Pastor Charles Holmes



226 Notice now, quickly, Revelation 9, under the seven trumpet, "their king is from the bottomless pits."

227 Then in Leviticus, now, how perfect the interpretation is here with the Word! Because, see, immediately following, the pentecostal jubilee followed the day of an atonement; the order of the feast time. Between the pentecostal feast, to the atonement, the sound of the trumpets for the atonement, was the pentecostal feast, the long period of time. Look, there was a long period of time between the pentecostal feast, to the calling of the--of the trump... the sounding of the trumpets, the--the trumpets to be sound; a long period of time. Frankly, it was fifty days, from the--from the--from the feast of pentecost to the feast of the atonement, was fifty days. Now, fifty days is exactly seven sabbaths.

228 And seven sabbaths is the seven church years, Church Ages. Get it? See? See? Now, the Jews has been blinded, waiting all this time, while the pentecostal Firstfruits has been poured out upon the Church. And we've come down through the martyr ages, and down through the reformer ages, and now in the calling-out age; three sections, same Spirit; like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, same One. See? But, Seven Church Ages, being seven sabbaths.

229 Exactly seven sabbaths from the--from the pentecostal jubilee trumpet... a pentecostal jubilee feast, until... The waving of the sheaf, and then the pentecostal jubilee. And then from the jubilee to the atonement is seven sabbaths, fifty days, and at the end of the fifty days is the--the atonement is made. You get it? Now, and this has been a type, that the Church...

230 When He was revealed, Hisself, as Son of God, has been revealing to the Church in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, down through the ages, in the--the pentecostal age, see. Just keep getting more and more; justification under Luther, sanctification under Wesley, baptism of the Holy Ghost.

231 Now here is the calling-out time. At the Sixth Seal, when it's--when it opened, the persecution struck the Jews, in the literal standpoint; and here comes the persecution to the church, in the ecclesiastical standpoint; because, the Bride is already called. The sabbaths are over, and ready for the Jews to be called. Where to? The feast of Atonement. Oh, church, don't you see that? Called to the feast of the Atonement, (what?) to recognize the Atonement; not no more chickens and geese, and what they been doing. "The Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world," Israel is going to know That.



68 Now, in the 4th chapter of the Book of Revelation. We ended up the 3rd chapter, and let us kind of be reverently and I'll try not to keep you too long. But in this 3rd chapter, the Church went up as a type, when John was taken up. The Church went up, and from that time on it's dealing with Israel, until the Coming again. Don't you see how it is? The people today, how they're, "Great something's going to shake the whole world and everything." That's unscriptural! No, sir. The next thing in order is the going of the Church. Read in the church ages, you see what...

69 Now, these other things that's to take place, is during the time of the Wedding Ceremony when the Church is in Glory. God returns back with great wonders to perform, international miracles and things, by the Jews, don't go to the Church at all.

On the 3rd chapter ends up the Church age. That's right. And the Church age goes out with such a little bitty minority that we find... Just listen here. I--I read this again this morning, it just nearly tore me to pieces, the place and the attitude of Christ at the end of the Church age, found from the 20th verse to 22nd verse of Revelation 3. Think of it Christ, at the end, where He's at! Where is He at the end of the Church age? Outside His church, pushed out by denominations and creeds. What's His attitude? Trying to get back in. That's a pitiful condition!

71 Then we find out here, "after these things," he heard a Voice that was speaking to him that... Oh, what was it? The Spirit left the earth. "After these things," starts out the 1st chapter, or--or the 1st verse:

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven:...

Revelation 4:1, after the Church was gone, then a--a Door was opened. And we've went through all of that and found that that was Christ, was the Door. And the same Voice that was walking in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks also was the same Voice he heard in Heaven, saying, "Come up hither." John went up. It represented the Church going in the Rapture.

John went up in the Spirit, was took away into Heaven and foresaw all the things that God promised and said to the disciples, "What is it to you if he tarries till I come?" He saw the coming of the Lord and what would take place. He saw on earth what would take place on earth to the Rapture of the Church, and was taken up and showed plumb on down even to apast the Millennium. Oh, isn't that wonderful?



56 Now, now, in the 3rd chapter of Revelation, we find the ending up of the Church Age, which ended with the Laodicean, the lukewarm church age. Then we find out that, immediately after that, John was caught up in the Spirit, up into the Heavens. And he saw things that was, and was to come, and things that had been. Now, we find out, the church doesn't appear anymore until the 19th chapter of Revelation, then she returns with her Lord, gloriously washed in the Blood.

57 Now, in this last quotation, for a little background to get set where John is now, we found out that in the last message... I was just briefly looking over it yesterday, some of the context that I had spoken of. And John was carried up into Heaven and saw those things. And I had noticed in there that He had give me a revelation, that... You know, after His resurrection many was with Him, and some said, "What will happen to this man that's leaning upon Your bosom (John)?"

Jesus turned and said, "What is it to thee if he tarries till I come?" So He never...

Then there went a doctrine out. See how easy it can start? There went a doctrine out that--that "John wasn't going to die until he seen Jesus coming, or until the Second Coming." The Bible said there was a doctrine went out of that.

Howbeit, Jesus never said it that way. He said, "What is it to you if he tarries till I come?"

Now, we find out that he was lifted up into the heavens and saw from then until the coming of the Lord, as though he had been there and seen it all happen. John himself did not live... He lived to be ninety-something years old, and then died in a--a natural death (the only one of the apostles) after coming from his exile from isle of Patmos.


290 Moses and Elijah has got to call. The pentecostal jubilee is still going, or had up till this time. See? Now the Feast of Trumpets has to be known. And this one over here of Malachi 4 is not connected with that one over there; not at all, not at all. Notice, watch here, the ministry will be Moses and Elijah, changing and calling Israel from the Jewish traditions, listen, from the Jewish traditions that they had been mixed up in. Being prophets, they'll believe--they'll believe him, calling them to the feast of the Atonement, Christ, letting them recognize Christ. They'll say, "He is coming. He'll be here." The Jews will be gathering, things like that.

And then when He comes, say, "Here I am." See?

"Where'd You get them scars?"

"In the house of My friends."

291 Now, the same as those two prophets did! Remember, the Gentile Bride is to have a prophet, called Elias, Elijah, that's to call them out of their traditions, the Bride; just the same as these prophets called Jews out of Judaism, to Christ, the Atonement. And the Gentiles already knows the Atonement, but it's to call the Bride back to the original Atonement, where these (fifty) sabbaths they... All these seven sabbaths that they have got away from; call them back to the end time. The seven... Listen! The Seventh Church messenger, the Seven Trumpet messenger, is all prophets. Now, that's right.

Injected, is the hundred and forty-four thousand.

292 Calling, the Seals, which was to the Gentiles. It had to be to the Gentiles, to open up to the Gentiles, to see the Gentile Church. That's all we know. That's all we'll listen to; what's already passed. We look for Jesus.

293 You say, "Now, wait a minute, Brother Branham, I believe they're going to do this."

294 The last sign that Abraham... And we are the royal Seed of Abraham; the Bride. The last sign that Abraham ever seen before the promised sign come... the promised son come, was what? God, in a form of a human being, that could discern the thoughts of the people; one man, not a dozen; one man, no matter how many impersonations. They had One, and He discerned the thoughts was in there. What? And, the next thing happened, Abraham and Sarah turned back to a young man and woman. We know that.

295 Now, I know that kind of chokes you a little bit now. But, remember, just so that you'll be sure to know now... You don't read the Bible like this; you read between the lines and see, make the picture come.


34 Now we noticed, last Sunday, there was... preaching the feast days. And there was a feast of pentecost. And between the feast of pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets, that was a long period of time; exactly fifty days between pentecost and the Feast of theTrumpets. And fifty days, which, pentecost means "fifty." It was the sheaf-waving, or the ingat-... The firstfruits of the harvest was brought in. And we see it was in type back there, with the natural firstfruits, representing the firstfruits of the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon the people.

And we find out, then, that them fifty days was received by the Gentiles, which, "God called from the Gentiles a people for His Name," the feast of the pentecost. And we have been going through that long feast of pentecost.

35 Now, actually, from the fifty days, would be exactly seven sabbaths. And seven sabbaths represented the Seven Church Ages, to be called in the time of the pentecostal feast, of Pentecost, to call a people from the Gentiles for His Name.

Now, at the end of these seven sabbaths, which has been, there was to be the Day of Atonement, which was the Seven Trumpets. And the Seven Trumpets was to call a day of mourning, back for the Sacrifice, or, the Atonement. And we find out then, that, Israel, the Seven Trumpets pertained only to Israel.

58 Oh, how thankful! How, no wonder we are so grateful! I feel that we're not grateful enough for the things that God is making known to us.

59 "Naked." And the visions said, showed me she was naked and didn't know it, and "blinded." As Israel was blinded so that the Gentiles could come in, now the Gentiles are blinded so the Bride can be taken out and Israel can receive the Feast of Trumpets. Just perfectly!

60 "After two days He will revive us, or give us a revival, bringing us together, the Jews," speaking on these Trumpets now. And He shall... "And we shall live in His sight, or have Eternal Life. See, we'll be in His sight." The Bible said here in Hosea, said, "And we shall live in His sight; Life, have Life in His sight." That's His Own Life, Eternal Life, "have Life in His sight."



26 But now, we will read the 1st verse. I'll read the first two or three verses of it.

And I saw in the right hand of him that set upon a throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals.

And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who's worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under--neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look upon it. (What a book.)

And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. (Now, you speak about unworthiness, not even worthy to look at it: no man, nowhere.)

And one of the elders said unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts,... in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that set upon the throne.

We will pause there for a few moments from the reading of Revelations 5 down to the--including the 7th verse.

29 This seven-sealed Book is revealed at the time of the Seven Thunders of Revelations 10. If you're marking it down... Let's turn to Revelations 10 just a moment, so you'll get a understanding before we get into it. Now, this is at the end time, for listen.

... I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow... upon his head,...

If you notice that's Christ (See?), 'cause He in the Old Testament was called the Angel of the Covenant, and He's directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church is finished. See? All right.

... and his face... as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

You remember that Angel in Revelations 1? Same thing. Angel is a messenger, and He's a Messenger to Israel. See? The Church has been raptured. See? Now, or fixing to be raptured. He comes for His Church.