Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the IVInternational academic and research conference of students and postgraduates “Overcomingof legal nihilism as a vector of development of modern state and society”hosted by Kazan State University named after V.I.Ulianov-Lenin(November 27–28, 2009, Kazan, Russia).
Conference agenda:
“Overcomingof legal nihilism in the modern state and society: generaltheoretical andhistorical-legal aspects”;
“Constitutional and administrative regulation of public relations in the modern state and overcomingof legal nihilism”;
“International legal regulation of public relations in the modern state and overcomingof legal nihilism”;
“Overcoming of legal nihilism in the sphere of property and personal non-property relations of the modern state and society »;
“Civil-procedural right in the modern state and overcomingof legal nihilism”;
“Overcoming of legal nihilism as one of the basic directions of counteraction to criminality in the modern state and society”;
“Competitivecriminal legal proceedings in the modern state and overcoming of legal nihilism”;
“The role of labor legislation in the modern state and its place in the system of legal means of overcoming legal nihilism”;
“Overcoming of legal nihilism in the sphere of preservation of the environment in the modern state and society”;
“Overcoming of legal nihilism in the sphere of business, financial and fiscal relations in the modern state”.
Conference program includes assembly lectures of the leading scholars of the Faculty of Law of Kazan University, master-classes, work in sections, as well a number of cultural events.
Working languages of conference: Russian, English.
Application form andconference abstractsshould be submitted to the Organizing committee by October 15, 2009.
Applicationshould contain the following information: First name, middle name, last name of participant, full name of educational institution, student status (year of study – for postgraduates), report title, brief summary of the report (3–5 sentences), address, contact phone, e-mail of participant; First name, middle name, last name, academic status and degree of supervisor, first name, middle name, last name, academic status and degree of the dean of the faculty, fax and e-mail for sending invitation, hotel booking request (Appendix 1).
Conference abstracts (in rtf-format) should meet the following requirements:no more than 2 pagesof printed text, all margins 20 mm, line spacing 1,font size 12; footnotes on each page, size 10 (Appendix 2).
Application form and conference abstracts should be submitted at (by separate files; “Subject” field: name of educational institution), or mailed to: 420008 Russia, Republicof Tatarstan, Kazan, 18 Kremlyovskaya St., Faculty of Law, Kazan State University, Department of Theory and History of State and Law (marked“c/o Yu.Lukin”).
Students and postgraduates who have submitted applications and conference abstracts meeting all registration and deadline requirements, will be selected on a competitive basis. Selection criteria have to do mainly with conformity of the submitted materials to the conference topic, certain formal aspects, independence and originality of content.
Collection of conference abstracts will be published before the beginning of the conference, provided the admission fee of 10EUR is paid. The admission fee is to be paid upon receipt of notification of acceptance of abstracts for publication and invitation to participate in the conference. ByOctober 27, 2009the Organizing committee will notify you of the results of competitive selection and send you the official invitation with the indication of bank requisites for payment of admission fee.
Travel, accommodation and per diem expenses are to be bared by the sending institution and conference participants. Coffee-breaks will be available on the conference days. At the discretion of participants, the Organizing committee will make hotel reservations or book rooms at KSU rest and recreation facilities (at the estimated daily rate of 30-100EUR).
Provisional conference program (the Appendix 3).
All inquiries should be addressed to the Organizing committee at:
– Elena Vayner
Or by phone:
+79033878087– Elena Vayner
Information about the conference is also available at the website of the Student scientific society of the Faculty of Law of KSU
Conference venue:
420008 Russia, Republicof Tatarstan, Kazan, 18 Kremlyovskaya St., Kazan State University, Faculty of Law. Location map is available at
Faculty of Law,
Doctor of Law, Professor I.A.Tarkhanov