FEKO (International)2018
FeaturingthePresident’sCupfor Kata andKumite
This is a UWK England Ranking Event
Ponds ForgeInternationalSportsCentre
Sheaf Street
Welcome to the FEKO Children, Cadets, Juniors and Seniors Open National Karate Championships 2018
Sunday 11th February 2018
All entries and fees must reach the course organiser by Friday 2nd February 2018
Payment by cheque to ‘FEKO International’.
Payment made be made by bank transfer - please contact the organiser.
In the event of insufficient numbers in a category then the event organisers reserve the right to merge categories. The mergers, if any, will be done on Saturday 3rd February 2018 and Coaches informed accordingly
Registration for kata and kumite events will begin at 9am.
This event will carry UWK England Ranking Points for competitors over the age of 12 years
All entry forms must include the grade, gender, height or weight and date of birth of each competitor to enable ranking points to be allocated where appropriate. Incomplete forms may be returned for completion. Entries must only be submitted using the forms in this document.
Brief Synopsis of the Competition Rules
- Competitors may only be entered into a higher age category in accordance with WUKF rules. Ranking points will be awarded accordingly.
- Coaches must be absolutely certain that their competitors are entered into the correct category. It may not be possible to change entries on the day
- Competitors styles in open and other styles kata events must be specified.
- WUKF 2018 Rules apply with accepted modifications by the Chief Referee.
- Coaches must wear FEKO or association official badge and track suits (preferably association) when entering the tatami area.
- The association coach will only be allowed in the tatami area when their competitor is fighting or performing kata.
- Competitors who fail to report to an area at the start of their event will be disqualified.
- Any competitor, coach or representative who behaves discourteously to any member of the refereeing panel may cause the immediate disqualification of their competitor and could ultimately lead to disqualification of their whole team.
- The named coach is responsible for the behaviour of all his/her competitors and any spectator accompanying their competitors. S/he is responsible for obtaining parental or guardian permission for entry into the event and checking that their competitors have appropriate insurance, through their respective associations.
- The association coach is the only association representative who will be permitted to raise an objection or discuss possible infringements with the officials.
- Kata willbe1st,2nd,3rdand 4thplace.
- Competitorsup toandincluding4thKyu may repeat thesameKatain eachround.
- Competitors 3rd Kyuand abovemustperformadifferentkataeach round.
- Recognisedstylekatamust be performed.
- Competitorscannot enterboth StylesandOther stylescategories. Competitors 4th Kyu and below must choose between the categories Open style for 4th kyu and below, Style or Other styles.
- Competitorsmust weartheirgradebeltwhen performingkata.
- All competitors,includingteams/pairs,willperform a minimumof two kata.
- Teams/pairsmust perform a differentkataineachround.
- Forpair’skata,associations/clubs may mix gradeswithin agegroups,BUTthey must beentered in the higher gradeevent.
- Competitorsinkobudokatamust performadifferent katausinga differentweapon eachround.Thekatamust be specifiedon theentryform.
- Headguards,helmetsandbodyarmourforchildrenunder 15yearsare optional.
- Gumshields(whiteorclear)andapprovedmitts(red/white)arecompulsoryplus2belts(red/white).
- Chest protectorsforfemalekumiteandgroin protectorsfor male eventsarecompulsory.
- Soft shinpadsareallowed.(Combinedshin andinstepforbidden).
- Shinpadsare notallowedforIpponKumite.
- Glasses are forbidden.Soft contactlenseswornatcompetitor’sownrisk.
- Bandages,paddingorsupportsbecauseofinjurymustbeapprovedbytheChiefRefereeontheadvice of theOfficialMedical Representative.
- All jewellerymust beremoved or covered.Fingernailsand toenailsmustbeshort.
- ThewearingofmetallicteethbracesmustbeapprovedbytheChiefRefereeandOfficialMedicalRepresentative.Ifaccepted,thentheparent/guardian/coach mustaccept fullresponsibilityshould the userbeinjured.
- All participantsmust haveparentalconsenttoenterthiscompetition.
- OnlyFEKOofficialsandonlyONEofficialassociationteamcoachperassociationwillbeallowedinto the eventandcompetitionarea- thiswill bestrictlyenforced.
- Alleventswillbetakenthroughtothefinalsandtherespectiveawardswilltakeplaceonthesamearea.Allkumiteeventswillbefor1st, 2ndandjoint3rdplace. Therewillnotbeafight off forthe 3rd and 4thplacesinKumite.
- Pleasenotethatinteamkumiteeventsparticularlytheremaybeasubstantialdifferenceinheightandweight betweencompetitors.
The Chief Referee’s decision is final
CHILDREN’S KATA – MIXED GENDERKA1 / Uptoincluding 7years / All grades
KA2 / 8-9years / Noviceto4thkyu
KA3 / 8-9years / 3rdkyuabove
KA4 / 10-12years / Noviceto4th kyu
KA5 / 10-12years / 3rdkyuabove
Mini Cadets, Cadets, Juniors, Seniors and Veterans Kata: FEMALE
Ages / Styles / Grades
KA17 / 13-14years / OpenStyles / 4th kyu and below
KA18 / 13-14years / OpenStyles / All grades
KA19 / 15 -17years / Shotokan / All grades
KA20 / 15–17years / Shito-Ryu / All grades
KA21 / 15–17years / Other Styles / All grades
KA22 / 15–17years / Open Styles / 4th kyu and below
KA23 / 18 years & over / Open styles / 4th Kyu and below
KA24 / 18yearsover / Shotokan / All grades
KA25 / 18yearsover / Shito-Ryu / All grades
KA26 / 18yearsover / Other styles / All grades
KA27 / 36yearsover / VeteransOpen Styles / All grades
Mini Cadets, Cadets, Juniors, Seniors and Veterans Kata:MALE
Ages / Styles / Grades
KA6 / 13-14years / OpenStyles / 4th kyu and below
KA7 / 13-14years / OpenStyles / All grades
KA8 / 15 -17years / Shotokan / All grades
KA9 / 15–17years / Shito-Ryu / All grades
KA10 / 15–17years / Other Styles / All grades
KA11 / 15–17years / Open Styles / 4th kyu and below
KA12 / 18 years & over / Open styles / 4th Kyu and below
KA13 / 18yearsover / Shotokan / All grades
KA14 / 18yearsover / Shito-Ryu / All grades
KA15 / 18yearsover / Other styles / All grades
KA16 / 36yearsover / VeteransOpen Styles / All grades
KA28 / All ages / All grades
A differentkatawith a differentweaponmust beperformedin each round.(Kata must bespecifiedon theentryform)
Pairs Kata
KA29 / Uptoincluding12years / Opengrade
KA30 / Between1317years / Opengrade
KA31 / Over18years / Opengrade
Team Kata
KA32 / Uptoincluding12years / Opengrade
KA33 / Between1317years / Opengrade
KA34 / Over18years / Opengrade
Kumite - MALE
KU1 / Upto9years / Openweight and height
KU2 / 10-12years / Under145 cm
KU3 / 10-12years / Over145 cm
KU4 / 13-14years / Under 65kg
KU5 / 13-14years / Over 65kg
KU6 / 15-17years / Under 65kg
KU7 / 15-17years / Over 65kg
KU8 / 18yearsover / Under 65kg
KU9 / 18yearsover / Over 65kg and under 75kg
KU10 / 18yearsover / Over 75kg and under 85kg
KU11 / 18yearsover / Over 85kg
KU12 / 36years &overOpen Grade / Open weight
Kumite: FEMALE
KU13 / Upto9years / Openweight and height
KU14 / 10-12years / Under145 cm
KU15 / 10-12years / Over145 cm
KU16 / 13-14years / Under 45kg
KU17 / 13-14years / Over 45kg
KU18 / 15-17years / Under 45kg
KU19 / 15-17years / Over 45kg
KU20 / 18yearsover / Under 55kg
KU21 / 18yearsover / Over 55kg and under 60kg
KU22 / 18yearsover / Over 60kg and under 65kg
KU23 / 18yearsover / Over 65kg
KU24 / 36years &overOpen Grade / Open weight
KU25 / 13-14years / Opengrade
KU26 / 15-17years / Opengrade,openweight
KU27 / 18yearsover / Opengrade,openweight
KU28 / 13-14years / Open grade
KU29 / 15-17years / Opengrade,openweight
KU30 / 18yearsover / Opengrade,openweight
KU31 / 13-14years / Opengrade,openweight
KU32 / 15-17years / Opengrade,openweight
KU33 / 18yearsover / Opengrade,openweight
KU34 / 13-14years / Opengrade,openweight
KU35 / 15-17years / Opengrade,openweight
KU36 / 18yearsover / Opengrade,openweight
Please help to enable the event to run effectively and to schedule depends on having sufficient Officials. Please would you indicate below who will be attending from your Association/club and in what capacity. The information will then be passed to the Chief Referee
Name ofAssociationName / Referee/Judge/TableOfficial / Level-World/Association/Club
Please list the names of other Coaches here. One Coach is free for every 10 competitors otherwise the fee is £10 per Coach
Name ofAssociationName / Feeenclosed
EntryForm – Individuals and Teams
Association: / ContactAddress: / Post Code:
Telephone No: / Email:
First Name / Last Name / Date of Birth / Grade / Height / Weight / Style / Cat 1 / Cat 2 / Cat 3 / Team / Paid
Amount paid or c/f to next page
Association: (page 2) / Contact
First Name / Last Name / Date of Birth / Grade / Height / Weight / Style / Cat 1 / Cat 2 / Cat 3 / Team
Amount paid
IconfirmthateverycompetitorlistedabovehascurrentanduptodateinsuranceandhasbeenverifiedbyourAssociationasbeingsuitableforthecategoryinwhichtheyhavebeenentered.IacknowledgetheguidelinescontainedwithintheleafletforthesechampionshipsandwillupholdourKaratevaluesatthisevent.I,astheAssociationrepresentativealsoconfirmthatIhaveobtainedtheirparentorguardian’sconsent for each named competitortoparticipate.
Signed ………………..……………………………………….……………(PrintName)………………………...…………………….……………………… Date…………………...
Please makeall chequespayableto FEKOInternational and returnwiththis form to:Jim Reece,FEKO 2018All Ages, 234 West Park Drive West, Roundhay,Leeds LS8 2BD
Closing datefor entries:Friday 2February 2018.