San Antonio“Flight Score”Cross Country Meet


Meet: Welcome to San Antonio Home School’s Flight ScoreHigh School Cross Country Meet - the 10th Annual edition of the Original Flight Score Meet in Texas.

Flight Score Meet Description: unique variation of traditional cross country; a rarely used, but distinctive format very appealing to coaches, runners, and fans. Runners do not start together as an entire team, rather a single numbered runner from each team competes head-to-head with the same numbered runners from the other teams, i.e., all of the number seven runners from each team start at the same time in one “flight,” then all the number six runners depart in a second flight a few minutes later, then the number fives, fours, threes, twos, and ones.

Scoring: per finish in each flight, first in one’s flight equals one point, etc. Exciting aspect is race-by-race scoring updates during the action - shows ebb and flow, and what is needed to win!

Flight Race example: Acme High’s Division A runners place as follows: Flight seven: Acme runner places 5th, Flt six - 4th, Flt five - 9th, Flt four - 11th, Flt three - 12th, Flt two - 8th, and Flt one - 1st; overall Acme team score = 5 + 4 + 9 + 11 + 12 + 8 + 1 = 50.

Schedule: Div C / Div A / Div B - please see “Schedule” document.

Divisions and Athlete Placement Rules: three high school divisions to optimally match runners’ abilities (all races 3200m). We highly encourage you to place the majority of your runners in flight races, Divisions A and B, and restrict individual entries in Div C,not flighted.

Requirement - place your runners according to their current ability per following guidelines:

Division A - varsity level; seven (7) flight races - seven runners per team, one runner races per flight. Approx ability for 3200m: Girls < 11:00 to 14:30 // Boys < 9:00 to 12:15. You may enter one or two A teams per gender per school (team 1, team 2). Minimum six runners/team*

Division B - ≈ junior varsity level; five (5) flight races - five runners per team, one runner races per flight. Approx ability for 3200m: Girls 14:30 to 17:00 // Boys 12:15 to 14:45. You may enter multiple B teams per gender per school (team 1, team 2, etc.). Min four runners/team*

*Best to enter full flight teams; teams with only six (A) or four (B) will score maximum points in the flight without a runner, i.e., score will be one point greater than last finishing runner.

Division C - novice level; standard format (not a flight race), individuals only, no team scoring, coach timed, please limit C entries. Approx ability for 3200m: Girls > 17:15 // Boys > 15:00. Three or less runners that cannot make a full team in B may run C, but better to run in B than C. Div C Novicerace starts at7:40 am. Race purpose - give your novice runners an opportunity to run the course and gain experience, but again, try to place your runners in the Div A or B races.

Registration: simplified process - please complete the “Flight Score Meet Registration”spreadsheet and send via e-mailto . Enter school name, athlete’s last name, first name, event from drop down menu and gender from drop down menu.

DEADLINE to register is 6:00 P.M. Tuesday, Sep 20th. Late fees may apply post-deadline.

Flight and Bib Numbers: runners will have a flight number and a bib number with tear tag indicating team, division, flight number. Runners may run only one flight race for their team.

Declaration: very important - the Flight Score Meet isnota standard format XC meet, it requiresflight declarationand unique bib labeling; therefore, coaches:

-you must be fully prepared to declare your Division A Flight team(s) seven (7) to one (1)order, and your Division B Flight team(s) five (5) to one (1)orderat on-site meet registration, have your order ready upon arrival

-you may not change the order of your flight score team’s runners after start of the meet

-arrive as early as possible to permit smooth flow of registration to get you to the start line on schedule. Our registration team will be ready at 5:55 am

-act on important timeline/deadlines:

--Deadline is7:45 amto complete (not start) your Div A declarations, Div A race start 8:00 am

--Deadline is9:15 amto complete (not start) your Div B declarations, Div B race start 9:40 am

Fluid Scoring: we will update and post team scores after each flight race.

Awards: Div A and Div B - medals to each member of top three teams. Individual medals to top three per flight in Div A and Div B, and top 10 boys and top 10 girls in Div C.

Fees: $60 per Div A team, $55 per Div B team, and $12 per individual (C only); maximum fee of $345 per high school.

Payment: Please have fee payment (check or cash) on-site or be prepared to indicate school check was mailed. Make checks payable to “SAHS Cross Country.” Indicate school name on check (not just district) and “cross country,” thank you. If needed, see “W-9, SAHS” pdf.

-Mailing address for checks: SAHS Cross Country, 9306 Oak Downs Drive, San Antonio, TX 78230.

-We can accept additional fees for additional teams/runners on site, but no refunds or change.

Course:New venue! Easier access! Lindbergh Park, San Antonio. Accurately measured 3200 meter grass course of flat terrain with international style obstacles. Has split signs and is well marked and marshaled. Very fan friendly, one can remain in a single location and observe all or nearly all of a race. See“Course Map”in e-mail and your packet. We indicate course obstacles (simulated dirt mound, hay bales, logs, etc.) on the main on-site map.

Venue Map: see“Venue Map.”

Team Tents: please set these up on the median fields adjacent to the large parking lot just southeast of the course field (see venue map). No other location for team tents.

Directions to Site: Lindbergh Park, Port San Antonio: ADs and coaches, please provide “Directions Lindbergh Park” to your team, families, and fans.

Concessions: On-site, includes pre- and post-race variety of food and drink.

Meet T-Shirts: with running quotes for sale on-site in varied colors and sizes.

Inclement Weather: we will run the meet in all weather. Delay start only if lightning in the immediate area per meet director on-site decision.

Contact: Coach Neal Baumgartner - Home 210 545-2732 / Cell 210 373-6236.


FAQs: Since our Flight Score Meet is not standard it tends to generate a few extra questions. Briefly, here are answers to a few frequently asked questions:

1. How and when do I designate my team flight order? You already designated your A, B, or C division on your registration spreadsheet. Then, as above, at on-site registration you must designate specific flight order. Our registration team will adhere flight numbers to the back of the bib and write team number, division, flight number on tear off portion of bib. Your flight A and B runners must don the bib in reverse with the flight number showing forward, with the bib number facing their body. As always please do not pin through the tear off.

2. What if I have more than one team in a flight division? If you have more than one team in a division (limited to two in A, unlimited in B) you designate the breakout per team at registration and which team is number one, number 2, etc.

-Example: Acme High School has 14 girls and 7 boys in Div A, 10 girls and 15 boys in Div B, and 2 boys in Div C. Their school teams are:

--Div A: Acme 1 and Acme 2 in girls race / Acme in boys race

--Div B: Acme 1 and Acme 2 in girls race / Acme 1, Acme 2, and Acme 3 in boys race

--Div C: John Novice and Jane Rookie in boys/girls novice race per time guidelines

3. What if I have less than seven runners for Div A or less than five runners for Div B? You must enterat least sixper gender team in Div A andat least fourper gender team in Div B, knowing that you have one flight “empty,” so your team will score maximum points in that flight without a runner,i.e.,score will be one point greater than the last finishing runner of that flight. However, at least your runners are in the competition and experience the advantages of the flight racing. Try your best to enter your runners in the flight races per time and team size guidelines, but if you have less than the requirements than two options: 1) contact me so we may combine school teams, e.g., four from one school combined with three from another school for a team of seven in A or a similar combination for five in B, or 2) individuals may run in the Div C race.

4) How are team tie scores broken in flight competition? After all flights are completed and team scores totaled, ties are broken by comparing the highest flight score. Example, Acme High School scores are: 3, 7, 4, 5, 9, 2, and 3 for a team total of 33, while West High School scores are: 4, 5, 3, 10, 6, 1, and 4 for an equal total of 33 - teams are tied. Acme places higher in the team competition than West since West had a high score of 10, greater than Acmes highest of 9.

2017: We will continue to hold the SAHS Flight Score and Middle School Meets at this venue, we look forward to hosting you next year. Blessings on the rest of your season.

v/r, Coach Neal Baumgartner