you for taking our survey. Your response is very important to us.